They actually been doing this for the last couple of weeks now especially on Pluto TV. My favorite TOS: Star Trek wrath of Khan, TNG: First Contact and the reboot from a few years ago the first one
Added to the list of a shit load of TV series I gotta get caught up on.
I need to just be like the other millions of Americans who quit work and hang out all day smoking weed, have sex, watch TV and just Fuck off and live a stress free life.
I can't keep up with this shit. Actually, I don't care enough to. I just wanna know when the new season drops. Also, that captain kirk they got sucks ass. Not to mention he's tryna move on my fantasy girl Christina.
AND, did I just read that DIS is no longer canon? I mean, I get it, lots of it was trash but still - the bobby ewing move?
Deadline reported that Roberto Orci passed away at the age of 51 following a battle with kidney disease. Born and raised in Mexico City, Orci moved to the United States when he was 10. His collaboration with Kurtzman saw him work on projects that generated revenues of more than $3 Billion. The pair began their Star Trek collaboration with the 2009 Star Trek reboot film. Orci was the person behind the creation of the “Kelvin Timeline“, which is the reboot timeline of the Star Trek Universe.