Trayvon Martin's parents, five years after his shooting, weigh political bids


Platinum Member
Trayvon Martin's parents, five years after his shooting, weigh political bids
Susan Page | USA TODAYUpdated 1 hour ago

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. — Trayvon Martin's parents aren't convinced much progress has been made on racial justice since the Florida teenager was killed five years ago in a shooting that helped fuel the Black Lives Matter movement, but they say at least his death reignited a national conversation about it.

Now they fear President Trump will reverse whatever has been accomplished. Both are considering running for political office to "be part of the change" they say the nation needs.


Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton on the Forzano Park football field where their slain son Trayvon ...more

Jack Gruber, USA TODA

"Since Trayvon's death, we saw how divided the country is on these issues and we saw how the country can come together," Tracy Martin, Trayvon's father, told Capital Download. "You have those that are for uniting the country and you have those that want to be apart. And what this new presidency does, it takes those that want to be apart and it puts them right in the position where they can say, 'We'll change the laws, and we'll make it tougher.'"

He worries that the new administration will make it easier for law enforcement officials and citizens to justify violence against minorities on the grounds they felt their safety was imperiled. At his trial for shooting Trayvon, George Zimmerman argued he felt threatened by the 17-year-old, whom he had followed in his car and then on foot.

In their new book, Rest in Power, being published Tuesday by Siegel & Grau, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin testify in alternating chapters how an explosive national controversy unfolded in their lives, from the shooting in 2012 to the protests in the street to the trial of his killer. The 331-page book ends with Zimmerman's acquittal in 2013 on charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter.

Now, in an interview with USA TODAY's video newsmaker series, Fulton and Martin say they are considering running for office, an idea they would have found laughable five years ago — "before our life got interrupted," as she put it.

"Before I was just comfortable with my average life, but now I feel like I'm just obligated to be part of the change," Fulton said. "The only way we can be part of the change is if we start with local government and we work our way up."

How far up?

"It could go all the way to the White House," she declared, though it would begin with a bid for, say, city or county commission.

"There's no limitations," Martin agreed. "I think once you embark on a journey, you don't minimize your goal; you want to maximize your goals. So you start on the local level and then you work your way up and hopefully it will take us to a place where we can help more than just local, more than just state. National. That would be the focus."


Civil rights leaders and residents of the city of Sanford attend a town hall meeting to discuss the ...more

Gerardo Mora, Getty Images

'Anti-police atmosphere'
They are distressed by the new president's attitude, a sharp change from his predecessor. At one point, then-president Obama said, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," urging Americans to give serious consideration to the issues behind his shooting. When Zimmerman was acquitted, a somber Obama said, "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."

In contrast, on the day Trump was inaugurated this month, his administration posted a position paper on law-enforcement policy on the White House website, vowing change. "The dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America is wrong," the statement said. "The Trump administration will end it."

"I think from the statements being made, we won't progress; we'll be going backwards," Martin said.

Fulton, who campaigned for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton last year, said Trump's rhetoric against immigrants in general and Muslims in particular "fed into that division, they fed into that hatred." Now, she said the African-American parents she talks to are increasingly concerned about their children's safety.


Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, introduces Hillary Clinton during a rally at CB Smith ...more

Brendan Smialowski, AFP/Getty Images

"Average citizens feel like their kids are not going to make it home safely, because we've had so many incidents where somebody is shot and killed and nobody is being held accountable," she said. "You have to bury a loved one, and on top of you burying a loved one, nobody is going to trial. Nobody is being arrested. Nobody is going to jail. And so it like adds insult to injury.

"Where is the justice system for some of these families? Where was the justice system for us?"

She can hardly believe that five years have passed since she got the shattering call that her son had been shot and killed when he ran out to a corner store to pick up a soft drink and some Skittles. The fatal shooting of the unarmed youth fueled a national debate over violence against unarmed minorities and transformed the lives of his parents. His parents say their son has become "a symbol, a beacon and a mirror" in the nation's debate over race and justice.

"It feels like it happened a few months ago," Fulton said. "The pain is still raw. The pain is still fresh. And I know I'm not going to ever get healed back to my original state, because he's not coming back."


'Rest in Power' by Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin

Spiegel & Grau, publisher

They are sitting in the modest offices of the Trayvon Martin Foundation, a nonprofit they founded to battle gun violence and help families and young people. On the wall just behind them, on the third floor of the Florida Memorial University library here, there is a five-foot-tall blow-up of what has become an iconic photo of their son in one of the hoodies he wore almost everywhere.

