Star Trek Strange New Worlds (Celia Rose Gooding is Cadet Nyota Uhura) renewed for Season 4


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

SNW is a fire show.

Meanwhile, I've been trying to check out Prodigy, and I keep wanting to try and get into Lower Decks, but never really get around to it. When it first came out, it just felt like it was going to be the stupider version of the drama I really wanted to see from the premise. But from what I've heard and read, it is apparently pretty solid. It seems to give off Futurama vibes.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Looking forward to it.

But they need to give time travel a break, if they gonna do it, have them travel to eras post 2023 to their current time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She absolutely torched that episode. Burned it to the fucking ground. A devastatingly brilliant performance. Of course, she needed material to work with so props to the writers and director too. Fantastic episode.
There was one moment for me where it felt like her speech went on for just a hair too long. But it was such a solid argument that I wasn't even mad about it. Like you said, that was some amazingly solid material to work with. For an episode that could have been gimmicky, they really found a way to get to the heart of the matter.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

True, but the all time Star Trek court room drama is
'Wolf in the Fold'
Worst was the trial in Star Trek: Discovery. was really boring.

But Wolf has court room drama, strippers, whores :yes:
and a murdering haunting entity that lives forever.
It was scary :smh:

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The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Season 2
Episode 1 - 2

I was gonna stack up 3 episodes to watch for the 4th of July, but made it home this morning and decided to knock out these two.

Some changes was made to the opening credits scene.

Season picks up right after the end of season 2 with Number One in custody. We got a pretty good visual of Star Base One in orbit around Jupiter with the Enterprise docked to it.

Not gonna spoil it, but the season opener was overloaded with Easter Eggs from the original ST, Deep Space 9 and Discovery. They were all related to what we know from those series. All done pretty well.

Uhura is a now an Ensign.

We are introduced to Spock and his harp.

We learned more of M’Benga and Chapel relationship. And introduced to some type of “Super-Soldier” serum. This might be related to the upcoming “Section 31” series.

Episode 2 was all about Number One, Commander Una’s trial. Episode played out similarly to the classic “The Menagerie” from the original ST. We got a little backstory of her origin.

And it looks like Number One has some lesbian tendencies she is keeping to herself from what we saw with her childhood friend in episode 2.

One thing I have noticed with all these series since the 1990s, is how humans and Vulcan’s love breeding with each other. You don’t see other species mixing it up the way humans/Vulcans do.


Gonna let a few episodes stack up before catching up.
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American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
There was one moment for me where it felt like her speech went on for just a hair too long. But it was such a solid argument that I wasn't even mad about it. Like you said, that was some amazingly solid material to work with. For an episode that could have been gimmicky, they really found a way to get to the heart of the matter.

That's what was so brilliant - she lulled everybody to sleep and came in the backdoor with guns blazing when she dropped the rulebook on 'em.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Season 2
Episodes 3 - 5

Started these this morning.

Episode 3 does the standard routine of doing time travel with them going to the 20th Century. The twist with this episode is they are in a different timeline.

The episode is mainly with La’an and a different timeline Capt. Kirk. It plays out better than expected stuffed with a lot Easter Egg references to the original ST series, movies and tv series.

Episode 4 is a semi-action episode that gives some backstory to plot that came up in the original series “The Menagerie”. It also deals with them cleaning up a prior mistake that violated “The Prime Directive”.

Episode 5 dealt with Spock’s genetics getting altered making his human side more dominant. His mother debut and she looks like she could be his sister. She got a nice set of boobs on her. The episode mainly allowed Ethan Peck to get out of character with Spock trying to adjust to having human emotions.

Spock returns to being Vulcan and lets loose and gets nasty with Nurse Chapel finally.


Gonna let a few episodes stack up again before catching up.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster