The White house with Pete Buttigieg...


Rising Star
Like my father always told me. Never trust a man that is willing to suck another mans cock.

If the democrats nominate a homosexual as there candidate in 2020. It will make the 1984 election look like nothing.
But I don’t think the democrats are that dumb


BootyEnthusiast; Ass-preneur
BGOL Investor
So real it just because he is gay that cats on here don't fuck with him or has he said or done some out of pocket shit that I'm not aware of. I know there was the incident with the shooting in South Bend that he handled horribly but other than that I would be lying if I said he didn't impress me with alot of what he has said.


Rising Star
So real it just because he is gay that cats on here don't fuck with him or has he said or done some out of pocket shit that I'm not aware of. I know there was the incident with the shooting in South Bend that he handled horribly but other than that I would be lying if I said he didn't impress me with alot of what he has said.

Being Gay might be a problem because your trying to win the presidency. He is not running for Governor of NewYork. Your trying to win the election which means you have to win over middle America or shall I say the Midwest.

People want strength when picking a president. They don’t want to know the leader of the free world has a gay husband. That’s not going to fly with most America’s.

Plus he has no charisma. Remember your trying to beat Donald trump. A candidate that will have over 2 billion dollar war chest.


Beep beep. Who's got the keys to the Jeep? VROOM!
OG Investor
So real it just because he is gay that cats on here don't fuck with him or has he said or done some out of pocket shit that I'm not aware of. I know there was the incident with the shooting in South Bend that he handled horribly but other than that I would be lying if I said he didn't impress me with alot of what he has said.
Plenty of ammunition to use later on the Top 3 old folks, and now that Kamala Harris is no longer considered a threat, all of the "resources" have suddenly been shifted to bring down this guy. Too many people who just in the past couple of weeks decided that they "hate" him aren't even able to tell you what his current job is.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dude was a fucking mayor. White folks stay rewriting the rules on what is means to have experience for the job. At least make the House first. He is smart, but he shit on Black people in his town, cosigned the police and is just another white man telling a story of how Black people don't excel because of culture.

No way a man with a husband will be president. Not sure I could vote for this dude even with Trump as the alternative.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Mayor part isn't much of a problem, but the size of the city he is mayor of could be. If you're the mayor of Chicago, NYC, LA or some other bigger city, the experience of being Mayor can be used to trump (no pun) congressional experience, especially these days. Being a Mayor is executive experience, and POTUS is an exectutive gig. House, Senate... all that shit is legislative... hearings, voting, etc. In a time when congress as a whole scores pretty low with voters, a mayor of a bigger city could say I have the experience of making decisions and being THE one in charge, not one of 50 (senate) or 400+ (house) members voting on shit. In that respect, a big city mayor could make it work for them like Governors can. ...but I think South bend, Indiana has less than 200K people, so it's not likely to work for him.

The gay part is definitely going to work against him for a lot of people and some states. Dude sounds less like a politician than anybody up on the stage and in interviews though, and that's a good thing; like the reason I haven't been a big Corey Booker fan, even though he's from my state, is that everything that has come out of his mouth in the past 13 years has sounded like part of his campaign for POTUS.

Dude was a fucking mayor. White folks stay rewriting the rules on what is means to have experience for the job. At least make the House first. He is smart, but he shit on Black people in his town, cosigned the police and is just another white man telling a story of how Black people don't excel because of culture.

No way a man with a husband will be president. Not sure I could vote for this dude even with Trump as the alternative.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
So real it just because he is gay that cats on here don't fuck with him or has he said or done some out of pocket shit that I'm not aware of. I know there was the incident with the shooting in South Bend that he handled horribly but other than that I would be lying if I said he didn't impress me with alot of what he has said.

Fuck you mean "other than that.."??!

Shouldn't poorly handling incidents of racial injustice in small shit town South Bend be enough?

You niggas will ignore actual acts and track record while believing bullshit slogans said on a campaign trail. Incredible.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Fuck you mean "other than that.."??!

Shouldn't poorly handling incidents of racial injustice in small shit town South Bend be enough?

You niggas will ignore actual acts and track record while believing bullshit slogans said on a campaign trail. Incredible.
Simply fucking amazing.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
I like mayor Pete. Think he would make a great president.

Yes, he did handle the shooting poorly, but he'd probably be the first one to tell you that. He handled his critics directly, made no excuses for his actions and has tried to do better moving forward.

Yes, eight years ago he did make a poorly worded comment about the lack of mentors in poor minority communities. He then followed it up with a program to hire more Black teachers. He never blamed Black culture and admitted that there was structural problems in the education system.

I can't speak for the South, but as a wildly popular Indiana mayor his gayness clearly hasn't affected too many Midwestern voters. He even led all Democrats on the last Iowa poll.

What I like the most about him is that he's the polar opposite of Trump. He's young, faithfully married, handles criticism with grace, has political experience, actually went to war when asked, is well educated, humble and is willing and eager to learn how to be a good president.

He may not win the nomination, but one day he will be a great leader.


Rising Star
The media tries to make you believe that only older black voters have a problem with him being gay. I guess no white people have a problem with it. He would be a prime example of people saying they support him and then once they get in the voting booth, that vote for someone else.


Rising Star
The media tries to make you believe that only older black voters have a problem with him being gay. I guess no white people have a problem with it. He would be a prime example of people saying they support him and then once they get in the voting booth, that vote for someone else.

White Northern Liberals might vote for him. But most of America is still pretty conservative. A Gay husband on stage will turn a lot of people off.

Plus the democrats have to deal with the economy. If the economy is good it’s going to be hard.

If the Dow reaches 30,000. There is absolutely no way the democrats win. It will be almost impossible.

