Superman to hit theaters July 11, 2025, marking the start of the DCU - Batman movie THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD/Superman | Official Teaser Trailer

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady

Good. Keep the motif fantastical that way movie goers can tell the difference between dcu batman and Matt Reeves else worlds. Superheoes home towns in the dc universe are fictional and have their own look and personalities l. Metropolis mis a huhe coty even though iwas hoping they weas going for a world of the future motif like in the 90s animated series. Dcu gothsm should feel dark and gothic with certain architecture like gargoyle statues etc. its should look and feel like its own city instead of looking like the real world chicago like the nolan and matt Reeves films.