Tech Biz: Amazon delivery driver quits mid-shift, abandons truck and packages


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Amazon delivery driver quits mid-shift, abandons truck and packages
By Vincent Barone
July 2, 2020 | 5:42pm | Updated

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He didn’t give a truck about his job anymore.

A Michigan Amazon delivery driver quit mid-shift this week — ditching a truck full of packages behind.

“I quit amazon f–k that driving s–t i left the van on 12 mile and Southfield y’all can have that bitch and it’s full of gas wit the keys in the IGNITION,” Derick Lancaster, 22, wrote in a stunning tweet Monday that had racked up more than 26,500 retweets by Thursday afternoon.

Lancaster said that he was frustrated with the grueling work and long hours for barely minimum wage, but he that he regrets how he handled his rather unconventional resignation, local ABC affiliate WXYZ-TV reported.

“It was immature and irresponsible on my end. At the same time enough is enough,” Lancaster told the station after abandoning his delivery van in a Detroit suburb.

Amazon drivers across the country have long complained of poor working conditions, a ProPublica investigation revealed last year.

The e-commerce giant also drew complaints from factory workers nationwide this year over their handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
Lancaster said he would deliver more than 100 packages over the course of a 12-hour shift for about $15.50 an hour. He was constantly under pressure to deliver packages faster, he said.

“It was days I had to deliver 158, 212, and it just kept going up and up,” he said.

Missing his sister’s birthday party was the final straw that primed Lancaster to quit.

“She was real upset with me,” he told the station. “There is no set schedule.”

Since his viral resignation, Lancaster has inspired both admiration and scorn online — viewed as a working-class hero to some and wildly irresponsible to others who criticized him for inviting people to take others’ property.

Amazon faces another NYC warehouse strike as dozens of workers have coronavirus

“I can’t imagine how selfish someone has to be to abandon a van full of other people’s property,” one person on Twitter wrote. “This is not OK.”
But another added, “That’s some funny s–t though. Way to stick it to Jeff Bezos.”

Lancaster has kept his spirits high though, joking on Twitter about the press he’s gotten and defending himself against backlash he’s received.
“Why is white people so mad at me ?” Lancaster tweeted as he invoked the response to the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd and Charleston, South Carolina church shooting in 2015.

“[Y]’all wasn’t mad when that officer was stepping on bro neck , i don’t think y’all was mad when that white n—- shot up the church killing them black people but y’all mad that a n—- quit his job ?”

Amazon assured it was “taking appropriate action,” but did not offer any elaboration.

“This does not reflect the high standards we have for delivery partners,” Amazon said in a statement.

“We are taking this matter seriously, and have investigated the matter and are taking appropriate action.”
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Amazon driver fed up with long hours and 'making 200-300 stops a day for $15.50 per hour' quits mid-shift and abandons his van at a gas station with the keys in the ignition
  • Derick Lancaster, of Michigan, quit his Amazon delivery job mid-shift on Monday
  • Lancaster wrote on Twitter that he abandoned the van and left keys in ignition
  • During an interview after he quit, the 22-year-old said he was fed-up with 'making 200-300 stops a day' and working early morning to late-night shifts
PUBLISHED: 17:31 EDT, 1 July 2020 | UPDATED: 08:36 EDT, 2 July 2020

Derick Lancaster (pictured), 22, of Michigan, quit his Amazon delivery job mid-shift on Monday and abandoned the van with the keys in the ignition because he was fed up with the company's long hours

A 22-year-old Michigan man quit his Amazon delivery job mid-shift on Monday and abandoned the van with the keys in the ignition because he was fed up with working long hours and delivering hundreds of packages a day for just $15.50 per hour.

Derick Lancaster shared on Twitter that he left the package-filled van at a gas station in Detroit and used a rideshare car to get home.
'I quit amazon f**k that driving sh*t i left the van on 12 mile and Southfield y'all can have that b**ch and it's full of gas wit the keys in the IGNITION,' Lancaster tweeted Monday afternoon.

Lancaster told The Detroit News that he had been working for the company five months before he called it quits due to the long shifts.
'I was making 200-300 stops a day, and I just couldn't do it anymore,' he said.

'I was working from 9 in the morning to about 10 at night, and I couldn't do it anymore.'

Lancaster said that he first started out as a warehouse worker, before transitioning into delivery.

He said while working in the warehouse, he was being paid well, but 'you work for every penny when you're delivering'.

Lancaster, who was based out of Amazon's Hazel Park station, explained to the Detroit News that warehouse workers have a set schedule, but delivery drivers can't go home until all of their packages have made it to their destinations.

Lancaster said that he had been working for the company five months before he called it quits due to the long shifts. 'I was making 200-300 stops a day, and I just couldn't do it anymore,' he said. 'I was working from 9 in the morning to about 10 at night, and I couldn't do it anymore'

'I quit amazon f**k that driving sh*t i left the van on 12 mile and Southfield y'all can have that b**ch and it's full of gas wit the keys in the IGNITION,' Lancaster tweeted Monday afternoon

He told WXYZ that he is paid $15.50 per hour to deliver sometimes hundreds of packages.
'It was days I had to deliver 158, 212, and it just kept going up and up,' he said.

