Trailer: Jack Reacher 2 Update: NEW REACHER Amazon Prime SERIES RENEWED Season 3 New Trailer & SPIN OFF?!?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
solid continuity...
its not TV.... and Reacher is abnormal not super

my choreography criticism has nothing to do with realism

its about the story characters tell mid fight, choice of fight moves AND camera angle movement, blocking, and later editing

the problem with crowbar fight is a character w/o a legend or prior demonstration becoming the deadliest challenge to the hero
and the hero parrying knife strikes from soldiers but eps later can't parry crowbar strikes

both Kliner cousins had extreme plot armor/ white privilege

shit that wouldn't ever happen to Tom Cruise :lol:

btw cuz....

who KEEP taking like this?

Imma expect a spec script by the end of April

Vicious da Creator aka Critical Beatdown



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Reacher smells your cologne....

You were born on a Tuesday.

Your dad was an engineer, but he retired two years ago on a Wednesday.

Your lady cheated on you w/ a Mexican orange vendor.

You got a B+ in Algebra in Mrs. Simpson 5th grade class.

That shit was getting goofy after a while.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Reacher smells your cologne....

You were born on Tuesday.

Your dad was an engineer, but he retired two years ago on a Wednesday.

Your lady cheated on you w/ a Mexican orange vendor.

You got a B+ in Algebra in Mrs. Simpson 5th grade class.

That shit was getting goofy after a while.

Its has become such a standard now with all the CSI and Sherlock Holmes initiations it didn't really bother me.

and real talk?

I seen kids doing that now for fun.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I enjoyed the first season.

I don't binge shows often but this was a very pleasant surprise

* as was in from the cold

I was hoping it was going to be good once I saw who they cast as the lead.

It was a quick easy watch... the end was a little predictable but it was a fun ride.

I kinda wish we didn't have to lose all those characters...

I thought he had real good chemistry with the black Boston cop, the sniper sister and tough blonde.
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Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Here's Maria Sten who played "Neagley" on Reacher in 2016's Channel Zero ...




Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I've been wanting to read the Alex Cross series for awhile.
James Patterson wrote the Alex Cross series so very well. I'm a ways back as I haven't read the series in a bit, but the way he described Alex Cross, his relationship with his grandmother, his best friend Sampson, I was convinced that he was black


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Well damn..

The dude who wrote PRISON BREAK on FOX did this.

I can see it now.

Funny story and visual. My grandma was a big fan of Prison Break. She passed away in early-2008. One of my funniest conversations with her was in one of the early seasons. Stopped in to visit her, and she was chilling like a villain watching it in a housecoat having a Root Beer float (vanilla ice cream) with her hair rollers in.

Some of my best memories with grandpa (passed in late-2006) were just chilling and shootin' the shit talking about life and having a snack or meal. Usually watching stuff like pro wrestling, boxing, Wheel of Fortune or The Price is Right, etc. Those were his faves.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Funny story and visual. My grandma was a big fan of Prison Break. She passed away in early-2008. One of my funniest conversations with her was in one of the early seasons. Stopped in to visit her, and she was chilling like a villain watching it in a housecoat having a Root Beer float (vanilla ice cream) with her hair rollers in.

Some of my best memories with grandpa (passed in late-2006) were just chilling and shootin' the shit talking about life and having a snack or meal. Usually watching stuff like pro wrestling, boxing, Wheel of Fortune or The Price is Right, etc. Those were his faves.

First off most important

Rest in Peace to Grandma.

We would have been good friends because I loved that show. LOVED IT.

Even the follow up movie.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Funny story and visual. My grandma was a big fan of Prison Break. She passed away in early-2008. One of my funniest conversations with her was in one of the early seasons. Stopped in to visit her, and she was chilling like a villain watching it in a housecoat having a Root Beer float (vanilla ice cream) with her hair rollers in.

Some of my best memories with grandpa (passed in late-2006) were just chilling and shootin' the shit talking about life and having a snack or meal. Usually watching stuff like pro wrestling, boxing, Wheel of Fortune or The Price is Right, etc. Those were his faves.

Rest in Grandpa

He would have fit right in with my Pops cause that was the family playlist right there.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
First off most important

Rest in Peace to Grandma.

We would have been good friends because I loved that show. LOVED IT.

Even the follow up movie.

Thanks, man. Yeah - she was cool as fuck. Old school. Dropped out of school in 8th grade. Didn't sugarcoat shit. Would tell people off to their faces, lol. All of 5'1".

Heart of Gold when you were on good terms with her. Watch out if you had crossed her.

She had a funny collection of favorites - Prison Break, soap operas, action movies, romantic comedies, and some of the sitcoms.

She had 9 lives. Survived a few heart attacks ... a few strokes. Had a stroke babysitting us as kids. Had another stroke at my college graduation, etc. Passed a number of years later.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Rest in Grandpa

He would have fit right in with my Pops cause that was the family playlist right there.

Agreed. Grandpa was cool as fuck. Never got his driver's license. Got around by bus and getting lifts from friends or family. Spent his time tooling around in the garden, watching his fave shows, etc. Some of the best memories with him = running errands. Groceries, appts, etc. Easygoing, quiet guy.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Thanks, man. Yeah - she was cool as fuck. Old school. Dropped out of school in 8th grade. Didn't sugarcoat shit. Would tell people off to their faces, lol. All of 5'1".

Heart of Gold when you were on good terms with her. Watch out if you had crossed her.

She had a funny collection of favorites - Prison Break, soap operas, action movies, romantic comedies, and some of the sitcoms.

She had 9 lives. Survived a few heart attacks ... a few strokes. Had a stroke babysitting us as kids. Had another stroke at my college graduation, etc. Passed a number of years later.

She sounds INCREDIBLE yall were blessed to have her.

I also don't know how to feel about me sharing the exact same favorites as your grandmother


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
She sounds INCREDIBLE yall were blessed to have her.

I also don't know how to feel about me sharing the exact same favorites as your grandmother

Lol @ the exact same favorites line. No worries on that.

Yeah - she was a solid person to have in the family. Often the one who would organize the family events or holiday dinners and such. Back before a number of people had passed away.

I never got a chance to meet my mom's parents. They died before I was born, and to be quite honest - my mom has little to no memories of her own mother either. She died from Polio in her 30s. I had always thought my mom was 8yo at the time. Mom was in town last week and we were reminiscing - turns out my mom was only 3yo when she died. Damn. Mom left home in her late-teens - didn't get along with her stepmom. I met the stepmom a few times in the 80s and 90s - she was decent to us kids, but then again - we really didn't know her too well as they lived a few provinces away.
