Supreme Court Weakens Protections Against Unconstitutional Police Stops


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I have a feeling police are going to be seriously abusing this: Illegal stops followed by warrant searches in the hopes they catch someone...

Oh, and I LOVE Justice Sotomayor. That is all.

The 5-3 decision prompts a sharp rebuke from Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who writes that those targeted by police “warn us that no one can breathe in this atmosphere.”


WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday made it easier for police to get evidence admitted in a prosecution even if that evidence was obtained after an unconstitutional stop.

In a 5-3 decision, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the court that the drugs and paraphernalia found by a Utah police officer on Edward Strieff after an unconstitutional stop are admissible because police found that there was an arrest warrant outstanding for Strieff and that warrant “attenuated the connection between the unlawful stop and the evidence seized.”

The decision was a reversal of the Utah Supreme Court’s decision tossing out the evidence under the Fourth Amendment’s so-called “exclusionary rule,” which holds that evidence obtained illegally cannot be admitted at trial.

This case, Thomas wrote, was an example of the “attenuation doctrine” exception to that rule — in other words, where something happens after the illegal stop that renders the evidence admissible. Here, Thomas wrote, it was the fact that police found that there was an outstanding warrant for Strieff’s arrest.

“The discovery of that warrant broke the causal chain between the unconstitutional stop and the discovery of evidence by compelling Officer Douglas Fackrell to arrest Strieff,” Thomas wrote. “And, it is especially significant that there is no evidence that Officer Fackrell’s illegal stop reflected flagrantly unlawful police misconduct.”

Thomas was joined in the majority by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito and Anthony Kennedy — but also with Justice Stephen Breyer. With an eight-justice court, at least one of the four more liberal members needs to join with the conservatives in order to muster a majority opinion in a case divided along those ideological lines. This is the first 5-3 decision since Justice Antonin Scalia’s death in which one of the four more liberal justices did so.

Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan dissented from the opinion, with Sotomayor and Kagan both penning dissents.

After detailing the reasoning of the Utah Supreme Court for tossing out the evidence, Sotomayor, joined by Ginsburg, wrote, “To the Court, the fact that a warrant gives an officer cause to arrest a person severs the connection between illegal policing and the resulting discovery of evidence.”

Calling this a “remarkable proposition,” she continued, characterizing the court’s decision as such: “The mere existence of a warrant not only gives an officer legal cause to arrest and search a person, it also forgives an officer who, with no knowledge of the warrant at all, unlawfully stops that person on a whim or hunch.”

Kagan, also joined by Ginsburg, took aim at the majority’s characterization of the police conduct in the case.

“[F]ar from a Barney Fife-type mishap, Fackrell’s seizure of Strieff was a calculated decision, taken with so little justification that the State has never tried to defend its legality,” she wrote, concluding that the court’s decision “practically invites” police to stop people without reasonable suspicion and then check to see if they have an outstanding warrant as a means of making any evidence found admissible.

Sotomayor also, however, wrote for several pages only on behalf of herself, detailing how she saw the decision as part of a larger policing problem.

Writing that “unlawful ‘stops’ have severe consequences much greater than the inconvenience suggested by the name,” Sotomayor wrote, “This Court has given officers an array of instruments to probe and examine you. When we condone officers’ use of these devices without adequate cause, we give them reason to target pedestrians in an arbitrary manner. We also risk treating members of our communities as second-class citizens.”

Noting that the case involved a suspicionless stop, Sotomayor wrote, “it is no secret that people of color are disproportionate victims of this type of scrutiny,” citing Michelle Alexander’s 2010 book, The New Jim Crow. Detailing “the talk” that “black and brown parents have given their children,” the result of “fear of how an officer with a gun will react to them,” Sotomayor cites a century of famed black books: W.E.B. Du Bois’ The Souls of Black Folk, James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time, and Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me.

The court, she wrote, “says that your body is subject to invasion while courts excuse the violation of your rights. It implies that you are not a citizen of a democracy but the subject of a carceral state, just waiting to be cataloged.”

Sotomayor, a native of New York City, concluded with what appeared to be a reference to the “I Can’t Breathe” mantra from Black Lives Matter and related protests in the wake of Eric Garner’s death at the hands of police in New York City:



Transnational Member
Don't have an arrest warrant or provide any justification for the police to stop you.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Don't have an arrest warrant or provide any justification for the police to stop you.

With the ruling they have, it enables police to make illegal stops, and use it against you if you happen to have an arrest warrant. Normally if they do an illegal stop and you do happen to have something you shouldn't have, it's not admissible. So now there is the potential to use this as a tool to do a harass people because the illegal stop becomes justified if the person has a warrant.


