Stop saving these heaux if you gonna crying like a bitch when your turn is done.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He just was ILL INFORMED... you see chicks got a chick network, and dudes dont

have a dude network, so lots of knowledge gaps amongst many dudes when dealing with the

female species..

you see a real G wouldve told him, understand when you are dealing with them NEVER go by what they say,

always go by what they DO, they will SAY ANYTHING in the MOMENT and actually mean it, but they are fickle as fuck

and could change their whole paradigm at the blink of an eye,

where he fucked up is not understanding ALL BABY MAMAs with their BABY BIOLOGICAL fathers STILL

in the picture.... unless the break up was extreme, 99 percent of the time, the baby pops is having...

LIFE TIME ACCESS to that BOX bruh... I dont care what she tells you....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He learned tho
He's young enough
And can take care of himself
So just stack and take care of you for a little bit champ
This. My senior year in high school I thought I met the one. She was pretty, fine, and hood rich. She was my first, but I didn't know she was from the streets. After I found out about multiple of ninjas she been with during our relationship, I broke it off with her. One of the hardest things I did. It was a blessing in disguised, because I married a chick who was a better catch than her.


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
So in one thread where a woman kinda felt threatened, but not really, all men are potentially a predator, but in this thread when a woman is actively engaging in negative predatory behavior, niggas I. The thread like "suck it up" or "stop crying like a bitch", "lame ass dude". What happened to empathy here? Where's the "You have to see it from their perspective" or "until women do better, it'll be "All women". All I ask is stay consistent.


Rising Star
Platinum Member