Steroids Are Awesome!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For those interested, here are some of the pros and cons of doing AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids).

Keep in mind this dude isn't tryna convince anyone to do AAS cuz he's natty (natural), so his perspective is skewed in that direction. Think of AAS as driving; the slower you drive and the more cautious you are, you're less likely to get into an accident, but you may still end up in one. So, the risks aren't totally mitigated. Also, dr.'s do prescribe TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) for dudes with low Test.

If you decide to partake, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS do your research. Read up in as many bb (bodybuilding) blogs to see what the consensus is, read medical sites (WebMD, etc.) to see what dr.'s say, and most importantly, get blood work done every 6mos to spot and treat any issues ASAP.

Bottom line, keep it moderate and do PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) after your cycle. This gives your body time off of the AAS and allows your endogenous Test to return to normal levels. You'll retain most of your gains.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm trying get my hands on some and I heard peptides were the shit too. Who got the connect?
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Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Man, if I took roids, I would probably be pound-for-pound a strength monster.
I've already been accused of using it based on my lifts and physique.

I'm seriously debating taking creatine (first time) and protein powders despite having a freakish physique without it.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Once I hit 60 in a few decades, Imma seriously look into taking HGH and stem cells.


I joke and I know things
BGOL Investor


鋼鉄の人 - より似たチタン
Platinum Member
i'm a non-steroid user...i've experimented with a few substances like TRT...but I only did a couple cycles before stopping...

...and it definitely worked....I literally had muscles in my armpits...I didn't even know that it was possible to grow muscle there...

but i'm of the opinion...that the reason steroids gets a bad because they are the person that is taking them has NO IDEA what they are injecting...

if they were would be far could get pharmaceutical grade shit with a doctor's prescription....and take them under a doctor's supervision...get your bloodwork done every 3-6 months....get your dosage adjusted...etc..

if you wanna look like a superhuman...or be able to do superhuman are still gonna have to go to the gym and put the work in....

if people feel like they need feel better about themselves...for their mental health...then I say let 'em have it...make it it can be regulated and safer...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If you under 35 or/and haven't had children yet, don't do. You ninjas will probably get your gear without a MD supervising your situation and royaly f-ck yourself up.

To all you 35 and children having mother fuckers, you should probably speak to your doctor.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Been on TRT, not steroids, for a couple of years now due to my testosterone being low. I'm 47 and then, 45, my test was around 300. Ideally its optimal to be around 600 or higher. When I started, it was a self injected shot in my thigh twice a week. Then anther company took over and changed it to one shot per week. I pay $105 per month for a month worth of shots. And $155 every 3 months for labs to ensure blood work is where it is supposed to be. Some insurance will pay or reduce the cost. Most places will take those health visa cards as well.

Was it worth it?

Well, this is tricky. Because when I first started it, I thought it would be the answer to a couple of issues. But since being on it, I've learn to understand my body more to ensure the right dosage for success.

Pros: It does allow you to beast out in the gym. You your muscle growth will increase and you will develop muscles where you couldnt develop before. Your energy level will increase and you will be able to lift more. I went from maxing out on 65lb dumbbells to now being able to push up 100lb dumbbells with no issues. (yes, I do attribute this to TRT)

Libido went up initially and sex was dope. Felt like a youngin again. Didnt have major erection or libido issues before. Most I was good. But occasionally had issues. But TRT reduced those issues. (initially)

Cons: Here's how our bodies are different. Since we are grown men, its important for us to inform each other about things.

- Libido started to wain and had issues with erections. What I didnt know is that your body cannot break down excess testosterone. So the extra test gets converted to estrogen. High estrogen can of course, promote weight gain, depression and sensitive, and erection issues. I couldnt understand what was happening until my blood work came back and showed that my estrogen was higher than normal.

- Blood work: TRT can increase the thickness of your blood. which is measured by your hemocrit levels. My hemocrit levels were higher than normal. And living in the Denver metro area (mile high, high elevation), promotes higher levels. If your hemocrit is waaaaaaay to high, it can promote heart attacks.

