Tory Lanez Found GUITLY Of Shooting Megan Thee Stallion


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I don't understand this shit at all...why would dumb ass tory lanes shoot at chick he's trying to talk to (megan)

You know this is one question I have been asking around and no one could answer it. Why would Tory Lanez shoot Megan? Just on logic standpoint? He was the guy who spilled the tea about the women being disloyal to each other by both sleeping with him.

It is why the sexual history is being brought up. It gives more reason for Kelsey to attack Megan physically, but everyone so emotionally involved in this taking sides not looking at logic. Not saying this is the case, but why a lot of people just ignoring this aspect is mind boggling.

Exactly, fam

It's why I highlighted, in one of the news articles I posted, that both Megan and Kelsie testified to feeling physically ill and not wanting to be there. Sustaining apparent lies can take a physical toll.

They BOTH admitted lying originally. So them lying on stand for personal reasons is not so far fetched either. Yet, everyone so quick to defend people with other things that are buzzwords or agendas.

Damn. So Tory is a snitch.

The thing is, if Kelsey did shoot Meg it makes the whole thing make more sense why Tory kept on saying wait til the trial comes for him to be vindicated. All three of them are suspect with being labeled Pinocchio. It appears from one aspect that Tory was staying quiet because he caused the whole drama to begin with that may have caused the altercation between the two women.

My lawyer friend has been talking to me about this case and the biggest mystery to him in this is why did Kelsey even do that interview with the detective back in September. They already went two years without charging her for the crime and she didn't have to say anything. That makes him question her motive in all this.

The "Black female victims" thing was merely for cover. All 3 of them have lied. This case is messy AF.

Yeah as I stated above. A bunch of agendas being mixed in to distract from just looking at the possibilities that the women could be the whole drama of it all. Not to say Tory possibly didn't do it, but at least some people need to be open minded and objective with this.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Honestly, we will never know exactly what happened that night and how it all went down. Megan ain’t telling the whole truth, Kelsey ain’t telling the whole truth and neither is Tory for that matter. His lawyers have said that Kelsey has the motive to do it, which to me makes the most sense.

Tory’s DNA isn’t on the mag, and it’s inconclusive on the actual gun. But, there are multiple DNAs on the gun not linked to Tory. It was testified that if Tory did in fact fire 5 rounds, that his DNA would definitely be conclusive.

Once again, we will never know what truly happened because people aren’t telling the truth of the incident. The evidence doesn’t align with any account of what has been said happen by Kelsey or MTS. The DA has circumstantial evidence at best. The case should’ve never been tried in court.

The police didn’t do their due diligence to ensure that evidence was collected properly and everyone involved were tested due to a gun being involved. Too many holes that are not filled in.

Meg was hit by fragments from a bullet but we don’t know who, how or why.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If that happens he'll be Mack of the decade cause she's now married
Yea, I just read that. I didn't know.

Picture finding out your new bride & mother of your child has significant history with a few famous, wealthy cats and now it's public


The Legend
BGOL Investor
After Kelsey Harris, a key witness in the trial of Tory Lanez, claimed on the stand Thursday that she either didn’t see or couldn’t recall the circumstances of the shooting of Megan Thee Stallion, prosecutors on Friday played the entirety of an 80-minute taped interview she did three months ago — in which Harris was heard vividly recalling that Lanez did indeed fire his gun at Megan.

In the September interview with prosecutors, Harris was heard describing how she looked up to see Lanez, who was still partially inside their vehicle, shooting at Megan, who was walking away.
“I looked up maybe about the second or third gunshot,” Harris said in the audio being played for jurors, as reported by Rolling Stone. “You see Tory, he’s now in the front seat. I guess he must have jumped over in a smooth transition, and he’s leaning over the door, it’s open, and he’s leaning over the door, the front right passenger. He’s shooting over the top of the door.”

Harris further said in the audiotape that Megan “was walking away when this happened, but by the third or fourth shot, she was facing towards us, and I would describe it as like a deer in headlights.” She added that “the way Tory was angling the gun, it wasn’t like straight, it was, like, down, definitely in her direction.”

To say that Harris has been a reluctant witness on the stand would be an understatement. After being unabashed about what went down in the September interview, she defiantly refused to repeat much of her testimony in her time on the stand, sometimes pleading the fifth amendment, sometimes saying she could not remember, sometimes directly contradicting her earlier statements to prosecutors. Harris made it clear in her testimony that there is no love lost between her and her one-time friend, but also that she resents the insinuation by Lanez’ attorneys that she might have been the one firing the gun.

Prosecutors have asked if Harris is coming under pressure from Lanez’ camp to change or forget her story, which she denied on the stand.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge David Herriford changed his position on whether prosecutors could play the full tape for jurors as testimony continued this week. Initially, he allowed only snippets, to prompt her memory, but after Harris continued to contradict her earlier statements or maintain that she couldn’t remember the proceedings even after taped excerpts were played, Herriford made the decision Thursday to allow a full airing on Friday.

