At least this show safe for the time being..
I'm calling Bullshit. No they don't. Let's compare Marvel Universe (the handbook) that actually attempts to explain their powers and tech, based on some "science". Not only are the bios less outrages, the science is sound enough based on their universe.
Then go read DC's "Who's Who". They don't explain shit. It's almost like a 4 year old wrote it. And this is just one example
I agree and disagree with you. While I don't need real world explanations for superhero/ villain powers, DC was too vague. I am almost 56 and didn't know that Aquaman had strength comparable to Namor until I was in my 30's. Been reading comics since I was 5.
Yet you're in this thread. Superhero movies is geek territory whether you read comics or not. Pot meet kettle
..and it's gotten stale l filled with bad humor and all of their character designs/costumes have the same militaristic themes and are over designed. Same murky purply tones in most of their films. Same 3 act st ucture with ends with the hero facing a faceless CGI army. Outside of black panther and Spiderman fuck MCU because they ruined just about every other franchise besides those two.We're talking plots and story lines. One is indestructible and pretty much hides behind glasses at work. It takes a lot to make his stories interesting because he has very few weaknesses. The other guy is a genius athlete that runs around with NO POWERS (which is cool) but is pretty much written like's he's Superman too. Give him prep-time and he can fall from space and still survive.
We aren't arguing who's more iconic. We are talking plots. All or MOST of DC's characters are archaic white male fever dreams. Fake cities and powers that make NO SENSE. lol
A dude that can run fast, that is tricked by mirrors and Ice. A chick that is basically the female superman (I'll admit she's more interesting than the other two)
Expect to see this bald ninja fight Superman, YET AGAIN in another film
WHICH ONES? Up until NOW, they only produce 2 character's movies (and that was most of my life) - Superman and Batman...Superman and Batman....Superman...and BATMAN...(Now finally?) Wonder Woman. First movie was cool..second hot trash....Hell when they TRIED TO DO a GREEN LANTERN film it fell into the dirt it was so bad.
Hell NOBODY even knows who the rest of DC's characters are because they've done such a shit job of promoting them on film. And their back stories are BADLY written...Corny shit.
Tv Shows...Titans started off good, puttered out.
STAR GIRL? a chick with a staff (that makes no sense) and her partner...STRIPSEY........the fuq? This is what you consider better plots????????....a nigga name "STRIPSEY"? Then he makes his car into Robot S.T.R.I.P.E....
No engineering that we can speak of...just does it.
Green Arrow...a dude dressed like Robin Hood, shooting arrows in the age of automatic a green waaaaaay better written in the comics than this dude with a handlebar mustache dressed like Gumby.
The reason Marvel wins is that they at least tried to base their characters in reality. SOMEWHAT....
..and it's gotten stale l filled with bad humor and all of their character designs/costumes have the same militaristic themes and are over designed. Same murky purply tones in most of their films. Same 3 act st ucture with ends with the hero facing a faceless CGI army. Outside of black panther and Spiderman fuck MCU because they ruined just about every other franchise besides those two.
Marvel sucks especially nowadays their comics are ass and filled with weird shit.i look at marvel now the way I looked at dc when I was a kid back in the 80s when I was an outsider and didn't understand.Well...damn....I agree with you there. DC still sucks
Marvel sucks especially nowadays their comics are ass and filled with weird shit.i look at marvel now the way I looked at dc when I was a kid back in the 80s when I was an outsider and didn't understand.
CasualYet you're in this thread. Superhero movies is geek territory whether you read comics or not. Pot meet kettle
You're speaking as an artist and a heavy comic head.
Just go basic: Superman. Batman. Really the argument ends there. Not even Wolverine and Spider-Man are this iconic.
The Joker. Green Lantern. The Flash. Add on Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, The Superfriends/Justice League, Two-Face, (and really anybody they put into Batman: TAS). DC has the best characters to work with.
Marvel has done masterful, iconic story-telling and universe building with less great material.
they never got DC right
so here it is.. better late than never..
man that dude wasn't all that as superman
just average
Wonder Woman 84 was so bad we wont see Wonder Woman until 2030... lol
The only movie that caught my eye is "The Authority", gotta see how they are going to pull this one off. The only way this is going to work is if he hijacks talent from Disney/Marvel.
You must be young to say something like that.
Us “Old Heads” are appreciating what comes out.
I’m 52 years old. I was 8 years old when Christopher Reeve Superman debuted. That shit was like Fuckin’ Porn to a 8 year old sitting in a theater watching it.
Prior to that, all I had was TV’s “Spider-Man”, “Incredible Hulk” and “Wonder Woman”. Along with the 1960s “Batman” series and the movie they did that got shown around Thanksgiving break.
The 1980s we basically didn’t get anything.
When Tim Burton did “Batman” dropped in 1989, that sparked the flame on how to do a proper superhero film thru the 90s which we didn’t get that much.
Once Disney got ahold of Marvel in 2007. We finally got a lot of content.
I gotta pour out a little liquor tonight for all the old school comic heads who read books back in the 1950s thru 1970s who are no longer here.
What is coming out today from Marvel/DC is what they dreamed of.