Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 will be the final season - April 2024 debut


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Season 5
Episodes 6 - 9

I got home this afternoon to do my 10hr break and caught up on these on the Big Screen TV.

The Discovery is still running around looking for the pieces to that alien tech created by the Progenitors from ST:TNG.

We got a bunch of Easter Eggs referencing some of the movies from Star Trek films in the 80s/90s.

The Discovery goes to the Badlands in space that was last seen from “DS9” and “Voyager” to locate the Eternal Gallery and Archive.

One thing that makes no sense with this series at this point, is Discovery jumped 900 years in the future and the Federation still has not figured out how to strengthen the Shields on their ships. HaHa!!!

They copied the MCU depictions of Tony Stark in the Iron Man armor with the Discovery characters inside Breen armor suits.

One episode left to end the series. Looking forward to it.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Season 5
Episode 10 Series Finale

I watched the Series Finale this afternoon at home.

Burnham and Moll make it into the Progenitors technology. Burnham finds out it’s history and a receives a brief introduction on its abilities.

The Discovery does a saucer separation and uses its spore drive in a new way.

We got some insight on who Dr. Kovich is and his true identity which connects him to ST:TNG, DS9 and Enterprise.

The series ends with a 30 year time jump with Burnham/Booker as a married couple with Burnham as the rank of Full Admiral in Star Fleet. We meet their son who is a Captain in StarFleet. We find out Tilly is still an instructor at StarFleet Academy (There is an upcoming spin-off show starring her at the Academy) and she is the longest tenured instructor in its history.

The Discovery is still in service and having its “A” designation removed. It is being sent out into deep space on an unmanned Red Directive mission under control of the Ship’s computer Zora. We discover this officially connects it to “Star Trek: Short Treks” episode Calypso. This makes that short lived series officially canon.

Overall, it was an interesting series, not the best out of the Star Trek series franchise. It will probably be a series that will slowly develop a cult following years in the future as folks rewatch it without focusing of silly agenda nonsense. Star Trek: TOS when it originally aired in the 1960s was not well received and developed a cult following when it went into syndication in the 1970s.

The series ended off for future series/movies with all the surviving characters.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Star Trek: Short Treks


I discovered this series after watching the Series Finale of “Star Trek: Discovery”. I had Googled on something related to what I saw in the Finale episode and stumbled onto this series.

The series had debuted on CBS All Access, which morphed later into Paramount+. It was on for two seasons and episodes had debuted around the time Discovery’s season one and two had debuted.

It’s an anthology series based around characters/events that happened thru-out all the Star Trek projects from ST:TOS to ST Discovery season 2. The series is officially canon based on a scene shown in the series finale of Discovery.

I just finished watching it on Paramount+. Season One has 4 episodes and Season 2 has 6 episodes. Episodes run between 8 to 20 minutes each. Some are live action and some are animated. A number of episodes have characters from the current franchise in live action and in animation. We get some insight on a number of them that has not been revealed in the projects they are from.

If you are a hardcore fan of the Star Trek franchise and enjoy all the content, you will enjoy it, if you are one of those people who like Bitching and Complaining about every Star Trek project that comes out, trust me, don’t waste your time bothering to watch it.





Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To anyone else who forgot about Calypso.
1000 years from that present when Adm Burnham drops discovery off.

It when this star trek short series starts.



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
I dont have high hopes for this show. Might pass on it.

If done right it has potential.

Showing cadets starting out, then they graduate to their own series later.

We see the progression going from a cadet thru the decades to upper rank Admirals.