Fulton was one of the so-called Mothers of the Movement who helped solidify Clinton's support in the African-American community during last year's campaign. A week after the election, Clinton's staff arranged a conference call for Clinton and the informal group.

"Even now, it feels like you're still down and you're trying to get back up," Fulton says of what she calls a "devastating" defeat in November. Asked how she thinks Clinton is doing, she begins, "I think," then pauses. "She's very disappointed by what happened ... and I think that it's going to take a lot of time for her to get back up."

Sleeping in his uniform
Fulton and Martin survey the familiar landscape at Forzano Park in Miramar, Fla., where Trayvon had played football and his father still coaches.

They are tall, sturdy, straightforward. They had gotten divorced when Trayvon was 4 years old but seem to have an easy friendship to this day. Martin works as a truck driver. Fulton had been a program manager for the Miami-Dade Housing Authority, though she left the job the day her son was killed and never returned. Both are wearing "I am Trayvon Martin" buttons, showing their son's face.

"I remember when he first started playing," Martin said, a smile spreading over his face. "He would sleep in his uniform. He'd put on his pants and his socks and he'd sleep in it. He's wake up in the morning, ready to go."


Trayvon Martin's parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, pose on the Forzano Park football field ...more

Jack Gruber, USA TODAY

Now Trayvon's blue and gold jersey is framed and hangs in the clubhouse. His number, 9, has been retired by the Wolverines, and the name scrawled on the cubby he used hasn't been repainted. "Lil Tray," it reads.

"He did get hurt one time and I was just like, Oh!," Fulton said, making a sound as though she had been kicked in the stomach. "But then when he got up and everybody started clapping, I was like, I don't know if I could do this football thing, you know. I think that's what all parents go through, especially when it's their child down. It's like, Oh! It just does something to you."

If he had lived, Trayvon would be turning 22 next Sunday.

"A lot of times in the national spotlight, they celebrate his death," Fulton said. (The fifth anniversary of that is later next month, on Feb. 26.) "But we don't see any importance in celebrating his death, and so we celebrate his birth. ...

"Every year, I always say that I'm not going to cry when they sing 'Happy Birthday,' and lo and behold, as a mother, you know, I cry every year. I tear up every year," she said. "Every year, it reminds me that we're missing him another year."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't have kids myself but I have nephews and nieces. I can't fathom a cracka straight up killing them and getting away with it and they put a mic in my face and I'm not screaming racism and that this mufucka gonna pay one way or another. Now the courts can handle it or I can. How yall want it to go down? Fuck a tshirt. Fuck tv appearances. Fuck NBA niggas wearin hoodies. Fuck allathat shit. Fuck running for fucking office. Zimmerman done got arrested 6 times since. There's not enough money they can pay me.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Trayvon's story still makes me mad as shit everytime I think of it. Like I can legit feel my blood pressure rising or something, what a fucking infuriating miscarriage of justice :smh:

White folks believe that a man that weights about 80 more pounds and know "MMA" was getting his ass kicked by a 17 years old and even if Trayvon was kicking his ass it was justified when Zimmerman was stalking him like a predator..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't have kids myself but I have nephews and nieces. I can't fathom a cracka straight up killing them and getting away with it and they put a mic in my face and I'm not screaming racism and that this mufucka gonna pay one way or another. Now the courts can handle it or I can. How yall want it to go down? Fuck a tshirt. Fuck tv appearances. Fuck NBA niggas wearin hoodies. Fuck allathat shit. Fuck running for fucking office. Zimmerman done got arrested 6 times since. There's not enough money they can pay me.

Pretty much where I am with all of this

Everyone has their own ways of dealing with shit but I know I wouldn't go out like this fam

Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
I don't have kids myself but I have nephews and nieces. I can't fathom a cracka straight up killing them and getting away with it and they put a mic in my face and I'm not screaming racism and that this mufucka gonna pay one way or another. Now the courts can handle it or I can. How yall want it to go down? Fuck a tshirt. Fuck tv appearances. Fuck NBA niggas wearin hoodies. Fuck allathat shit. Fuck running for fucking office. Zimmerman done got arrested 6 times since. There's not enough money they can pay me.

I vehemently disagree with this. After reading the article, I fully support Mr. Martin and Ms. Fulton in aspiring to holding political positions because that's power, and we need more of it.