All of this was impacting how the TRT was affecting my body. The fix was:

- for estrogen: I take a half of Anastrozole every two weeks (estrogen blocker) to keep my estrogen in place. I initially started @ one pill a week which crashed my estrogen. Low estrogen has just as bad of an effect as high estrogen. My sweet spot is a half a pill every 2 weeks or so. Its a very small pill, but some powerful stuff.

- hemocrit levels: I donate a pint of blood at least twice in between blood tests. One solution to minimize the thickness of your blood is to get rid of it. So I do what they call a, phlebotomy. My TRT clinic offers this service or you can go to a red cross or some where for free.

Now at 47, my testosterone is around 820; Estrogen is mid range which is ideal; and I keep my hemocrit levels at around 48 where as 53 and over is too high. Now, not everyone's bodies are the same. You may take it and have no issues. But for some of us, hormones are a bitch and you have to be able to manage it.

Hope this helps for anyone who is looking to start TRT. I would recommend this to any man getting older and feeling sluggish and tired. Especially someone like me who worked out constantly and still felt not himself. Doesnt matter what anyone tells you. Not all of us are able to keep our testosterone high. Most testosterone starts to reduce the older you get. There are a small percentage of men who's DNA is just phenomenal and they never have to worry about it. But for the large percentage of us, its an issue. All of those testosterone pills and shit may boost you a little bit. But not to where you need it to be.

Lastly, you can take other supplements with it.. I take a high grade fish oil, beet chew, and vinegar pills. I know some who take 5mg daily cialis with it to promote even greater response time. (these are easy to get) And for those looking to lose weight, I know of others who are on TRT and are taking tirzepatide or semaglutide (generic ozempic and wegovy) and lost the weight they needed in a couple of months.

Google TRT therapy near me in your city and you will find clinics that offer this service. Hope this helps
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i'm a non-steroid user...i've experimented with a few substances like TRT...but I only did a couple cycles before stopping...

...and it definitely worked....I literally had muscles in my armpits...I didn't even know that it was possible to grow muscle there...

but i'm of the opinion...that the reason steroids gets a bad because they are the person that is taking them has NO IDEA what they are injecting...

if they were would be far could get pharmaceutical grade shit with a doctor's prescription....and take them under a doctor's supervision...get your bloodwork done every 3-6 months....get your dosage adjusted...etc..

if you wanna look like a superhuman...or be able to do superhuman are still gonna have to go to the gym and put the work in....

if people feel like they need feel better about themselves...for their mental health...then I say let 'em have it...make it it can be regulated and safer...

Been on TRT, not steroids, for a couple of years now due to my testosterone being low. I'm 47 and then, 45, my test was around 300. Ideally its optimal to be around 600 or higher. When I started, it was a self injected shot in my thigh twice a week. Then anther company took over and changed it to one shot per week. I pay $105 per month for a month worth of shots. And $155 every 3 months for labs to ensure blood work is where it is supposed to be. Some insurance will pay or reduce the cost. Most places will take those health visa cards as well.

Was it worth it?

Well, this is tricky. Because when I first started it, I thought it would be the answer to a couple of issues. But since being on it, I've learn to understand my body more to ensure the right dosage for success.

Pros: It does allow you to beast out in the gym. You your muscle growth will increase and you will develop muscles where you couldnt develop before. Your energy level will increase and you will be able to lift more. I went from maxing out on 65lb dumbbells to now being able to push up 100lb dumbbells with no issues. (yes, I do attribute this to TRT)

Libido went up initially and sex was dope. Felt like a youngin again. Didnt have major erection or libido issues before. Most I was good. But occasionally had issues. But TRT reduced those issues. (initially)

Cons: Here's how our bodies are different. Since we are grown men, its important for us to inform each other about things.

- Libido started to wain and had issues with erections. What I didnt know is that your body cannot break down excess testosterone. So the extra test gets converted to estrogen. High estrogen can of course, promote weight gain, depression and sensitive, and erection issues. I couldnt understand what was happening until my blood work came back and showed that my estrogen was higher than normal.

- Blood work: TRT can increase the thickness of your blood. which is measured by your hemocrit levels. My hemocrit levels were higher than normal. And living in the Denver metro area (mile high, high elevation), promotes higher levels. If your hemocrit is waaaaaaay to high, it can promote heart attacks.

