Superman to hit theaters July 11, 2025, marking the start of the DCU - Batman movie THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD/Superman | Official Teaser Trailer


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It definitely looks like James Gunn is going in a completely different direction from what people expect with this film.

Curious to see what he does, looking forward to it.


And I think this is exactly what needed to be done by Gunn.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not one for getting hyped about trailers and teasers and teasers of trailers, but things look solid enough at the moment.

Some people were talking about how Guy isn't wearing a standard GL outfit. I'm wondering if a good chunk of the heroes we saw aren't a part of The Terrifics (a team that Mr. Terrific put together). Guy and Hawkgirl seem to be wearing the same colors as Terrific.

I don't have the time, energy, or desire to deep dive, but color me "cautiously optimistic".