One of the few details from her September interview that Harris indicated was accurate during her time on the stand this week was a statement that Lanez had threatened to shoot her, not long before the shooting of Megan.
Jurors heard more about that when the tape was played Friday.

“He said, ‘My [N-word], I’ll shoot you,’” Harris said Lanez told her, as heard in the interview. “He said that to me, and he reached like he was going to grab something, reached toward the middle console, but he never pulled anything.”
Harris said on the tape that after the shooting began — in which Megan had become the target, not her, after some mutual taunting about their careers — she saw her then-friend bleeding
. She further said that Lanez offered her and Megan $1 million each not to tell arriving officers the truth about the attack, per TMZ’s account of the trial.



The Legend
BGOL Investor
During cross-examination of LAPD officer Sandra Cabral, who pulled over the SUV Megan Thee Stallion and Tory Lanez were riding in, Cabral said Kelsey Harris had blood and scratches on her right leg, plus a ripped strap on the left side of her bathing suit.

At the end of opening statements, it's clear Tory's defense strategy is going to be Kelsey fired the gun, and not him.
His attorney, George Mgdesyan, told the jury it was really Megan and Kelsey who were arguing with each other, and that it was jealousy-fueled.
He said Tory and Megan had a sexual relationship -- something she's denied in interviews -- and suggested Kelsey was mad because Meg had a history of stealing her boyfriends ... including DaBaby and Ben Simmons.

Finally, Mgdesyan hammered the claim Megan had her back turned when the gun went off, and couldn't possibly know who had fired.
The court is finally hearing opening arguments in the Tory Lanez and Megan Thee Stallion case ... and both sides are laying out what happened the night Meg was allegedly shot in the foot by Tory.

Prosecutors kicked things off on Monday -- claiming that Tory fired 5 shots on the evening of July 12, 2020, striking Megan in both feet -- claiming Tory was set off after Megan insulted his skills by sarcastically calling him a "beautiful artist."

According to the prosecution, Tory's text messages after the fact admitting to being too drunk and apologizing profusely are pretty damning evidence.

According to prosecutors, following Megan's alleged diss, Jauquan pulled the truck over and Megan and Kelsey got out of the car ... when Tory is said to have fired the gun at Megan, instructing her to "dance bitch."

As for Tory's side ... they claim the pair was at Kylie's home for a pool party when things went south and Meg was asked to leave. It appears the defense is trying to make the jury believe Tory was not the trigger man.
Tory's attorney, George Mgdesyan, also argued Tory's DNA wasn't on the gun and that he was wearing a swimsuit during the alleged incident, asking the jury, "Where did he pull the gun from?"



The Legend
BGOL Investor
Harris — who befriended Megan in college before becoming her assistant in 2019 — went on to emotionally recount the immediate aftermath of the gunfire, describing how she “immediately” ran to Megan’s side to find “blood” on her friend. “So in my head, [Megan] had been shot,” she said.

According to Harris, Lanez then exited the vehicle and began walking towards Megan, at which point Harris said she put herself between them — leading Lanez to “physically assault” her with his hands. She then claimed that after leading Lanez back to the car to “distract” him from Megan, he “started pulling” her by her hair and neck. “That’s when I started fearing for my life,” she continued.

Harris, audibly crying at this point in the recording, then claimed that the violence de-escalated once Megan returned to the car. Once they got back in the vehicle and continued driving — with Megan’s bloody leg propped on her own
— Harris said Megan then asked her to call Megan’s manager T. Farris. Harris additionally claimed that she sent a text message to Megan’s security guard Justin Edison that read, “Help. 911. Tory shot Meg,” as well as a Facebook message to her mother requesting help. “I was really hurt [emotionally],” Harris continued, adding, “I didn’t realize I had bruises [from the attack].”

Once police vehicles pulled over the car, Harris said Lanez quickly began bribing the two women. “Please y’all don’t say anything…. I’m about to sign a huge deal … I’ll give you guys $1 million each,” she claimed he told them. After police became involved — and Megan’s manager Farris arrived on the scene — Harris, Megan and Lanez were separated, with Megan going to the emergency room at Cedars-Sinai and Harris going to the police station, where photos of her with blood on her legs (shown in court on Wednesday) were taken.

Later on in the recording, Harris can be heard claiming that Lanez tried to bribe her again not long after the incident. After showing up at her hotel with Smith and another man, she said, Lanez apologized and asked Harris if she wanted to work for him, or for him to get her a lawyer. “[I didn’t know] if that was his way of trying to pay,” she added. She said that after telling Megan she had met with Lanez, the “WAP” rapper was critical, allegedly saying to Harris: “He’s just trying to play you.”

