This ad that Kamala Harris just released is absolutely fucking brutal for Trump.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
That's going to be brutal when it hits the airwaves.

I bet Trump's people are looking at each other like, "What the fuck we gon' do to counter that?"

Trump's PR team is gonna have a nightmare on their hands trying to do damage control for this
What the hell can they say? These are Trump's words. Calling them peaceful people? I could feel the love?

The police called it a riot. "this is now effectively a riot"


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
We all know that if they were Black The cops would have shot like a thousand bullets. God, I wish they would have. That would have been funny as hell

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor
Trump's voters don't give two shits about that video.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The ad is too long. It should be 20 seconds long at most. They should have a series of all the ming glowingly stupid shit he's done, like telling folks to inject bleach in their bloodstream to kill covid, riding in the truck with the secret service when he had covid, taking kim young Ung(spelling) on a tour of the beast limousine, congratulating Putin on hacking an American election etc..