The Passion Of The Christ 2: Mel Gibson is bringing back white Jesus for the sequel


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Mel Gibson is bringing back that original flavor Jesus for The Passion Of The Christ 2


In a move that, we can’t help pointing out, was pretty clearly cribbed from this summer’s Justice League, star Jim Caviezel has confirmed that his Jesus Christ will be back for The Passion Of The Christ 2, even though he totally died in the first one. Caviezel—who’s currently gearing up for a different Christian epic set in the same era, Paul, Apostle Of Christ—has confirmed that he’ll be returning as Jesus in Mel Gibson’s follow-up to his 2004 religious blockbuster.

Gibson announced the proposed sequel back in 2016, at least in part as an effort to capitalize on the recent rise of niche Christian film-making projects. (Which were, in turn, presaged by the success of the first Passion, which mobilized churchgoers en masse to hit the theaters.) Caviezel, at least, seems hyped for Gibson’s project, telling USA Today, “I won’t tell you how he’s going to go about it. But I’ll tell you this much, the film he’s going to do is going to be the biggest film in history. It’s that good.” (Which might, in turn, be the first instance of pop culture hubris in which someone declared that Jesus was bigger than anything else, rather than the other way around.)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
what fucking sequel white jesus was resurrected in the first joint no need for a sequel


Rising Star
The first one was AMAZING, Life Changing!!! Most realistic depiction yet IMO... I'm definitely front and center for this one opening night! :yes:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I hope u get raped by a pack of *******. Lol will never forget that fool said that shit. Not a gang but a "pack"

My bad if I broke a rule by spelling out the N word Mods. Thanks for the correction.


Rising Star
I hope u get raped by a pack of *******. Lol will never forget that fool said that shit. Not a gang but a "pack"

Wow Bruh, you could get banned around here for typing out that word and you doubled down on it too!?!?! You better hope the Mods didn't see you typed out that word twice or nobody snitched or you may bet banned. You should delete those posts man, before the mods see them and ban you.... :smh:


Rising Star
If only that patronising comment was as half as funny as your fat ass thinks you are.
Meant every word Bruh... I'm good on you Dude... I know my limits, and I'm not fucking with you like that. I'm just gonna have to accept it, it is what it is...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
So ummm...

I LOVE how this dude made a come back

after spewing racist anti Semitic rhetoric he learned from his dad

but that knee?

got all those MAGA fools STILL shook crying during the anthem

these white folk a trip