Harris’ interview with prosecutors in September was a far cry from her time on the stand.
During her two days of court testimony, Harris acted evasive with prosecutors and defense attorneys and even recanted claims she made in September that Lanez had threatened to shoot her on July 12, stating that some of what she said wasn’t “accurate. There were some things I wasn’t truthful about to protect myself.” She did not go into greater detail about what she was protecting herself from, nor which parts of the interview were less than “100% truthful.”

During the September interview as well as her time in court, Harris stated that she has not seen Megan in person since the incident, noting that the last time they had contact was when Megan offered to pay for her housing in the aftermath of the incident. Harris also testified that Megan’s team cut off contact with her in the wake of the shooting. As she did in court, in the recording Harris could also be heard professing anger toward Megan, saying the rapper “never protected” her and even suggested that Harris took hush money from Lanez during an Instagram Live session. “I’m upset she didn’t clear my name,” she said.

On Tuesday, Megan testified that the fight that led up to the July 12 shooting derived in part from Lanez’s sexual relationships with both women as well as derogatory comments she made about the state of Lanez’s career. She claimed that after getting out of the car, “I started walking away and I hear Tory yell, ‘Dance, bi—!'” before being fired on by the singer. Though she initially denied to police officers that she’d been shot, in an Instagram post three days later (July 15, 2020) she confirmed that she’d been shot and had undergone surgery to remove the bullets. In an Instagram Live session on August 20, 2020, she named Lanez as her attacker.

Lanez currently faces three felony charges: assault with a semiautomatic firearm; carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle; and discharging a firearm with gross negligence, the latter of which was added to the list of charges ahead of the trial last week. If convicted on all three counts, he faces 22 years in prison.

The trial resumes Monday (Dec. 19)



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Except we look at Tory's general character.
Nigga he shot her. Stop it.

Honestly, we will never know exactly what happened that night and how it all went down. Megan ain’t telling the whole truth, Kelsey ain’t telling the whole truth and neither is Tory for that matter. His lawyers have said that Kelsey has the motive to do it, which to me makes the most sense.

Tory’s DNA isn’t on the mag, and it’s inconclusive on the actual gun. But, there are multiple DNAs on the gun not linked to Tory. It was testified that if Tory did in fact fire 5 rounds, that his DNA would definitely be conclusive.

Once again, we will never know what truly happened because people aren’t telling the truth of the incident. The evidence doesn’t align with any account of what has been said happen by Kelsey or MTS. The DA has circumstantial evidence at best. The case should’ve never been tried in court.

The police didn’t do their due diligence to ensure that evidence was collected properly and everyone involved were tested due to a gun being involved. Too many holes that are not filled in.

Meg was hit by fragments from a bullet but we don’t know who, how or why.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's a game to y'all, but not to Tory!



Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
So he "Intimidated" her by saying he'd give her a million dollars to be quiet?

Did that intimidation look like this?

Bruh....that nigga did that shit. U think her friend did it and they all just lying? Tory sent msgs apologizing because he aint do shit? Yeah ok


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh....that nigga did that shit. U think her friend did it and they all just lying? Tory sent msgs apologizing because he aint do shit? Yeah ok

I don't know if he did it or not. If he did he's a coward and a bitchass nigga.

What doesn't make sense is for him to shoot her when it's two women fighting.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What do you mean? I thought he did that shit from day one. Dude just looks like a little bitch to me.

If I'm with two women and they're fighting, I'm not shooting at any of them and I guess that's my issue.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

And you just have an issue with Tory! :lol:

Maybe they were fighting over the gun, hey man I don't know!:lol:

With all of the lies I don't know what to believe.


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
If I'm with two women and they're fighting, I'm not shooting at any of them and I guess that's my issue.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

And you just have an issue with Tory! :lol:

Maybe they were fighting over the gun, hey man I don't know!:lol:

With all of the lies I don't know what to believe.
I don't really truly care about anybody in this trial. I just use common sense. How come as soon as this shit happened, this fool wasnt out here yelling and screaming he didn't do nothing? He doesn't even look mad half the time. Always grinning like he's innocent.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Bruh....that nigga did that shit. U think her friend did it and they all just lying? Tory sent msgs apologizing because he aint do shit? Yeah ok

I mean the women have admitted to lying on the stand :lol:

On the stand on Tuesday, the Houston rapper admitted that she lied to the police directly after the incident, telling them she stepped on glass, not that she was shot in the foot. By the time she was in the ambulance, after having talked to the police, there was no point in changing her story about stepping on glass, she said, because "people don't believe women."

It goes even further back online.

Just saying! People calling her and Kelsey liars isn't untruthful:lol:

As for the message, Tory did not admit in the message of shooting apparently. He was apologizing for causing the whole disaster on the night blabbing his mouth about Megan snaking Kelsey by sleeping with the guy she hooked her up with. That's his defense story anyways.

I mean this isn't rocket science why this case is not a slam dunk for the prosecution. The thing is messy as hell and people lying all over the place for 2 years.
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