Tory Lanez Found GUITLY Of Shooting Megan Thee Stallion


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yeah if you read what happened in court you'll understand why he was convicted. Witnesses not showing up to court and a broad that was there change her testimony on the stand. She told the police Tori shot her and she sent a text to the bodyguard that night saying Tori shot Meg. Read that article, it's all there. Tory don't got no one to blame but himself. :smh:

Initially, the case appeared flimsy AF concerning a jury conviction until the Witness for the Defense testified as follows....

Neighbor who witnessed shooting from his home speaks out
According to police, there were four individuals present when the incident took place: Pete and another women, Kelsey Harris, along with Lanez and his bodyguard Jaquan Smith, who was the driver that night.
Sean Kelly, who witnessed the alleged shooting from his home, testified that an individual he identified as Lanez fired shots but he also said he thought one of the women fired shots because he saw "flashes" near the Harris and Pete.
He said that he didn't see a gun but saw Pete and Harris arguing and that the argument escalated and "got quite violent."
He said on Monday that he "saw a muzzle flash" and then Lanez got out of the car after the initial flashes and then he saw more flashes.
He testified that Lanez was "firing everywhere" and appeared angry.

Harris and Pete were friends at the time of the shooting but have since been estranged, according to their court testimonies. Asked if Harris shot her, during her testimony, Pete said no. And asked if she was the shooter during her testimony, Harris also said "no."
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waking people up
BGOL Investor
I personally think he did it. I think the court reporting is questionable at best I don't trust any of the court reporting.
so he went out like this?


can't see it.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Depending on the sentence they'll probably make him serve a year or two and just deport him when the public attention subsides.

Son Of Light

BGOL Investor
By wiping the gun down prior to the police getting ahold of it which resulted in the DNA being inconclusive :dunno:

I'm not certain why people think there's a conspiracy to bring dude down, he clearly did that dumb shit and appears to have a history of doing dumb shit.

Not sure where you got "conspiracy" out of my one sentence, but clearly there was no actual evidence that proved that he shot her. The Witness' testimonies was all over the place and the other chick had more motive to shoot Megan:dunno:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So call me the old man, but I don't know these people and didn't follow NONE of it. Megan said he shot her. An eyewitness said SHE shot her and Tory said what exactly?!?! Not snitching??? Sounds like he didn't defend his damn self!!!

I didn't follow the case, just heard bits and pieces and they there were lots of inconsistencies... lies.

He needed to take the stand in his defense if he didn't do anything.