I just got through mailing my ballot earlier this week for the local elections here in Los Angeles. It's a white nigga named Zuma Dogg trying to be the mayor out here. Black folks need to start taking motherfucking control of where the fuck they live and the Trayvon Martins and Jordan Davis's are less likely to happen. But I digress.

White supremacists will argue all day long: "Yes, there is a such thing as Black Supremacy."

Yet, there is no Black Economy disproportionately causing high unemployment rates among white men; yet, there is no Black judicial system that allows Black people to murder white "people" with impunity.

Shit is like reverse psychology. That's the motherfucking problem: there IS no Black Supremacy because, if there was, we wouldn't constantly be victims politically, economically, and socially. So what does common sense say???

Start practicing some form of fucking Black Supremacy to get out of your predicament. How do you do that?

Well...number one...Black men have to stop being pussy. And I say that with tough love. Stop being pussy by asking the right questions and then answering them.

Black people, particularly Black men, are the most oppressed motherfucking group, yet between 1999 and 2014, all demographics increased in suicide rates while Black men declined. Meanwhile, the rates among white men, who control everything in this nation, and white women increased exponentially.

Suicide rates among white women and white men increased 60 percent and 28 percent, respectively, and white middle-aged women had an increase of 80 percent.

As Black men, how can we get this to increase at an even more rapid pace while simultaneously making white men appear to be even more undesirable to white women? And, also gain power and resources? We're not in a position to fight fire with fire, yet! Therefore, we have to use our brains.

We have to start practicing dominance - not equality!!!!!!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn that 5 years went by fast. I wonder if they know that politics is not going to change anything. Once in any office you have to promote a white reality. But it may be good for them to try. Larry Hoover tried and they did not like him getting in the way of the control they have over the destiny of black youth in Chicago. Now they got him tied down and are not allowing him any breathing room. I think he would have made changes because the black youth saw him as one them. It reminds me of South Africa having no respect for black leaders in America. The only black leader they would listen to at one time was Farrakhan. And I got to admit they were right because our weakness sentenced them to death every day. Now the same white killers still control the wealth and power of South Africa. After 400 years of slavery in America we will still fight their wars to put money in the pockets of rich white people. And we will fight for their education which is like their religion falsehood mixed with truth as a sure formula for creating devils like them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I vehemently disagree with this. After reading the article, I fully support Mr. Martin and Ms. Fulton in aspiring to holding political positions because that's power, and we need more of it.

I just got through mailing my ballot earlier this week for the local elections here in Los Angeles. It's a white nigga named Zuma Dogg trying to be the mayor out here. Black folks need to start taking motherfucking control of where the fuck they live and the Trayvon Martins and Jordan Davis's are less likely to happen. But I digress.

White supremacists will argue all day long: "Yes, there is a such thing as Black Supremacy."

Yet, there is no Black Economy disproportionately causing high unemployment rates among white men; yet, there is no Black judicial system that allows Black people to murder white "people" with impunity.

Shit is like reverse psychology. That's the motherfucking problem: there IS no Black Supremacy because, if there was, we wouldn't constantly be victims politically, economically, and socially. So what does common sense say???

Start practicing some form of fucking Black Supremacy to get out of your predicament. How do you do that?

Well...number one...Black men have to stop being pussy. And I say that with tough love. Stop being pussy by asking the right questions and then answering them.

Black people, particularly Black men, are the most oppressed motherfucking group, yet between 1999 and 2014, all demographics increased in suicide rates while Black men declined. Meanwhile, the rates among white men, who control everything in this nation, and white women increased exponentially.

As Black men, how can we get this to increase at an even more rapid pace while simultaneously making white men appear to be even more undesirable to white women? And, also gain power and resources? We're not in a position to fight fire with fire, yet! Therefore, we have to use our brains.

We have to start practicing dominance - not equality!!!!!!


Holding political positions does not equate to power. Just had a black prez. How much power we got out of that. They son was slaughtered while that black president held office. The mothafucka that slaughtered their son has been arrested 6 times since WHILE that black president held office. Not ONE executive order dealing with police slaughtering our people in the streets while a black man held the most powerful position on the fuckin PLANET.

I agree that black men need to stop being pussy. IMO that also entails stop trying to vote or pray your way out of oppression.

We need a strong economic base in place first.

