the people v. derek fisher - a flowchart of ignorance


BGOL Investor
the fakers lost to the houston rockets yesterday. the houston rockets' starting PG, aaron brooks, had a productive scoring night, dropping 34 points on 60% shooting.

upset fakers fans started up the scapegoating machine, and immediately called for derek fisher's head. after all, derek fisher is the starting PG for the fakers, so of course it must've been derek fisher's fault that aaron brooks scored so much, right?

but they didn't stop there. they made insinuations that 34 year old derek fisher is too slow, too long-in-the-tooth to stop aaron brooks.

and the illogical progression continued. if derek fisher is too old, then surely one of the younger fakers guards would match up better. bench derek fisher and insert jordan farmar or shannon brown!

ignorant fakers fans were wrong on ALL counts.

1) PG v. PG: derek fisher played 20 minutes in G4. aaron brooks played 39 minutes in G4. fail.

2) of the FGs that aaron brooks did score directly against derek fisher, only 1 (possibly 2) of them was earned due to aaron brooks' speed/quickness advantage over derek fisher. derek fisher's age or perceived lack of speed was otherwise a non factor.

3) aaron brooks' earned MORE FGs due to his speed/quickness against the younger fakers defenders, jordan farmar and shannon brown. in fact, aaron brooks, kyle lowry and von wafer all scored MORE FGs due to their speed/quickness when matched up against the YOUNGER fakers players.

note to fakers fans who want to actually understand basketball: when derek fisher is on the floor, coach adelman LOVES to abuse him with screen roll plays that will rub him off the houston ball handler. it's a sign of a GOOD defender, when the opponents must use a screen to get their man free.

when the younger fakers guards are on the floor, coach adelman doesn't need to use screen roll so much, because the houston rockets' PGs can break fakers defenders down with quickness INSTEAD OF using picks. guess what that means?


Potential Star
good observation. fish is a very solid ball player, I still think him alone is not enough to handle a rockets back court when their yesterday, and hopefully tues.


International Member
Moron, your statistics are not correct, Fisher not being able to guard Brooks, is causing our defense to collapse, and making other players bring defensive help, leaving other players open. Theres no statistic for that jackass. He's too slow to go over, or even under the pick and roll, and is getting torched. He's even gettin torched without a pick and roll.

Additionally, he's shot is struggling, and since he's pretty much known as the anti-guard, being only able to shoot, he has no distrubution skills as a point guard, and no athleticism to take it to the hole. Thus his presence is useless on the court. He's not even spreading the floor for Kobe anymore, as he cant hit an open 3.


Potential Star
The Lakers Troubles run much deeper than derek fisher. the talent is there but this is the weakest 60 win team the lakers have ever sent to the playoffs
a good consistent defensive effort does not come easily to this team.


Potential Star
OG Investor
The one constant thing in basketball is defense. When you shots are not falling, good defense can keep you in the game. Driving the ball to the basket can help you halt scoring droughts by shooting more freethrows. The Lakers have to produce a better effort on the defense end. Lebron and the Cavs bring it in defense every game. That is why they are 7-0 in the playoffs thus far.


BGOL Investor
Moron, your statistics are not correct, Fisher not being able to guard Brooks, is causing our defense to collapse, and making other players bring defensive help, leaving other players open.


i swear HNIC better pay me double this month.

tell me what "statistic" do you disagree with. better yet, what "statistic" did i cite?

simple m.f.s from BGOL trolling SPORTS board now. good, maybe you might learn something.

share with us, for example, which of aaron brooks' 6 FGs came from derek fisher not being able to guard him?

give us the quarter and time. ( i won't hold my breath, fucking imbecile)

Theres no statistic for that jackass. He's too slow to go over, or even under the pick and roll, and is getting torched. He's even gettin torched without a pick and roll.


HNIC is very tolerant to let you non-basketball playing m.f.s on here.

tell me, dumb shit, how do you go over a pick when it is a back screen? do you even know what a back screen is?

and when houston uses a lateral screen, who is making the fundamental mistake on D? the big man who is supposed to hedge, or derek fisher?

he's shot is struggling, and since he's pretty much known as the anti-guard, being only able to shoot, he has no distrubution skills as a point guard, and no athleticism to take it to the hole. Thus his presence is useless on the court. He's not even spreading the floor for Kobe anymore, as he cant hit an open 3.

you cakeboys can't even stay on point for 1 post.

when did i discuss derek fisher's O in this thread? but you want to run off topic.



BGOL Investor
The Lakers Troubles run much deeper than derek fisher. the talent is there but this is the weakest 60 win team the lakers have ever sent to the playoffs.

the 60 win record was a result of the WORSTern conference perpetually being a weak conference where the above average teams can regularly pad their stats with tomato can matchups. so the 60 win season was not surprising. you've been around long enough to know that i've been expecting minimum 50 win seasons from the fakers for the past several seasons.

another peculiar result of the current indictment of derek fisher's defensive abilities (or perceived lack thereof) is that nobody mentions the ZERO D that was played by tobe. aaron brooks had what, 7 points in Q1, while shane battier had 11?