But then again shit who would have thought trump would be president ?

Rembrandt Brown

Like my father always told me. Never trust a man that is willing to suck another mans cock.

If the democrats nominate a homosexual as there candidate in 2020. It will make the 1984 election look like nothing.
But I don’t think the democrats are that dumb

If your father always told you that, he was worried about you. Obviously for good reason.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
White Northern Liberals might vote for him. But most of America is still pretty conservative. A Gay husband on stage will turn a lot of people off.

Plus the democrats have to deal with the economy. If the economy is good it’s going to be hard.

If the Dow reaches 30,000. There is absolutely no way the democrats win. It will be almost impossible.

But then again shit who would have thought trump would be president ?

the economy is important, but I don't think that most voters look to the Dow Jones for that. Especially if they don't own stocks.

Instead, they look at their paychecks, health insurance premiums, housing costs, student loan debt, and other things that immediately affect their pockets.

Most voters probably couldn't even tell you what the Dow Jones average is without a Google search.


Rising Star
the economy is important, but I don't think that most voters look to the Dow Jones for that. Especially if they don't own stocks.

Instead, they look at their paychecks, health insurance premiums, housing costs, student loan debt, and other things that immediately affect their pockets.

Most voters probably couldn't even tell you what the Dow Jones average is without a Google search.

Some people might not know what the stock market is but it’s a nice talking point for the GOP.

When I look at the data I have never seen a president not get re-elected when the stock market is high and unemployment is low.

In the Last 80 years only 2 presidents lost re-election.

Bush in 1992 when he wanted to raise taxes on the rich to pay the deficits to balance the budget( which is the right thing to do) but conservatives stayed home.

Jimmy Carter in 1979 because of Iran hostage and Oil prices spiked causing a economic downturn.

When I look at the data the only way democrats will win is if they take out trump. Either he gets a heart attack or pray for a economic downturn.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Some people might not know what the stock market is but it’s a nice talking point for the GOP.

When I look at the data I have never seen a president not get re-elected when the stock market is high and unemployment is low.

In the Last 80 years only 2 presidents lost re-election.

Bush in 1992 when he wanted to raise taxes on the rich to pay the deficits to balance the budget( which is the right thing to do) but conservatives stayed home.

Jimmy Carter in 1979 because of Iran hostage and Oil prices spiked causing a economic downturn.

When I look at the data the only way democrats will win is if they take out trump. Either he gets a heart attack or pray for a economic downturn.

We're coming onto the verge of an economic downturn. The country's biggest tech companies are all losing money. Uber, Lyft and Facebook's stock has plummeted. Twitter, wework, slack and Dropbox are in trouble too.

the only reason it hasn't happened yet is because of the federal reserve interest cuts, cash infusions and insane venture capital loans. It's only a matter of time before the bottom falls out though.

I would also argue that Donald Trump is a special case. I doubt that there is ever been a president that has been this openly hated before. Even a lot of his 2016 voters have buyer's remorse

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
America THOUGHT it was ready for a black president. It wasn't.

America showed they weren't ready for a female president.

America ain't gonna vote in a gay president.


Rising Star
America THOUGHT it was ready for a black president. It wasn't.

America showed they weren't ready for a female president.

America ain't gonna vote in a gay president.

Hilary was just a terrible candidate.

People will vote a women candidate and maybe a gay candidate but remember the key is ?

Charisma and Being a People Person which is what Hilary Clinton lacked. Also people were tired of politicians and wanted a straight shooter and a person that tells it like it is.

It’s the reason why Bernie Sanders was so popular. When he says he wants Medicare for all. He tells the truth and says your taxes will go up. He does not bullshit and say otherwise.


BootyEnthusiast; Ass-preneur
BGOL Investor
Fuck you mean "other than that.."??!

Shouldn't poorly handling incidents of racial injustice in small shit town South Bend be enough?

You niggas will ignore actual acts and track record while believing bullshit slogans said on a campaign trail. Incredible.

I think there's a difference between poorly handling something that you care about and are trying to get right versus poorly handling something that you don't care about and are only concerned with the optics. I am willing to give a white person that may fuck up a chance when I believe that they are trying to do the right thing. They don't get a pass, but I don't write them off as a card carrying nazi fascist either....

And that's why I asked if there is information out there that I many not be aware of because the only incident I know of is what happened in South Bend. I'm sorry, but I don't consider one incident a track record. Once again, I am not giving him a pass, but from what I've heard from him and about him he is trying to learn to be better as well....

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I’m not worried about him being Nominated when the campaign swings to the south black folks Are not going to vote for that dude
Biden going to show up and clean house. :smh:

Media going to make sure the gay guy gets millions and millions in free press. As long as he keeps the gay angle low, he will start to pull people. He been pulling and Obama-lite lately, but that ain't going to be enough to get the black vote.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I think there's a difference between poorly handling something that you care about and are trying to get right versus poorly handling something that you don't care about and are only concerned with the optics. I am willing to give a white person that may fuck up a chance when I believe that they are trying to do the right thing. They don't get a pass, but I don't write them off as a card carrying nazi fascist either....

And that's why I asked if there is information out there that I many not be aware of because the only incident I know of is what happened in South Bend. I'm sorry, but I don't consider one incident a track record. Once again, I am not giving him a pass, but from what I've heard from him and about him he is trying to learn to be better as well....
If you say so my man.. You're basically saying "Besides that big hole in the bottom this boat sails fine."

I mean, what more information do you need? His record and history shows that he either ignores black issues or flat out mishandles them. Yet you seem to want more evidence as to why he ISNT worthy of the nomination as opposed to seeking evidence why he IS worthy. Odd.