Trailer: Red One


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

When a villain kidnaps Santa Claus from the North Pole, an E.L.F. (Extremely Large and Formidable) joins forces with the world's most accomplished tracker to find him and save Christmas


Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
Thought this was a remake of the war movie that starred Lee Marvin. Think I'll pass on this puffery


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not a fan of the Rock and some of these movies is garbage,them 80's comedys is 10x better.

Kidnapping Santa,funny but finding out he's an alcoholic,on probation and the people in the trailer park hates his fucking guts...we are gonna have to kill him or release him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I stopped watching the trailer half way through. Fuckin' long ass trailer gives away alot of the movie.

Definitely checking this one out.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Liket the comments said, it feels like a marvel movie in a holiday movie skin. Ill pass