During the interview, Lancaster said that he wasn't worried about customers being upset about their packages, saying: 'They’re going to get them regardless.'

He did say that he's not sure if the van was returned to Amazon, but says it likely wasn't stolen because the company has 'trackers on the trucks, so it’s not like someone could just take off with it'.
Employees at the gas station where Lancaster reportedly left the van said they weren't aware of it being abandoned.
In a statement, Amazon said that Lancaster's behavior 'does not reflect the high standards we have for delivery partners'.

Employees at the gas station where Lancaster reportedly left the van (pictured) said they weren't aware of it being abandoned. Lancaster tweeted this image with the caption: 'At a marathon come get this b**ch'

'We are taking this matter seriously, and have investigated the matter and are taking appropriate action.'

Lancaster did admit that what he did was 'immature and irresponsible on my end', but at the same time, 'enough is enough'.

Since the coronavirus pandemic, Amazon has repeatedly come under fire for what former employees have called 'unsafe' working conditions.
During the first three months of the pandemic spreading across the US beginning mid-March, employees who spoke out about alleged unsafe conditions were sacked by the company.

Tech worker Emily Cunningham was one of a number of employees fired after criticizing Amazon.

Maren Costa, Bashir Mohamed and Christian Smalls were all also let go after raising health and safety concerns.

One of the sacked Amazon whistleblowers has said staff are at continued risk of COVID-19 because it is impossible for them to socially distance in warehouses.

This is likely still a concern particularly in states where cases have recently spiked.

States like Florida, Texas and California have seen their coronavirus cases climb significantly within the last week, prompting the states to reverse their reopening schedule and close bars and restaurants.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
he didn't have an idea of what the job entailed before he took it? how much is he making now?

From what I read, he started with certain expectations, and managers kept upping the inventory he had to deliver.

Not to mention you can't leave clock out until all your packages are delivered. If the expectation was ~100 then they up it to 200-300 packages. That's wild.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
he didn't have an idea of what the job entailed before he took it? how much is he making now?
Bro, these jobs don't give a fuk about you. He said it went from expecting him to do a hundred packages a day to over 200

And they we're going to keep adding more and more and more. That's how businesses make money they press the fuck out of you stressing the fuck out of you while paying you little to nothing


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro, these jobs don't give a fuk about you. He said it went from expecting him to do a hundred packages a day to over 200

And they we're going to keep adding more and more and more. That's how businesses make money they press the fuck out of you stressing the fuck out of you while paying you little to nothing

You got that right bruh!! They work the fuck outta the workers and then act like $15.50 is $35!! 15 is a lot when the minimum wage is $7.. I'm sure those managers throw that minimum wage in those drivers face everytime they want a raise or have a bitch how the job is coming along..

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
IMO, LAZY motherfuckas don't know what hard work is and don't know how to do it.
Motherfuckas wanna start at the TOP and get paid TOP dollar
You want more money should've stayed in SCHOOL

THIS is hard work and they ain't getting no where NEAR 15 bucks and hour
i'm sure they'll take his job in a SECOND


waking people up
BGOL Investor
uh quit like normal people do. yall saying good for him but the manner he left that job wont help his future. you can always leave if you dont like it. get your skills up for something better. immigrants will gladly do it. attention whoring to social media was not a good look and makes work ethic look questionable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
IMO, LAZY motherfuckas don't know what hard work is and don't know how to do it.
Motherfuckas wanna start at the TOP and get paid TOP dollar
You want more money should've stayed in SCHOOL

THIS is hard work and they ain't getting no where NEAR 15 bucks and hour
i'm sure they'll take his job in a SECOND


But cats will come in here justifying this because they hate Bezos and rich people in general


Rising Star
Platinum Member
“It was days I had to deliver 158, 212, and it just kept going up and up,” he said.
"Missing his sister’s birthday party was the final straw that primed Lancaster to quit."
“She was real upset with me,” he told the station. “There is no set schedule.”

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
uh quit like normal people do. yall saying good for him but the manner he left that job wont help his future. you can always leave if you dont like it. get your skills up for something better. immigrants will gladly do it. attention whoring to social media was not a good look and makes work ethic look questionable.
I agree. That was some immature shit what he did.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You got that right bruh!! They work the fuck outta the workers and then act like $15.50 is $35!! 15 is a lot when the minimum wage is $7.. I'm sure those managers throw that minimum wage in those drivers face everytime they want a raise or have a bitch how the job is coming along..

I hate to sound cruel but, unless we're talking about college kids working their way thru school....i kinda can't hear anything else.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck my sister...I'm all about my dough..brah

Bruh I love all my family members especially moms and pops


When it comes to my life choices fuck dat shit...

I got a few homies now ...

In miserable situations because they trying to still please their parents...

Mad at a knigga because I won't be dat knigga his wife be hatin because her husband never home..

Im like thats you bruh you got to deal with your wife's wrath..

