This is why you should never trust Brits


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
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Damian Stone

I saw a real UFO....
BGOL Investor
Oh weird. they are speaking some form of creole...
That's freaky, I can understand their native language....

By the way OP, do not tell me you are surprised....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh weird. they are speaking some form of creole...
That's freaky, I can understand their native language....

By the way OP, do not tell me you are surprised....

Yes i am surprised that the Law Lords overruled the high court

next step Strasbourg at the ECHR

Black Limey

"The US state department had argued that the islands might be useful to terrorists."

You are looking at the symptom not the disease

I think this is outrageous, but we are in the pocket of the US


Wobble Wobble

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As someone who is both Overseas Territory, full British and also a US citizen, I think what has happened to the Chagossians to be a human rights violation. I see it from both the Chagosian, British and US perspective and I have to conclude that those people have a right to live on thier island - shithole it might be. Without Diego Garcia, the US has to depend on a few small countries on the Persian Gulf to be able to pursue two wars. And I'm a US military veteran.

It is a moral blot on the US and UK to allow this to perpetuate and brings in to question things like the means justify the ends type thinking. Let those people go to where their parents and grandparents and great great grands were born and buried.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is one of those running sores that the UK establishment just can't cure. Sure, there are security considerations, but frankly having 150 islands on one of the outer atols isn't going to threaten anyone. What are they going to do, lob pineapples at low flying B52's?

The really interesting question is what happens in a few years time when the US lease runs out?

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Tsk. Is that right? Well as a person who’s actually been to Diego Garcia several times now I can tell you this. The US does not own anything. The island is still under British rule. US leases it as allowed by the UK. You can’t do shit on Diego. Can’t kill the chickens or eat the crabs, even if they in the roads without being fined. You can fish though and if you are caught with porn you will be prosecuted. Don’t know about this one. On another note, it’s a small peaceful place and a real mf sausage fest. Like 30 fucking dudes to 1 female. Turrrible. You can also gamble and win money at the slots. I hit for about $1600. It’s in the British Indian Ocean