All of this was impacting how the TRT was affecting my body. The fix was:

- for estrogen: I take a half of Anastrozole every two weeks (estrogen blocker) to keep my estrogen in place. I initially started @ one pill a week which crashed my estrogen. Low estrogen has just as bad of an effect as high estrogen. My sweet spot is a half a pill every 2 weeks or so. Its a very small pill, but some powerful stuff.

- hemocrit levels: I donate a pint of blood at least twice in between blood tests. One solution to minimize the thickness of your blood is to get rid of it. So I do what they call a, phlebotomy. My TRT clinic offers this service or you can go to a red cross or some where for free.

Now at 47, my testosterone is around 820; Estrogen is mid range which is ideal; and I keep my hemocrit levels at around 48 where as 53 and over is too high. Now, not everyone's bodies are the same. You may take it and have no issues. But for some of us, hormones are a bitch and you have to be able to manage it.

Hope this helps for anyone who is looking to start TRT. I would recommend this to any man getting older and feeling sluggish and tired. Especially someone like me who worked out constantly and still felt not himself. Doesnt matter what anyone tells you. Not all of us are able to keep our testosterone high. Most testosterone starts to reduce the older you get. There are a small percentage of men who's DNA is just phenomenal and they never have to worry about it. But for the large percentage of us, its an issue. All of those testosterone pills and shit may boost you a little bit. But not to where you need it to be.

Lastly, you can take other supplements with it.. I take a high grade fish oil, beet chew, and vinegar pills. I know some who take 5mg daily cialis with it to promote even greater response time. (these are easy to get) And for those looking to lose weight, I know of others who are on TRT and are taking tirzepatide or semaglutide (generic ozempic and wegovy) and lost the weight they needed in a couple of months.

Google TRT therapy near me in your city and you will find clinics that offer this service. Hope this helps
LOL You niggas don't know that TRT (TESTOSTERONE replacement therapy) is steroids?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
LOL You niggas don't know that TRT (TESTOSTERONE replacement therapy) is steroids?
Okie dokie.. So I should be specific. TRT is minimal testosterone for low testosterone.. Not the higher dosage with all of the other additives that steroids has. There you go. :)
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still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
i was a natural bodybuilder for 25 years. i got great gains as long as i ate like an animal and worked out regularly.

a couple of year back i started TRT.

fuck what ANYBODY says, you CANNOT get gains like i got naturally, WITH ZERO fat.

thats the thing, you lose fat while exponentially building muscle. I HAD TO PULL BACK on it, cause i got TOO big.

as for libido, it went thru the roof. blood work is good. etc.

i wouldnt advise doing this until after you hit 45 though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
peptides are bullshit, get yourself a prescription for low testesterone there are doctors that will prescribe over a phone call. 200mg/week is more then enough to get you jacked without sideffects.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Good info. I'm good, almost 60, Testosterones around 620. I read once you start taking stuff like that the body gets too dependant and starts to slow down production of testosterone. Not sure if that's true. Im with you @4 Dimensional. All except all that damn running. My ole as can barely jog.

last week this dog came running past me and this lady was like, can you please help me catch him? I'm saying to myself as I started to attempt to run, beeotch, I can barely walk in this MF let alone run with these raggedy ass knees.


Nikka was like



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Good info. I'm good, almost 60, Testosterones around 620. I read once you start taking stuff like that the body gets too dependant and starts to slow down production of testosterone. Not sure if that's true. Im with you @4 Dimensional. All except all that damn running. My ole as can barely jog.

last week this dog came running past me and this lady was like, can you please help me catch him? I'm saying to myself as I started to attempt to run, beeotch, I can barely walk in this MF let alone run with these raggedy ass knees.


Nikka was like

yes, your body will see that Test coming in from an outside source, and shut down your natural production of T. Hence why your nuts shrink when taking just T without HCG or something similar to prevent the shrinkage. Like Scorp said, that will stop once you 'go off' the Test. but its not a given that your natural production levels will rebound to where they were. and it takes a considerable amount of time to do so (depending on age and how long a person was on TRT). With your age and test levels, you are DOING GREAT brother. You clearly don't need it.