Toronto Man Wears Blackface To Mock Protests For Anti-Racism


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Done to provoke anger.
Done to mock the protesters.
Done to motivate Blacks to violence.
Done to ensure the concerns of Blacks are diminshed....

And what's even more disturbing is that in spite of it all, I can GUARANTEE you these folks will say it was some kind of great "anti protest" protest and will applaud that racist maniac...

:smh: :smh: :smh:


To teach the truth to the young black youth
BGOL Investor
Too much talking and empty threats. He should have gotten what he can for. An ass whooping. At this point who cares we've been getting blamed for everything.

william busa

Rising Star
"Apart from the charge of rioting, which covers the destructive or disruptive acts themselves, there are a number of associated crimes that may also be charged.

  • Incitement to riot is when a person encourages others to commit a breach of the peace without necessarily acting themselves. This may involve statements, signs, or conduct intended to lead others to riot.
  • Conspiracy to riot involves planning acts that, if undertaken, would result in a breach of the peace. However, conspiracy convictions usually require the defendant to have undertaken an overt act in furtherance of their plan.
Rioting and Inciting to Riot: Punishments and Protections

The federal crime of rioting is punishable by fines, imprisonment for up to five years, or both. It should also be noted that the law against rioting specifically provides that it is not intended to be used to prevent travel or the use of facilities to pursue the legitimate objectives of organized labor through orderly and lawful means."

That mothafucka was trying to start a riot


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Done to provoke anger.
Done to mock the protesters.
Done to motivate Blacks to violence.
Done to ensure the concerns of Blacks are diminshed....

And what's even more disturbing is that in spite of it all, I can GUARANTEE you these folks will say it was some kind of great "anti protest" protest and will applaud that racist maniac...

:smh: :smh: :smh:
Beside the black skin color, another common trait...the massa you right, grin.


Rising Star
That fucker was happy those cops showed up and escorted his ass up out of there after that water was tossed on him.

You do fucking around a Bee-hive don't be upset if you get stung...