
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Something you need to know about most black people: we are mental slaves to our oppressors. As I’ve said here many times: NFL, NBA, Sneaker brands, restaurants all shit on us and we run right back to em. Jerry Jones and the Cowboys have an INSANE level of black loyalty. After the Kaepernick and Kyrie shit I refused to spend money and haven’t on either league. I don’t buy New Balance, I don’t drink Budweiser (who does) and stop going to Hooters, drinking Yuengling beer. I forget my list sometimes. But WE aren’t gonna stop doing anything that harms us. Stockholm syndrome shit.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Twitter got porn. That's what I went there for long before Elon bought it and that is why I am still there. Any day Elon bans porn from Twitter I will help you build the cross to crucify Elon on and help you catch him.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Twitter is a sight based on content from members. An man oh man are there some naked heaux getting it in on Twitter. I don't go there looking to strike up conversation or exchange political views. I come to BGOL for that. I go there when I see a broad on IG has a link to her Twitter page. Where she's showing you her busting it out so you know her OnlyFans is fire. It's a part my daily journeys across these inter-webs. Albeit I do wish I could block Elon. I detest the sight of his punchable face.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Twitter got porn. That's what I went there for long before Elon bought it and that is why I am still there. Any day Elon bans porn from Twitter I will help you build the cross to crucify Elon on and help you catch him.

That's what I'm thinking. There's Hella bad hoes on there.

@Dr. Truth how bout if we just don't buy teslas or use that satellite thingy?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Something you need to know about most black people: we are mental slaves to our oppressors. As I’ve said here many times: NFL, NBA, Sneaker brands, restaurants all shit on us and we run right back to em. Jerry Jones and the Cowboys have an INSANE level of black loyalty. After the Kaepernick and Kyrie shit I refused to spend money and haven’t on either league. I don’t buy New Balance, I don’t drink Budweiser (who does) and stop going to Hooters, drinking Yuengling beer. I forget my list sometimes. But WE aren’t gonna stop doing anything that harms us. Stockholm syndrome shit.
Latins voted for a president that threw paper towel at their own people during a hurricane.. Asian women love white men the same white men that dropped two atomic bombs on their continent.. there are Jewish people that own Mercedes Benz the same company that made war machines during WW2 that helped slaughter their people. I can go on with people supporting their oppressors. Hell your ancestors will say they were forced to work for cacs and yet in 2024 and prior yrs there's a bunch of ways of making money without working for a white company yet you "choose" to do so. They would go at least don't work for the white man no more but here you are

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
I have been saying the links should be blocked on BGOL.
Same, especially in all the sports related threads. It's hard to engage in conversation when most of the page looks like a Twitter page.

The old days of postin' pics & talking shit are over. It's easier to re-tweet other people's opinions. :dunno:

Even if HNIC blocked twitter, I doubt those posters would go back to using their words. They'd most likely just move on to other forums where they can continue to re-tweet every think, opinion, or joke that came up in their twitter feed. :dunno:

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
HNIC don't block the racist trolls, why would he block Twitter?

We have the ignore option and it works marvelously. I tried it out on a few members for a while. I no longer have anyone on ignore. That was years ago, as the experiment proved successful.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady

Twitter is a sight based on content from members. An man oh man are there some naked heaux getting it in on Twitter. I don't go there looking to strike up conversation or exchange political views. I come to BGOL for that. I go there when I see a broad on IG has a link to her Twitter page. Where she's showing you her busting it out so you know her OnlyFans is fire. It's a part my daily journeys across these inter-webs. Albeit I do wish I could block Elon. I detest the sight of his punchable face.
They have porn and chicks on reddit and inetagram. Da3k an posted a link the other day to blue eky for those that want to leave fwitter.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Negroes here in the DMV drive Teslas as if they were free in Elon's emancipation....I just smh
Facts! :lol:Those ugl’ass Tesla trucks are all OVER Atlanta. Big ass rims, customs wraps, glow in the dark. I swear we choose to be the most misinformed group. I see him in music vidoes, everything. We will never awaken from this slumber. No group gives away their power like we do. Fuck Elon & Twitter. If you buy a Tesla after last week you are superior coon.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Facts! :lol:Those ugl’ass Tesla trucks are all OVER Atlanta. Big ass rims, customs wraps, glow in the dark. I swear we choose to be the most misinformed group. I see him in music vidoes, everything. We will never awaken from this slumber. No group gives away their power like we do. Fuck Elon & Twitter. If you buy a Tesla after last week you are superior coon.
Shit before last week


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Alot of people have left Twitter and moved over to BlueSky.
I heard about it, do you like it compared to twitter?