The Memphis Police Department has terminated five black police officers that brutally beat Tyre NicholsUPDATE-$550M LAWSUIT AGAINST MEMPHIS & COPS


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Disclaimer: yes, I did a search for the brothers name and Memphis..... if it was already posted, fuck the OP and not using any relevant info in the post or just posting a link

Memphis man's death after traffic stop sparks protests and investigations of police

Protests broke out near a police station in Memphis, Tennessee, over the weekend, as community members called for the release of body camera footage recorded during a traffic stop earlier this month that directly preceded the death of Tyre D. Nichols. Family, friends and supporters of Nichols, a 29-year-old Black man from Memphis, released balloons to honor his life on Saturday, while protests took place near the site of the traffic stop.

On Jan. 7, Nichols was arrested after officers stopped him for reckless driving, according to authorities, who said later that a confrontation occurred as officers approached him, and Nichols subsequently ran from the scene. They have also referenced another "confrontation" between Nichols and the responding officers before he was ultimately caught and arrested.

"Afterward, the suspect complained of having a shortness of breath, at which time an ambulance was called," and Nichols was taken to a hospital in critical condition, police said. On Tuesday, he "succumbed to his injuries," the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation reported last week without describing the nature of those injuries.

The state agency is conducting an independent investigation into the use of force by Memphis police officers involved in Nichols' arrest. The probe came at the request of Shelby County District Attorney General Steve Mulroy, bureau officials announced, noting that police contacted Mulroy's office due to the severity of Nichols' condition.

While the state investigation is underway, authorities at the Memphis Police Department said they are taking "swift and deliberate action to maintain transparency, accountability, public trust, and legitimacy amongst our community." The department is conducting its own internal administrative investigation into potential policy violations by the officers who arrested Nichols, and expects that the process will be completed by the end of this week, the Memphis Police Department said in a news release issued on Sunday.

"After reviewing various sources of information involving this incident, I have found that it is necessary to take immediate and appropriate action," Memphis Police Chief CJ Davis said in a statement included in the release. "Today, the department is serving notice to the officers involved of the impending administrative actions."

"Make no doubt, we take departmental violations very seriously and, while we must complete the investigation process, it is our top priority to ensure that swift justice is served," said Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland in another statement about the investigations. "We want citizens to know that we are prepared to take immediate and appropriate actions based on what the findings determine."

Rodney Wells, Nichols' stepfather, told CBS affiliate station WREG-TV on Saturday that his stepson ended up suffering a cardiac arrest and kidney failure because of a beating by officers.

"When we got to the hospital, it was devastating," Wells said. "All of that still should not occur because of a traffic stop. You shouldn't be on a dialysis machine looking like this because of a traffic stop. That's inhumane."

Protesters said authorities should release body camera footage of the arrest.

"The least they can do is be transparent with the mother, father and the family and show that video to them about what happened to their son," community activist Kareem Ali told WMC-TV.

Nichols' older sister, Keyana Dixon, said during the balloon release that the officers who pulled Nichols over were in an unmarked vehicle, according to The Commercial Appeal.

"If he did run, it was because he was scared," Dixon said. "A traffic stop is supposed to be a traffic stop for anybody, and they were in an unmarked vehicle, so I already knew what he thought."

The newspaper said it couldn't independently confirm the details described by family. The Memphis Police Department referred questions to the state bureau, which said it was still investigating.

Tyre Nichols case: Memphis man's death after traffic stop sparks protest, investigations of police - CBS News
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why they releasing it next week? They think that shit going to be on the pop charts? Transparency!


Rising Star


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I knew about this last week a friend was telling me about this and it's bad cause they beat the shit outta that guy.

Memphis is like majority black and you would think,but a pig'lice is still a pig no matter his race.

they also are charging two cac ambulance drivers are being charged for murder after treating a black man terrible and placing him where in a position face down where he sufficated to death.

A lot of going on but for some reason the media isn't on it til weeks later as if they don't want people to know.....


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
2 Memphis Firefighters 'relieved of duty' for involvement in Tyre Nichols traffic stop

Two Memphis Firefighters involved in the initial care of 29-year-old Tyre Nichols after the Jan. 7 traffic stop were "relieved of duty" pending the outcome of an internal investigation, a department spokeswoman said Monday.

Qwanesha Ward, the public information officer for the department, declined to give more information on the firefighters or whether the have been suspended or dismissed, citing the ongoing nature of the investigation.

Nichols died Jan. 10, three days after being stopped by Memphis Police officers, who described a confrontation with Nichols after the stop. The traffic stop prompted a "use of force" investigation by the Shelby County District Attorney's Office.

Five Memphis Police officers were fired on Friday and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the FBI are investigating Nichols' death and the circumstances of the traffic stop.

Video of the traffic stop has not been made public by Memphis Police. Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy said Monday that video could be released later this week or next week.

Family members of Nichols, after seeing the police video on Monday, described it as "horrific."

"No father or mother should have to see that,” Nichols' father, Rodney Wells said.
memphis firefighters investigated for role in tyre nichols death (

Darth Furious

Platinum Member

This came on today in the break room and even the whiteys in there were confused like wait… WHAT? WHY? And of course all the whiteys in there look right at me to gauge my reaction. The one lady says screw it, I’ll say it - this is WORST than George Floyd.

Why would FIVE black cops beat a black kid to death?

I just shrugged. They aint black I said. THEY BLUE.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man speaking of this. My wife’s cousin a cop in PG. he’s young but i could see him slipping away at Turkey day this year.

This why I don’t see black cops any different than cac cops.
It’s sad man. I never wish bad luck on anyone, but this nigga here pulled me over on some stupid shit one time saying my car looked like a car in a bank robbery and another time yelled, “this bitch ass nigga asking for his license, I should lock his bitch ass up for asking” after they found weed on my homeboy in my car.
Look what ended up happening to him.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
This came on today in the break room and even the whiteys in there were confused like wait… WHAT? WHY? And of course all the whiteys in there look right at me to gauge my reaction. The one lady says screw it, I’ll say it - this is WORST than George Floyd.

Why would FIVE black cops beat a black kid to death?

I just shrugged. They aint black I said. THEY BLUE.


Time literally froze for them at that moment



Rising Star
It’s sad man. I never wish bad luck on anyone, but this nigga here pulled me over on some stupid shit one time saying my car looked like a car in a bank robbery and another time yelled, “this bitch ass nigga asking for his license, I should lock his bitch ass up for asking” after they found weed on my homeboy in my car.
Look what ended up happening to him.
Wtf man

so buddy was gay?


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Federal prosecutor set to speak on Tyre Nichols, Black man who died after police arrest

The US Attorney overseeing the federal civil rights investigation into the death of Tyre Nichols said he will brief reporters at 10:30 a.m. ET to offer a statement about the investigation.

Nichols, a 29-year-old Black man, died three days after a January 7 confrontation with police during a traffic stop in Memphis, Tennessee. He had been pulled over for alleged reckless driving by Memphis officers, police said, and after his arrest complained of shortness of breath and was taken to a local hospital in critical condition.

Since then, the Memphis Police Department fired five officers, all of whom are Black, for violating policies on excessive use of force, duty to intervene and duty to render aid, the department said.

Federal prosecutor set to speak on Tyre Nichols, Black man who died after police arrest - KESQ