THE LEGEND BEHIND "HOMEYWORKS" *Exclusive* 3-5-25 ***(An On-Going Saga)***


ArtMusikPhoto mod, word!
BGOL Investor
Before I begin, just wanna say, wow, almost 21 years (my mind keeps thinking 22----same difference I suppose, lol!)

I dunno even where to begin on this amazing journey through the
forums, boredoms, and certain decorum(s) on my 2nd home of artistic., sig-worthy greatness!

Feel free to post any questions
(please keep it civil, no drama) about me, my background, how I got started, etc. The questions are endless, but please, be respectful. PLEASE.

The Homey is back. 2025 ain't gonna be the same. Sig-masters world-wide, take heed...

Peace, love, respect, and mad blessings,

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