Always a mystery to me where she got them cakes from.
I'm guessing grandma must've been packing and those genes got skipped to her.
But that jew nose is a killer.
Her ass is so awesome
That ass is so damn nice!
You can see that ass in the mirror, My GAWD!
Interviewer: So I can only imagine the number of men
who've requested anal sex from you?
Tracy: Gurrrrllll let me tell you!....It's in the thousands!
Interviewer: So do you ever get tired of men asking for a butt fuck?
Tracy: Yes!...... and I'm sick of it !
Tracy: In case you didn't know guys!..I do have a pussy!
Why no one ain't wife this chic yet? I would've been in that ass religiously
Diana Ross had a nice figure/shape. She just stayed so fucking thin that her phat ass was unrealized.