Political positions without an economic base is an exercise in futility.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Holding political positions does not equate to power. Just had a black prez. How much power we got out of that. They son was slaughtered while that black president held office. The mothafucka that slaughtered their son has been arrested 6 times since WHILE that black president held office. Not ONE executive order dealing with police slaughtering our people in the streets while a black man held the most powerful position on the fuckin PLANET.

I agree that black men need to stop being pussy. IMO that also entails stop trying to vote or pray your way out of oppression.

We need a strong economic base in place first.

Political positions without an economic base is an exercise in futility.
That position looks like the most powerful position. It is the best position white supremacy has. Every president sworn into office they have to reveal secrets to that person about black people. But there are rich white families that run and make their money off of America. They call the shots. Every president that has been in office was heavy on drugs and I am talking about heavy drugs. For some reason it is part of having the position. But it is a position of white supremacy just like the imperial wizard. The government is the so called hidden part of what is a white empire.
Actually they may have been asked by the enemy to run. For some reason the families that run the world have billions and hundreds of trillions of dollars but will cut your throat for a dollar.
If we do not get some real power like what Elijah Muhammad was the messenger to we are doomed. The pain of what our ancestors deserve for killing and betraying Nat Turner, and some of the other rebellions will come down on this generation.
That black president personality was used to help with the black genocide in Libya. But I will admit that if I actually had the sell out job of president and that happened with their son and Mike Brown I would have told those whites that thought they had total control of what I do that I am going there personally to check this bullshit out and to look into what is going on.
No president will expose what is happening at area 51. These Nazi's are running things. The blacks should know by now that they are not getting anywhere for real by being obedient to these devils. It is like campaigning for more control by them. I mean no one can help it unless some black break the control these whites got over him and can grow. I represent that idea of a black nation the way life was before other races were grafted from us. BLACK ORIGINAL NATION.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
They should run on the platform of punishing cocksuckas that stunt on you after committing a heinous crime against you.

It fits in well with the narrative of what they've gone through.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Whatever their choice, I will gladly send them a check. It seems on the national level, Florida politicians are mostly awful. Who is their state rep?

Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
Holding political positions does not equate to power. Just had a black prez. How much power we got out of that. They son was slaughtered while that black president held office. The mothafucka that slaughtered their son has been arrested 6 times since WHILE that black president held office. Not ONE executive order dealing with police slaughtering our people in the streets while a black man held the most powerful position on the fuckin PLANET.

I agree that black men need to stop being pussy. IMO that also entails stop trying to vote or pray your way out of oppression.

We need a strong economic base in place first.

Political positions without an economic base is an exercise in futility.

Yes, it does.

You can't have a strong economic base and no political power. You just can't have political positions with no economic base. Neither is mutually exclusive.

It's no coincidence more than half of the Black people in Ferguson Missouri was criminalized with warrants and shit when Mike Brown was murdered. Why? Because despite Black people being the majority of the population, white folks controlled the politics (mayor, councilmen, treasurer, chief of police, firemen, sheriff).

I'mma go in on this more later.

Edit: this is the problem with Black people. We're tunnel-visioned. We go after one thing. White people? They go after all prospects of power. If it is some form of control, they go after it. You know what that's called? Practicing dominance.

You can't an agenda and say, "Let's get economic power first. Then run for mayor. Then reach out to our brothers and sisters on an international scale."

Black people have to learn to multitask like the white folks: do everything at the same damn time.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes, it does.

You can't have a strong economic base and no political power. You just can't have political positions with no economic base. Neither is mutually exclusive.

It's no coincidence more than half of the Black people in Ferguson Missouri was criminalized with warrants and shit when Mike Brown was murdered. Why? Because despite Black people being the majority of the population, white folks controlled the politics (mayor, councilmen, treasurer, chief of police, firemen, sheriff).

I'mma go in on this more later.
If you got an economic base you can send your own people there to represent your people and their desires. Anytime a member of the nation of islam gets a political position they already know what that person is there for. It is hard to build an economic base right now, the only people with money is the ones that act like they came over on the Mayflower. I have watched everything I worked for crumble in my face several times before. Right now I am trying to build with a worn out me.
Politics the way they are talking about is only representing the system. That white girl that came up missing, they damn near tore another country up behind that. We have yet to realize that every institution in America at the root of it is a trick and a lie to master and dominate the original people of the earth (blacks) Whites cannot be carbon copies of us if they have us where we do not know who we are. These skin heads will show you it is a white man's world but on the other side of this the more you become a carbon copy of devils the more they will accept you and welcome you in. Getting out is what they are really worried about.
There are those in power right now and in the past that were struggling while in that power. There are some like me struggling to get that power but once we do all the struggling is over. The world has yet to see the truth laid bare.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes, it does.