Transnational Member
When a judge issues a bench warrant, this ruling will give it more force. The judiciary branch is expanding it powers more than helping the police.

They ruled on the right side with affirmative action which is more important.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
So if you don't have a warrant can you sue the pigs for the illegal search? Seems the illegal search is only valid if a warrant is discovered.


Transnational Member
So if you don't have a warrant can you sue the pigs for the illegal search? Seems the illegal search is only valid if a warrant is discovered.

This guy who brought the case may be able to sue the police but the evidence seized is admissible in court. I don't see an epidemic of illegal stops by police.

You don't show up for court or pay our fines, we will fuck you up if we find anything.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
With the ruling they have, it enables police to make illegal stops, and use it against you if you happen to have an arrest warrant. Normally if they do an illegal stop and you do happen to have something you shouldn't have, it's not admissible. So now there is the potential to use this as a tool to do a harass people because the illegal stop becomes justified if the person has a warrant.


AND, as Justice Sotomayor so correctly noted:

“unlawful ‘stops’ have severe consequences much greater than the inconvenience suggested by the name,” . . . “This Court has given officers an array of instruments to probe and examine you. When we condone officers’ use of these devices without adequate cause, we give them reason to target pedestrians in an arbitrary manner. We also risk treating members of our communities as second-class citizens.”


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
This guy who brought the case may be able to sue the police but the evidence seized is admissible in court. I don't see an epidemic of illegal stops by police.

You don't show up for court or pay our fines, we will fuck you up if we find anything.
It just sounds like a HUGE gamble. If the pigs don't find anything, it's a fucking illegal search. So they have to take a huge risk by gambling that the person has a warrant. Even if you guess right 50 percent of the time, the other 50 percent will have law suits.


Superstar *****
BGOL Investor

The article below, it is the most "important" and informative journalism that I've read this 3rd quarter of 2016.
Take 5 minutes out of your life to read it.

Thousands and thousands and probably hundreds-of-thousands of individuals here in the U.S. have felony convictions for alleged MINUTE
—(some samples were as large as a few crumbs of bread) —
Possession of illegal drugs that are based on cheap $2 - $5 dollar drug testing kits.

These convictions which are produced by prosecutors threatening defendants with years of jail time, and then getting them to plea bargain for a lesser sentence, permanently ruin peoples lives as it pertains to employment opportunities, eligibility for housing, personal relationships, etc.

Now it is coming to light via prosecutors setting up Conviction Integrity Units (CIU) that


The Drug Test that the police officer used when arresting these individuals was 100% BOGUS

As you will read in the article thousands of drug "felons" are being sent letters telling them that they were convicted IN ERROR
BUT the letter does not automatically expunge your record.....and......many of the wrongfully convicted individuals can not be immediately contacted because their last address on record is no longer valid.


Take 5 minutes out of your life to read this journalism;
The U.S.A. "war on drugs" is just a convenient way for prosecutors to easily get convictions while criminalizing with permanent felony convictions hundreds of thousands of individuals, disproportionately Black.


How a $2 Roadside Drug Test

Sends Innocent People to Jail

Widespread evidence shows that these tests routinely

produce false positives. Why are police departments
and prosecutors across the country still using them?


JULY 7, 2016


59% of the Houston defendants in drug arrests involving false positives were black



Transnational Member
Drivers licenses were for a time when all an officer had was a radio. They needed to create a hard to duplicate document created by the government to prove your identity. Many of these documents can be forged.

Now we have 4G or 5G networks that can instantly download a person picture to their computer terminal or tablet. You can provide your ID number. We have phones that use your fingerprints to unlock instantly which could be used to identify people. We have facial recognition with 97%+ accuracy. An officer can simply walk up with a camera chained around their neck, command that you keep your hands on your wheel.

If you are caught speeding an email can be dispatched instantly with the ticket information. No need to pull you over which the government can use as a pretext to charge you with other crimes. If you have a busted tail light, and email that you provide can go out that you must acknowledge. The police pulled you over in the past because they had to radio and look at your drivers license so a traffic stop was necessary.

This is another example of government being slow to make changes costing us billions in costs to hire extra police to make these inefficient traffic stops.

The whole idea behind traffic stops is antiquated, I posted this in the Philando sticky. The government is using traffic stops as a pretext to search for and charge you with other crimes. A person can identify himself as the primary driver, have a ticket link emailed to his account.
