The hoes are descending on Tampa


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
People are going to do whatever fuck they want to.

“As long as I’m good, fuck everything else” mentality.
Been like that b4 covid will be like that after covid

theres people on this board that sniff coke, pop pills, drink lean, drive drunk, fuck unknown pussy raw.. all those things can kill them but that don’t stop none of those people from doing it .. the diff is nobody is praying they die from making them decisions.. yet some of these bad choices people are making with covid got nigs wishing sickness and death on them.. some of them same people wishing death on them are the same people that indulge in shit that can kill them.. yet if people push that same negative energy on them like they do with them covid rule breakers they’d have a problem with it.. humans have and will always make bad choices that can cause them and others harm you just hope negative shit dosent happens to them.. but all this negative energy towards some need to calm the fuck down.. cause negative energy can come back towards you

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Been like that b4 covid will be like that after covid


theres people on this board that sniff coke, pop pills, drink lean, drive drunk, fuck unknown pussy raw.. all those things can kill them but that don’t stop none of those people from doing it ..


the diff is nobody is praying they die from making them decisions..


yet some of these bad choices people are making with covid got nigs wishing sickness and death on them..

I understand why, though. It's anger and frustration.

some of them same people wishing death on them are the same people that indulge in shit that can kill them.. yet if people push that same negative energy on them like they do with them covid rule breakers they’d have a problem with it..

There is a difference between indulging in shit that can kill you versus indulging in shit that can kill you and others, especially the innocent.

humans have and will always make bad choices that can cause them and others harm you just hope negative shit dosent happens to them..

Circumstances matters here, greatly. Bad choices are exactly what they are, bad choices. I have zero issues with those that make bad choices that solely affect the one that made the bad choice. I take big issue when a bad choice affects others that has nothing to do with that bad choice.

but all this negative energy towards some need to calm the fuck down.. cause negative energy can come back towards you

Maybe :dunno:

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
That's a $40 hoe. Da Walsh ain't never gave a fuck about what happens to a $40 hoe bruh. :smh: Now if she bring that Rona back to Grandma Jenkins then that's real fucked up.



Rising Star
Been like that b4 covid will be like that after covid

theres people on this board that sniff coke, pop pills, drink lean, drive drunk, fuck unknown pussy raw.. all those things can kill them but that don’t stop none of those people from doing it .. the diff is nobody is praying they die from making them decisions.. yet some of these bad choices people are making with covid got nigs wishing sickness and death on them.. some of them same people wishing death on them are the same people that indulge in shit that can kill them.. yet if people push that same negative energy on them like they do with them covid rule breakers they’d have a problem with it.. humans have and will always make bad choices that can cause them and others harm you just hope negative shit dosent happens to them.. but all this negative energy towards some need to calm the fuck down.. cause negative energy can come back towards you
No Tall, this is flawed. I can fuck some strange coochie and snort coke out of it too because that is a choice that does not affect society at large.

If willingly go into spaces where I'm likely to catch a widespread virus and im doing so against country wide rules during a pandemic, then yes i wouldn't be shocked at people wishing death on me. Especially if I'm pasing said virus to the young and elderly.
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Rising Star
There is a difference between indulging in shit that can kill you versus indulging in shit that can kill you and others, especially the innocent.
Circumstances matters here, greatly. Bad choices are exactly what they are, bad choices. I have zero issues with those that make bad choices that solely affect the one that made the bad choice. I take big issue when a bad choice affects others that has nothing to do with that bad choice.
And anything else is just semantics.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Florida is wide open. These hoes said f da rona, they gotta get paid. Lol!!
Florida and atl been wide open.. lot of broads from all over going out there.. heard Detroit looking nice to
Atl and Miami seem to be the spots if IG is anything to go by...Atl looking like "COVID? Whats that?" based off them IG stories

Man ATLANTA never shut down, soon as the city closed the clubs, people started opening up underground clubs, private parties, block parties and houseparties opened
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Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
A lot of those weaved up, dented ass having, last dollar spending on a ticket / gas to Tampa hoes about to come up short... Because outta town negroes gonna be hypnotized by all those long haired, freshly contured phat ass having, phone sex voice sounding Cubans, Venezuelans, Dominicans, and Colombians that ain't scared to come through the hood spots and snatch up bags.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity
BGOL Investor
This SB is going to be the ultimate super spreader event. It’s been a minute since I’ve been to Tampa but they got nice strip clubs all over the city. Not just the square shit on Dale Mabry (the same rd the stadium is on lol). But there were some nice spots off Nebraska, Westshore, and Alamo stretching all the way out to Brandon. They even got a nudist colony dead smack in the city off ‘Bearass’ Ave (that’s how it’s really spelled on the interstate signs lol) And that’s just Tampa. America is DOOMED. lol
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Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
let em have at it.
i aint been to a strip club since covid hit


Can honestly tell you, I've been soo bored during this COVID shit that one night I drove up to the spot, and had a real conversation with myself about how stupid the shit I was contemplating doing really was... So I just watched a couple phat asses walk into work, and went home. Had to rebuke Satan that night! LOL



Rising Star
Also wtf kind of logic is that? I didn't catch it yesterday so that mean I can't catch it tomorrow? I haven't caught it yet, I must be immune?

This the shit i be talking bout
There was an article in the Times a week + back about the relationship between Trump and Fauci. Trump is basically BGOL when it comes to this shit :smh: :lol:

And the other thing that made me really concerned was, it was clear that he was getting input from people who were calling him up, I don’t know who, people he knew from business, saying, “Hey, I heard about this drug, isn’t it great?” or, “Boy, this convalescent plasma is really phenomenal.” And I would try to, you know, calmly explain that you find out if something works by doing an appropriate clinical trial; you get the information, you give it a peer review. And he’d say, “Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this stuff really works.”

He would take just as seriously their opinion — based on no data, just anecdote — that something might really be important.
It wasn’t just hydroxychloroquine, it was a variety of alternative-medicine-type approaches. It was always, “A guy called me up, a friend of mine from blah, blah, blah.” That’s when my anxiety started to escalate.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
There was an article in the Times a week + back about the relationship between Trump and Fauci. Trump is basically BGOL when it comes to this shit :smh: :lol:

And the other thing that made me really concerned was, it was clear that he was getting input from people who were calling him up, I don’t know who, people he knew from business, saying, “Hey, I heard about this drug, isn’t it great?” or, “Boy, this convalescent plasma is really phenomenal.” And I would try to, you know, calmly explain that you find out if something works by doing an appropriate clinical trial; you get the information, you give it a peer review. And he’d say, “Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this stuff really works.”

He would take just as seriously their opinion — based on no data, just anecdote — that something might really be important.
It wasn’t just hydroxychloroquine, it was a variety of alternative-medicine-type approaches. It was always, “A guy called me up, a friend of mine from blah, blah, blah.” That’s when my anxiety started to escalate.
Some of these niggas are exactly trumpian in their approach to the thing