You can't have a strong economic base and no political power. You just can't have political positions with no economic base. Neither is mutually exclusive.

It's no coincidence more than half of the Black people in Ferguson Missouri was criminalized with warrants and shit when Mike Brown was murdered. Why? Because despite Black people being the majority of the population, white folks controlled the politics (mayor, councilmen, treasurer, chief of police, firemen, sheriff).

I'mma go in on this more later.

Edit: this is the problem with Black people. We're tunnel-visioned. We go after one thing. White people? They go after all prospects of power. If it is some form of control, they go after it. You know what that's called? Practicing dominance.

You can't an agenda and say, "Let's get economic power first. Then run for mayor. Then reach out to our brothers and sisters on an international scale."

Black people have to learn to multitask like the white folks: do everything at the same damn time.

I beg to differ. Look at the asian community. Look at chinatown...any chinatown. THe one in NY. The one's in Cali, Philly, etc.

Now you've just had the example of a black man in the highest political position. The MOST POWERFUL MAN ON THE FUCKIN PLANET.

Where the power at? His fuckin troll just took his job. Trump screamed on this nigga from the sidelines for 6 fuckin years and now he got his job. He said his main objective is to undo everything this nigga did the second he steps foot in office.

Where is the power? Niggas keep trying to do EVERYTHING BUT what's neccessary. And that is building a black based economy.

You can have 5 more black presidents, 1ooo more black congressman and senators but without a black based economy it ain't gonna amount to shit for the black community as a whole.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I beg to differ. Look at the asian community. Look at chinatown...any chinatown. THe one in NY. The one's in Cali, Philly, etc.

Now you've just had the example of a black man in the highest political position. The MOST POWERFUL MAN ON THE FUCKIN PLANET.

Where the power at? His fuckin troll just took his job. Trump screamed on this nigga from the sidelines for 6 fuckin years and now he got his job. He said his main objective is to undo everything this nigga did the second he steps foot in office.

Where is the power? Niggas keep trying to do EVERYTHING BUT what's neccessary. And that is building a black based economy.

You can have 5 more black presidents, 1ooo more black congressman and senators but without a black based economy it ain't gonna amount to shit for the black community as a whole.

Your right about your last sentence..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I beg to differ. Look at the asian community. Look at chinatown...any chinatown. THe one in NY. The one's in Cali, Philly, etc.

Now you've just had the example of a black man in the highest political position. The MOST POWERFUL MAN ON THE FUCKIN PLANET.

Where the power at? His fuckin troll just took his job. Trump screamed on this nigga from the sidelines for 6 fuckin years and now he got his job. He said his main objective is to undo everything this nigga did the second he steps foot in office.

Where is the power? Niggas keep trying to do EVERYTHING BUT what's neccessary. And that is building a black based economy.

You can have 5 more black presidents, 1ooo more black congressman and senators but without a black based economy it ain't gonna amount to shit for the black community as a whole.
Building a black house is very much different. Those are positions in a white reality that was built to master and dominate the original people (blacks). Obama became president because it worked so well in South Africa with Mandela. But in America they were not going to let nobody with our hair and our darkness and our way of talking in such a position of white supremacy. People may think the president runs things but they will give out wake up calls like they did Kennedy.
How do we expect to have power if all we do is support white power? I will admit that is all they allow to exist right now. Black nationalist like me just got to keep working toward building a choice. But we have no choice but to support white supremacy.
Trayvon Martin whole incident was caught on tape by the security cameras there at Twin Lake. I had bootleg cable back then. I saw the local news there say they were going to release the security tapes of the whole incident. They must have got a visit from the police and changed that real quick.
No matter what happens it seems people are confused as to who Satan(whites) is and confused who God (blacks) is. If you start out off course the longer or further you travel the more you are going to be lost.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I looked at this thread for a few days before steeling myself enough to enter. It still angers me, to no end.... I can see it still effects many of us, the same way. I still can't fathom that this incident was/is seen differently by cac's. Shit is still crazy, Bros........


Support BGOL
Before I waste my time reading this shit, someone answer this 1 question... did his parents take the default house slave stance and "forgive" Zimmerman?