Don't get mad at me because you can't fuck hoes Willy nilly...

I ain't tryin to have a family just so my parents could brag...

Life is so much sweeter when you know your self

And act accordingly...


Rising Star
Nigga quit how he quit. He grown thats his prerogative. And please let's stop with the "oh well immigrants will do that shit."

There ain't a got damn job in America that an immigrant will do that Americans won't do. The problem is the pay. These companies operate using the slave model. They don't want to pay folks shit.

Matter of fact most Americans are underpaid. And the way we compensate is run down to Walmart to buy cheap ass shit.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The kid is only 22 years old. If the vehicle and parcels inside are ok, I think he'll be fine. Even if some of that shit comes up missing, so what? Some white women have to wait a couple more days for another pair of yoga pants. :dunno:

He himself said it was immature and irresponsible which it was. Being upset at missing a party-especially in the midst of this pandemic, shows his maturity level isn't that high, but I don't think any long-term issues will arise from it. I'm sure everyone on this board had it all figured out at 22 tho'.

I guess I just see this is as being similar to walking off any entry level job- not a big deal, another worker bee will pick up right where he left off.

I don't think the kid is lazy. he said he's been doing this shit for 5 months - they are just pushing him harder and harder. I daresay if ANY of us who work a 9-5 had our workload more than double, WE would have something to say about it as well. Some of us might even be motivated to seek employment elsewhere. (although I'm sure we would all be much more professional about it)

BGOL Investor
IMO, LAZY motherfuckas don't know what hard work is and don't know how to do it.
Motherfuckas wanna start at the TOP and get paid TOP dollar
You want more money should've stayed in SCHOOL

THIS is hard work and they ain't getting no where NEAR 15 bucks and hour
i'm sure they'll take his job in a SECOND



Rising Star
Platinum Member
well, how much did he need to invest to earn that 15.50/hr relative to a doctor making $200/hr?
Yous one pocket watching muthafucka.
Bro, these jobs don't give a fuk about you. He said it went from expecting him to do a hundred packages a day to over 200

And they we're going to keep adding more and more and more. That's how businesses make money they press the fuck out of you stressing the fuck out of you while paying you little to nothing
Man he 22. Working hourly. Stop bitching and get money. Nigga tapped out after 5 months of driving a air conditioned truck!? And quit on social media by abandoning hard working people's property!? That's ho shit man.
Fuck my sister...I'm all about my dough..brah
He missed his sister party.. He sound like a bitch. He bout to see how hard it is to make that 15hr and 23hr overtime in Michigan at 22 with no degree.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga quit how he quit. He grown thats his prerogative. And please let's stop with the "oh well immigrants will do that shit."

There ain't a got damn job in America that an immigrant will do that Americans won't do. The problem is the pay. These companies operate using the slave model. They don't want to pay folks shit.

Matter of fact most Americans are underpaid. And the way we compensate is run down to Walmart to buy cheap ass shit.
Man I needed this laugh


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I only read a small amount of this. We will never really know all of what he was going thru. There are certain realities that these devils will kill to keep hide. There was a time before some new world order came down that we were ourselves. We know for a fact that the devils running things are about greed and dominating. It is not really a secret. But they are devils and it is Satan's world until it change. You work hard and make good money then you spend it Whiteley or they take it back if it is not really your money. I am talking about the world being programmed to live off of borrowed energy. That is why devils rule, their genes are unnatural. The world's best kept secret is that our health is our only real wealth. Anything else is borrowed including our lives. There was a time when their were no rulers because everybody had control of self and was in their right mind. This white reality we was born in was designed to keep life in the garden of eden from ever coming back. And to keep blacks away from how they use to live and their true history and their true identity.
By the dude leaving the truck it got some attention of others. The people who have stuff on the truck that they ordered may be upset. And leaving the key in the ignition. Wow that was something else. Certain people would have came by and saw this it would have been like their birthday gift.


Rising Star
OG Investor
You got that right bruh!! They work the fuck outta the workers and then act like $15.50 is $35!! 15 is a lot when the minimum wage is $7.. I'm sure those managers throw that minimum wage in those drivers face everytime they want a raise or have a bitch how the job is coming along..

$15hr is not a lot of money, and is less after taxes. These companies greed is out of control. They have turned to fucking with the employees pockets as a means to increasing profit margins. They are constantly moving that profit goal up every year, enough is never enough. But these idiots fail to realize that the workers are who supports the economy. If they are not paid enough, who will buy their products or services?


Rising Star
OG Investor
Nigga quit how he quit. He grown thats his prerogative. And please let's stop with the "oh well immigrants will do that shit."

There ain't a got damn job in America that an immigrant will do that Americans won't do. The problem is the pay. These companies operate using the slave model. They don't want to pay folks shit.

Matter of fact most Americans are underpaid. And the way we compensate is run down to Walmart to buy cheap ass shit.

I saw this post after I dropped mine. This is on point. Have you noticed an increase in the amount of dollar general stores?
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Rising Star
I don't know if Amazon does this but they should offer some sort of incentives after a certain amount of packages are delivered.
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