Superman to hit theaters July 11, 2025, marking the start of the DCU - Batman movie THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD/Superman | Official Teaser Trailer

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady

Dont forget otis will be in this movie also but i dont thing he will be a bumbling oaf like in the Christopher Reeves bersion he wil prolly be head of luthors security like in young justice. I wonder if luthors a bodyguard and chauffeur Mercy graves will be in this flick also.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Dont forget otis will be in this movie also but i dont thing he will be a bumbling oaf like in the Christopher Reeves bersion he wil prolly be head of luthors security like in young justice. I wonder if luthors a bodyguard and chauffeur Mercy graves will be in this flick also.

Will he refer to Lex as Mister Lu-Thor..? :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady

You have to wonder how he was ever chosen. To become a la tern . He's an A-hole and he also suffers from multiple personality disorder and one of his personalities is a pacifist lol. He should make for an amusing character.
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