The Reparations thread has been DELETED! The FUCKBOI BUNCH is REAL!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The education system has failed us.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor

The education system has failed us.

I’ve been on this board for close to 20 years. I’ve seen multiple identity discoveries and ocks. One thing I’ve learned is that most of the people on here are not who they project themselves to be. We have no idea how educated, intelligent, or successful we are in real life. I might be on here arguing with a grown man on his mom’s couch, a CAC, or even a bot.

I looked into your search history and over 90% of your posts are political and very far Democratic. We obviously disagree on politics but I’m not as focused on it as you are. We have different view points. My point is that we have not had good results by voting for candidates without asking for anything in return. We obviously disagree and I am ok with it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s not that complicated. Demand that politicians address your core issues before you vote for them. It doesn’t involve an in-depth plan, just like continuing to vote for them “least evil” doesn’t.

Obviously, we aren’t all in agreement and I’m fine with agreeing to disagree at this point.
The question is is reparations in fact a core issue for the community as a whole?

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Response to what?

My “play by play” plan.
Step 1: Collectively demand support of a clearly stated Reparations plan that includes direct payment of a fair amount of money to all Black folks who have multiple generations in the US. The plan will include target payment dates. Collectively not vote for any candidate who doesn’t support it.

Step 2: Whenever CACs (or scared Negroes) attack us for demanding something, we stick to our demands and keep the focus on them.

Step 3: Continue to demand support of Reparations even if the initial outcomes are below ideal or expectations.

My plan is super simple. Use our votes as a tool to get what we want.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I am going to try and have a discussion with you but if it starts getting unproductive or you start getting emotional or disrespectful, i'm going to end the discussion.
I see 2 questions to me in your posts, which I numbered in red.

1.) We don't HAVE to support any candidate that does not support our interests. You are right that none of the candidates truly support Reparations and no serious candidate has to this point. This indicates that we need to do something different to get different results. Instead of giving our collective support to candidates because they are "the least evil", we need to hold candidates accountable for meeting our demands in exchange for our support. Every interest group with political clout does this. IMO, it is better not to vote than to vote for a candidate that does not address our needs. The Democratic party NEEDS our vote to win elections. Instead of pandering to us with Black candidates, shaming us, or pandering with celebrities, we need to demand clear support of Reperations to earn our votes. Not a study, not a "i'll try" but making Reperations a clear priority with a clear payment plan of putting the money in our hands on a target date.

2.) Government jobs aren't welfare. They are JOBS. We pay these people with our taxes. What is wrong with asking them what they have been doing? What is wrong with evaluating their productivity? What is wrong with laying off people that aren't needed? This is how the private sector works to make money.The truth is that many of the people getting laid off weren't productive or can be replaced with technology. I can't tell you how many people are on my Facebook timeline who work government jobs but on Facebook throughout the day. Complaining about having to report to work instead of working from home, then complaining about being asked about their productivity and now complaining about possible layoffs. I have no problem with government employees being evaluated and the unproductive or non necessary employees being let go. Especially if it saves money on my taxes.
You make an assumption that most of the laid off Government employees are black. I don't believe that to be true. You also make an assumption that cutting some of the Departments will negatively impact black folks. I don't believe that to be true either. We dont really know what the Department of Education does and what programs will be eliminated without it. Personally, I don't believe the government should have too much infuence on education. I am very disapointed with the quality, breadth, and subject matter that my children received in Public school. They had low expectations, too much education and propoganda about politics and sexuality, and had way too many employees for social stuff but not enough to actually deliver education.
1.) It's just the math. We don't have the numbers and simply saying we demand reparations will get you nothing. Just like not voting. So, get what you can and play the long game to get more. Reperations should be just one of the many agenda items we work to get for our community.
2.) Go head and get comfy with this...Republicans target black people. Unions, teachers, government employees, athletes, entertainers, and poor people all have substantial numbers of black people and are all targets of the GOP. Ladders for us to climb up from the bottom are being destroyed. It's not about what we do or do not do. It's about who we are. They hate us becuase our continued existence is a constant reminder of their low moral character and the evil shit they continue to do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
More Fba history for you suckas



Rising Star
OG Investor
More Fba history for you suckas

Im from gullah

BGOL Investor
They hate us becuase our continued existence is a constant reminder of their low moral character and the evil shit they continue to do.

I don't understand how black folks who say they understand racism, just don't understand that part.

That's why I keep asking them, explain to me the direct play by play from Congress, the Senate to getting a bill signed by law.

Every time I ask...they never answer, instead, they double down on "FUCK THE DEMOCRATS - or they say start name-calling and going in circles"....that's not an answer.
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Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity
BGOL Investor
Theres only one group you can call to answer that question...

Look... down in the's a some worms! It's amoeba! it's...THE FUCKBOI BUNCH!!

@Akata King @Supersav @FLoss @xfactor @^SpiderMan^

That meme is actually a good depiction. The grassroots are no longer putting the capes on for the DNC and its immigrant shills and sambos.

I’ve seen this before..Looks like all the DNC plantation negroes have gotten their Monday morning talking points.


Troll Hunter
BGOL Investor
Theres only one group you can call to answer that question...

Look... down in the's a some worms! It's amoeba! it's...THE FUCKBOI BUNCH!!

@Akata King @Supersav @FLoss @xfactor @^SpiderMan^


From here on out I won't waste a keystroke on those detractors and their distractions. If the rest of you want to continue going back & forth with them about nothing. As they have nothing to offer in the form of viable resolutions. It's all on you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That meme is actually a good depiction. The grassroots are no longer putting the capes on for the DNC and its immigrant shills and sambos.

I’ve seen this before..Looks like all the DNC plantation negroes have gotten their Monday morning talking points.
You didn't answer the question tho... what's up with the platinum plan?? Is it still on?? Is it working now?

Is it possible for you to answer or respond in ANY WAY about the actions and policies of the trump administration without saying Dems or biden or dem shills?

:popcorn: :popcorn:

BGOL Investor
That meme is actually a good depiction. The grassroots are no longer putting the capes on for the DNC and its immigrant shills and sambos.

I’ve seen this before..Looks like all the DNC plantation negroes have gotten their Monday morning talking points.

Proving once again, your movement
Isn't about obtaining reparations at all.

It's an anti-black movement only.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This may sound pessimistic, but I doubt'll happen now, hell even in my life time.

We had the momentum back in 2016 - but niggas didn't know how to iron out whatever perceived differences behind closed doors and come out as a unified front(like our enemies do :angry: ). Shit got splintered between ADOS and FBA, then infighting :smh::smh: and that was it.

Dr. Anderson warned us what would happen if we fool around and let ourselves become, now, the third largest non-white demographic (hint: remember when Biden said we need to talk to the Hispanic community?)

BGOL Investor
This may sound pessimistic, but I doubt'll happen now, hell even in my life time.

We had the momentum back in 2016 - but niggas didn't know how to iron out whatever perceived differences behind closed doors and come out as a unified front(like our enemies do :angry: ). Shit got splintered between ADOS and FBA, then infighting :smh::smh: and that was it.

Cointelpro. That's what happened. They opened fake accounts on Twitter pretending to be black, directed their attacks towards black immigrants (give them an enemy).

Paid Tariq money to create FBA and here they are...not planning anything on reparations but attacking blacks folks and fighting amongst themselves (fba vs ados).

Light work for White Supremacy.
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