Texas woman’s tongue certified as world’s widest at almost 8 cm across. BGOLIANS ASSEMBLE!!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

A woman from Texas, USA, has been verified to have the world’s widest tongue (female).
Brittany Lacayo’s tongue measures 7.90 cm (3.11 in) at its widest point – that’s wider than a hockey puck and almost as wide as a credit card.
Her tongue is 2.5 cm (1 in) wider than it is long, when measuring length from the tip to the middle of the closed top lip.
In fact, 7.90 cm is the exact same size as the average length of a woman’s entire tongue when measured from the epiglottis (a flap of cartilage behind the tongue).

This record hadn’t been broken for 10 years until now – the previous holder was Emily Schlenker (USA), who took the title as a teenager with a tongue 7.33 cm (2.89 in) wide.
Brittany, who works as an attorney, has always known that she possesses an exceptionally large licker – she said her family would often joke about it when she was a young child.
Brittany sticking tongue out

However, she never considered the possibility that hers could be the widest in the entire world.
That changed when her best friend sent her a video of Emily Schlenker, which inspired Brittany to measure her own tongue.

“Shock” and “curiosity” are the main reactions Brittany receives when people see her tongue for the first time.
She hasn’t ever shown it to her colleagues, nor has she told them about her record, but she’ll no longer be able to bite her tongue now that we’ve announced it. “It is neat and kind of funny,” she admitted.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
She asks you to eat her pussy.

You start lickin’ ... she starts laughin’ and says - “What kind of weak shit is that?!”

You leave and think - “I’ve gotta stop messing with these Steroid Tongue heaux ...”