Teen bestiality suspect caught by own dad and sister allegedly flipped out and punched an inmate who mocked him with donkey sounds behind bars

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor

An 18-year-old in Georgia has been in jail for two months, reportedly after his own father and sister told authorities of the alleged sexual assault of a donkey and a bestiality offense against the family dog, a Great Dane. Apparently others in the Monroe County jailhouse got wind of the particulars of the case.

Jason Weir was hit with a new misdemeanor battery charge after following another inmate into a jail cell and punching him for mocking him with donkey sounds, local ABC affiliate WSB-TV reported.

The story so far is that an inmate who was aware of the particulars of the case against Weir started making donkey sounds, which set off the defendant to such an extent that he allegedly followed the inmate into a jail cell, attacked him by hitting him in the eye and ear, and then subsequently blamed the flare-up on the mocking noises.

The report said that the inmate didn’t fight back as the enraged bestiality suspect allegedly escalated the verbal altercation to a criminal battery offense.

When Weir was arrested in May, his own family members said that he was caught with his pants down in the yard outside their home attempting to have sex with their male Great Dane, named Freedom, according to the Montgomery County Reporter.

“He’s 18 now and should know better,” Weir’s family reportedly said of the situation.

The family members, including the defendant’s sister, reportedly became suspicious when Weir took the Great Dane on a walk but didn’t come back to the house right away. Weir, for his part, allegedly tried to explain his pants being down by blaming the dog for knocking him over as the defendant went to the bathroom.

In Georgia, bestiality is a felony punishable by at least a year and up to five years behind bars upon conviction


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Uuuuhhhhh.... donkey??? GREAT DANE????

Cops??? That muthafucka needs some ol school electric

shock treatment...a straight jacket, and white room...

then he finds some lil bed wench and BOOM the hood

is infected!!!!

Im so glad I choose my pussy wisely... I PEE FREELY

no pimples or bumps or pus EVER!!!

and no BECKYS EVER!!!!!!

and that makes them sad!!! lol