The Mexican Cartel / Government is telling on Everybody? Did your favorite politicians sell guns to the Cartels??


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
This is old news to some but these videos say a lot.

But this ain't small fry news. They just arrested a man who ain't never been arrested in 50 years.

These people were embedded in Mexico with the Cartels during the last few Presidential administrations.

Somebody sold guns to the Cartels. Those guns where used to take over the drug trade in American cities.

All those guns didn't come from Russia.

Too Fast, Too Furious. Somebody tell Tyrese to yell nooooooo!!! Ohhhh lawwwwwwd!!!!

No they didn't. Sell guns to the Cartels. Oh, yes they did!! Now that the DEA is kicked out of Mexico, it looks like the Salsa dance between the US and Mexico has turned sour.

It sucks. They killed a lot of Black people with those guns. My gangstas in LA can attest to that.

Trust me. This info ain't easy to get. Somebody big in Mexico wants this to get out.






So much snitching going on, even the Devil is in hiding right now!!!


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Mexico ain't just taking bout Aliens, no mo!!

If the Alien bodies ain't get cha ......

.......they bout to talk about some Gumzzzzzz.

That your politicals sold to them!!!

Toooooo Fast ......

.........too Furious!!!!!

Vin Diesel been to Mexico gun running....

......Tyrese yelling loud trying to sell something.........

.....(Ludacris rhymes n shit).....

Too fast...... too Furious...



Transnational Member
Speaking of guns, I need to get some. There are a lot of people with listening and comprehension problems.

Some of these peons are even bold enough to tell you what to do and threaten violence against you, and they are serious as hell. No praying and trying to reason with these people will work.

They want to drag me into some time wasting conflict with their low level peon self. I am already stuck in some low car accident nonsense wasting my time. They think you wanna spend all day with them. I have watched the police dispatch these fools with a quickness. There's no amount of help that you can provide to them.
There are many people with learning disabilities, that pose a danger to you.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is old news to some but these videos say a lot.

But this ain't small fry news. They just arrested a man who ain't never been arrested in 50 years.

These people were embedded in Mexico with the Cartels during the last few Presidential administrations.

Somebody sold guns to the Cartels. Those guns where used to take over the drug trade in American cities.

All those guns didn't come from Russia.

Too Fast, Too Furious. Somebody tell Tyrese to yell nooooooo!!! Ohhhh lawwwwwwd!!!!

No they didn't. Sell guns to the Cartels. Oh, yes they did!! Now that the DEA is kicked out of Mexico, it looks like the Salsa dance between the US and Mexico has turned sour.

It sucks. They killed a lot of Black people with those guns. My gangstas in LA can attest to that.

Trust me. This info ain't easy to get. Somebody big in Mexico wants this to get out.






So much snitching going on, even the Devil is in hiding right now!!!

Yea well speaking of gangstas in LA, the fucked up shit is, all gang leaders are

MASONS... and they all have to ultimately go to paleface for resources..

gang gang lost before they started with that protocol......

shit is going to change, when man... listen... I cant say too much because I dont

want to jinx shit.. but Im just gonna say..

Everything is in diving ORDER and just make sure, you are making

the right choices in your life... if you are moving closer to nature... then you winning..

you moving closer to overly compensated weirdos in lab coats.. well..

good luck with that shit


Transnational Member

I had some white fool show up with some official looking document accusing me of crimes and that I was now his slave property.

Luckily, I had a handgun with me which I brandished towards him. It looks like he had some learning disability and mental health issues.

Anybody talking slave talk toward me such as taking my work or performing work for free, will end up in a body bag without a second thought.

We need to have the same fire power like the cartels to ensure that we don't go back to where we came from, which can happen pretty easy based on what I am seeing. Don't expect some document professing your freedom will protect you.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch

I had some white fool show up with some official looking document accusing me of crimes and that I was now his slave property.

Luckily, I had a handgun with me which I brandished towards him. It looks like he had some learning disability and mental health issues.

Anybody talking slave talk toward me such as taking my work or performing work for free, will end up in a body bag without a second thought.

We need to have the same fire power like the cartels to ensure that we don't go back to where we came from, which can happen pretty easy based on what I am seeing. Don't expect some document professing your freedom will protect you.
It doesn't help that the government supplied weapons to Cartels that use them against you.

Can't even go to the Army surplus and pick up a Tank for cheap. Gotta pay full price while other countries get the shit for free.

Must be nice. Not for us. But for them. But maybe one day for us. God willing..... someday .....but probably not.