BGOL Investor
The Lakers have to produce a better effort on the defense end.

absolutely. and in G4, jordan farmar (half court alley oop from ron artest with 0.7?) and shannon brown did not produce a better effort. contrary to popular (but foolish) opinion.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
the 60 win record was a result of the WORSTern conference perpetually being a weak conference where the above average teams can regularly pad their stats with tomato can matchups. so the 60 win season was not surprising. you've been around long enough to know that i've been expecting minimum 50 win seasons from the fakers for the past several seasons.

another peculiar result of the current indictment of derek fisher's defensive abilities (or perceived lack thereof) is that nobody mentions the ZERO D that was played by tobe. aaron brooks had what, 7 points in Q1, while shane battier had 11?

:lol::lol::lol::lol:I knew it was coming.... Why didn't you respond to my last comment in that Lakers/Rockets thread, like i said i wasn't surprised


BGOL Investor
Why didn't you respond to my last comment in that Lakers/Rockets thread, like i said i wasn't surprised

2 reasons.

1) let's get something straight. in the past, you've admitted to stalking my threads. i don't stalk anyone's threads.

2) i don't bookmark threads. so once it's off the first couple pages, i'm not gonna see another post until someone bumps the thread back up to the top.

still nothing to say about derek fisher's D? like i said, i wasn't surprised.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
2 reasons.

1) let's get something straight. in the past, you've admitted to stalking my threads. i don't stalk anyone's threads.

2) i don't bookmark threads. so once it's off the first couple pages, i'm not gonna see another post until someone bumps the thread back up to the top.

still nothing to say about derek fisher's D? like i said, i wasn't surprised.

Mann even a blind man can see this is a "bait" thread, i knew and everyone else knew a certain name was gonna be mentioned by you soon.

:lol::lol::lol:@ just because you always run out of answers you feel like you are being stalked


:lol::lol::lol::lol:I knew it was coming.... Why didn't you respond to my last comment in that Lakers/Rockets thread, like i said i wasn't surprised

:lol::lol: But seriously though, Shane battier Sparked the Houston's Offense and everybody else followed his lead. Battier had 23 Points:smh: somebody was sleeping on defense


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Battier had 23 Points:smh: somebody was sleeping on defense

yao ming had 28 in game 1 and artest had 21. Artest scores 25 in game 2. Lets look at Battiers scoring: Game 1 - 6pts, Game 2 - 6 pts, Game 3 - 6pts.
So Battier finally has a good scoring game in game 4, and who's to blame? Why wasnt anyone blamed for yao and rons numbers? I guess no one was sleeping during those games right? Oh but wait, i got the answer, all of rons and yaos points came from a certain player blowing their defensive assignment. Yeah, thats it.


Sight beyond sight
OG Investor
the fakers lost to the houston rockets yesterday. the houston rockets' starting PG, aaron brooks, had a productive scoring night, dropping 34 points on 60% shooting.

upset fakers fans started up the scapegoating machine, and immediately called for derek fisher's head. after all, derek fisher is the starting PG for the fakers, so of course it must've been derek fisher's fault that aaron brooks scored so much, right?

but they didn't stop there. they made insinuations that 34 year old derek fisher is too slow, too long-in-the-tooth to stop aaron brooks.

and the illogical progression continued. if derek fisher is too old, then surely one of the younger fakers guards would match up better. bench derek fisher and insert jordan farmar or shannon brown!

ignorant fakers fans were wrong on ALL counts.

1) PG v. PG: derek fisher played 20 minutes in G4. aaron brooks played 39 minutes in G4. fail.

2) of the FGs that aaron brooks did score directly against derek fisher, only 1 (possibly 2) of them was earned due to aaron brooks' speed/quickness advantage over derek fisher. derek fisher's age or perceived lack of speed was otherwise a non factor.

3) aaron brooks' earned MORE FGs due to his speed/quickness against the younger fakers defenders, jordan farmar and shannon brown. in fact, aaron brooks, kyle lowry and von wafer all scored MORE FGs due to their speed/quickness when matched up against the YOUNGER fakers players.

note to fakers fans who want to actually understand basketball: when derek fisher is on the floor, coach adelman LOVES to abuse him with screen roll plays that will rub him off the houston ball handler. it's a sign of a GOOD defender, when the opponents must use a screen to get their man free.

when the younger fakers guards are on the floor, coach adelman doesn't need to use screen roll so much, because the houston rockets' PGs can break fakers defenders down with quickness INSTEAD OF using picks. guess what that means?
do you get paid to talk shit about the lakers?


BGOL Investor
:lol: @ the emo "dudes" who feel frustrated because they can't conveniently dump on derek fisher.

guess james worthy is a hater because he said the same things i did.

who knew he was such a fakers hater.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Maybe it had something to do with the Lakers shooting guard cheating defensively and leaving his man open to knock down all those threes.

