That wasn’t a jump that was a train


Rising Star
OG Investor
Bruh, ducks are gangsta as fuck.

I was going to a job one day.and the ducks had the road opposite my durection blocked and wouldn't let the vehicle through. So in my mind I was like "HA sucks for you bastid", and i started making my way past the vehicle and the ducks. It was about 6 of them fuckera and 2 of them was pacing back and forth quacking at the blocked vehicle. So I started rolling then one of the ducks saw me and jumped in front of my vehicle, quacking at it and wouldn't let me pass. 2 lane back road no service lane, them fucks had both sides blocked. 10mins later that mofo went a little too far to the left. I caught that mofo off guard, saw a little space and floored it.

God's Gift

The best of the majority of you niggas.
BGOL Investor
If you know ducks.... That wasn't a fight.

The cuckold duck had green on his head... That was Bullet.

The 2 white ducks... One was fuckin... That was the bully, and Vic Robe was cheering him on. The humans fucked up the tag, and Vic moved just a bit and bullet duck was able to squeeze in just a bit.

That allowed an escape from the curb, and she broke free but Bullet was only play resisting while the bull white ducks chased Ms.Bullet to finally get the lead out.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bruh, ducks are gangsta as fuck.

I was going to a job one day.and the ducks had the road opposite my durection blocked and wouldn't let the vehicle through. So in my mind I was like "HA sucks for you bastid", and i started making my way past the vehicle and the ducks. It was about 6 of them fuckera and 2 of them was pacing back and forth quacking at the blocked vehicle. So I started rolling then one of the ducks saw me and jumped in front of my vehicle, quacking at it and wouldn't let me pass. 2 lane back road no service lane, them fucks had both sides blocked. 10mins later that mofo went a little too far to the left. I caught that mofo off guard, saw a little space and floored it.
Ducks don’t like Kia’s