Also, Van Gundy brought up a good point. The Lakers have a soft front court. Yeah Fisher was getting burned, but once you got past the defender, you are pretty much guaranteed a layup or a dunk. They have no shot blockers.

A team with athletes can beat the Lakers if they force them to chase you and not settle into the half court where size works to their advantage.


Potential Star
The one constant thing in basketball is defense. When you shots are not falling, good defense can keep you in the game. Driving the ball to the basket can help you halt scoring droughts by shooting more freethrows. The Lakers have to produce a better effort on the defense end. Lebron and the Cavs bring it in defense every game. That is why they are 7-0 in the playoffs thus far.
Well, when playing against Detroit and Atlanta, you should be 8-0


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Well, when playing against Detroit and Atlanta, you should be 8-0

Both ATL and DET split their games 1-1 with the Lakers this year :hmm:

The Cavs are playing consistent ball on both sides of the ball every game now. The Lakers haven't been consistent on the defensive end. That's the problem..not the caliber of teams they have been playing.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
:lol::lol: But seriously though, Shane battier Sparked the Houston's Offense and everybody else followed his lead. Battier had 23 Points:smh: somebody was sleeping on defense

Yeah i said that in the other thread during the game, when he hit those 3's it sparked a momentum for the Rockets that the Lakers just couldn't overcome


BGOL Investor
Also, Van Gundy brought up a good point. The Lakers have a soft front court. Yeah Fisher was getting burned, but once you got past the defender, you are pretty much guaranteed a layup or a dunk.

that's much of what i dispute.

derek fisher is NOT getting burned to the extent that people are imagining.

look at aaron brooks' trips to the rim against derek fisher. FEW and far between UNLESS aided by a screen. so it's not a matter of derek fisher being unable to stay in front of his man due to age or having lost a step.

now take a look at aaron brooks' and kyle lowry's trips to the rim against the younger players. the rockets go straight to the rim and aaron brooks' often INTENTIONALLY opts NOT to use the screen.


BGOL Investor
derek fisher hasn't even played more than half a game since G2, but it's obviously all his fault!

aaron brooks is averaging 2.5 assists FOR THE ENTIRE SERIES, but he's breaking down derek fisher (who doesn't even play half the game).


BNOL doesn't watch games.

aaron brooks (and the other speedy rockets guards) are doing their damage against the fakers youngsters.


Potential Star

So even if Fish-bowl was hooping, and trying to guard AB for the few min. he is in the game, It would NOT matter.



Potential Star
derek fisher hasn't even played more than half a game since G2, but it's obviously all his fault!

aaron brooks is averaging 2.5 assists FOR THE ENTIRE SERIES, but he's breaking down derek fisher (who doesn't even play half the game).


BNOL doesn't watch games.

aaron brooks (and the other speedy rockets guards) are doing their damage against the fakers youngsters.
I notice you dont have shit to say when the Lakers win, cranberry


BGOL Investor
I notice you dont have shit to say when the Lakers win, cranberry

then your attention and/or reading skills are severely lacking.

i've pointed out several times this season when the fakers have won due to lamar odom and pau gasol ensuring good team basketball is exhibited, and also when tobe rations his shots. NUMEROUS times.

EDIT: BTW, anything to contribute to this thread, or just doing the usual BGOL stan trolling/stalking thing?


Potential Star
Maybe YOUR attention skills are lacking, troll. I've talked about Fisher's lack of defense against Brooks, already.

I'm curious....what team do YOU like, Rabcran?


BGOL Investor
Well, when playing against Detroit and Atlanta, you should be 8-0

Damn, that niggu who lost a step is at it again

I notice you dont have shit to say when the Lakers win, cranberry

Maybe YOUR attention skills are lacking, troll. I've talked about Fisher's lack of defense against Brooks, already.


sure you did.

but since you indicate a "lack of defense", are there any specific examples from G6 you'd like to discuss? or any specific plays that are representative of what you imagined to be derek fisher's "lack of defense"?


BGOL Investor
because i enjoy good BASKETBALL discussions, i'll even help you.

in G6, aaron brooks went 8-13 FGAs and 4 assists.

derek fisher was on the floor for 3 of those FGs. that means derek fisher WASN'T EVEN ON THE FLOOR when aaron brooks made most of his shots in G6.

of those 3 FGs that derek fisher WAS on the floor for, 2 were from behind the arc. aaron brooks got free for 1 of those off a double screen. that doesn't sound like a "lack of defense" to me.

aaron brooks DID blow by derek fisher ONCE, for a runner in the lane.

now let's look at the false claim that aaron brooks is breaking down derek fisher off the dribble and opening up shots for his teammates of that penetration. again, aaron brooks had 4 assists in G6. only 1 of those came when derek fisher was in the game, and that was in transition. so that claim is bogus and devoid of fact also.

so now that i've helped you out, exactly what are you referring to when you say "lack of defense"?