Trump personally ordered the postmaster general to double Amazon’s shipping rates: report

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Trump personally ordered the postmaster general to double Amazon’s shipping rates: report

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos (left, via Wikimedia Commons) and President Donald Trump (right, via Creative Commons/Gage Skidmore).

President Donald Trump has reportedly personally asked the postmaster general to double Amazon’s shipping rates in an escalation of his animosity towards the company and its CEO, Jeff Bezos.

The Washington Post reported Friday on the claim made by three people close to the matter. U.S. Postmaster General Megan Brennan has repeatedly pushed back on the president’s request in a number of conversations occurring both this year and last year.

Brennan told Trump “these arrangements are bound by contracts and must be reviewed by a regulatory commission,” the Post‘s sources said.

“She has told the president that the Amazon relationship is beneficial for the Postal Service and gave him a set of slides that showed the variety of companies, in addition to Amazon, that also partner for deliveries,” the report continued.
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The R&B Master
OG Investor
According to Forbes Magazine since Amazon has emerged as a retail giant Trump's investments have lost 600 Million. So as usual he's conjured up another lie this time attacking both Amazon and the USPS. Claims Amazon is being charged cheaper rates.

My former company used FedEx and we got a cheaper rate because we were their biggest customer. Do you see the pattern? :smh:

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Hmmm I wonder could amazon's prime membership increase have been a way to offset trumps fuckery?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Man this is just another level of crazy to add to the list of crazy.
its crazier than you might imagine

Gary Cohen and company spent many hours showing Trump how wrong the shit is and Trump kept saying I don't want to hear that shit

What’s Driving Trump’s Attacks on Amazon? It’s Personal
President’s attacks on e-commerce company stem from its CEO Jeff Bezos’s ownership of the Washington Post, which Trump says covers him unfairly, say people close to the White House
Peter Nicholas
April 6, 2018 5:30 a.m. ET

Early in President Donald Trump’s term, when White House officials heard him complain vociferously about Inc. they arranged private briefings in the Oval Office to make sure that he would talk knowledgeably about the company.

Gary Cohn, his top economic adviser, and other officials gave PowerPoint presentations and briefing papers they believed debunked his concerns that Amazon was dodging taxes and exploiting the U.S. Postal Service.

It made little difference. Mr. Trump persisted in attacks that ran counter to the material they had showed him.

“It’s not the narrative he wants,” one person familiar with the matter said of the White House briefings. “He clearly didn’t find it persuasive because he keeps saying it’s untrue.”

Sources close to the White House told the Journal that Trump was personally angry with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos because he also owns the Washington Post — whose coverage the president sees as unfairly critical of him and his administration.

Those sources say Trump is attacking Amazon as a proxy for the Washington Post and Bezos.

Publisher Frederick J. Ryan Jr. said Thursday that Bezos has “never proposed a story” and plays no role in the newspaper’s coverage.

“Jeff has never intervened in a story,” Ryan said. “He’s never critiqued a story. He’s not directed or proposed editorials or endorsements.”

Trump has renewed his attacks on Amazon this week, and his aides again have tried to gently point out his complaints might be “missing the point,” according to a White House official.

However, that has prompted Trump to continue “digging in,” the official said.

One person who speaks regularly to the president said his complaints about Amazon were directly related to Post coverage.

“(Trump) talked about the fact that the Washington Post is solely owned by Jeff Bezos and (Bezos) is using that same entity to take on the president and the administration,” the source said.

Another person close to the White House confirmed that source’s claim.

“Every time there was a bad story (Amazon) would come up,” that person said



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
On top of everything else, the Trump presidency exposed two things. First, it exposed just why so many people were scared of/didn't trust Barack Obama as President. Because they were afraid with access to power like this, he would abuse it in ways just like this. Because how they imagine someone wielding power is a reflection of what they would do.

Second, it exposed just how okay they are with someone abusing power, so long as the person looks like them and so long as they think that the people that they look down on get worse treatment.

I'm not sure which thing is more horrible, but there you go.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
First, it exposed just why so many people were scared of/didn't trust Barack Obama as President. Because they were afraid with access to power like this, he would abuse it in ways just like this. Because how they imagine someone wielding power is a reflection of what they would do.

Second, it exposed just how okay they are with someone abusing power, so long as the person looks like them and so long as they think that the people that they look down on get worse treatment.
It also exposed something else. Evangelicals and patriots are empty shells, and do not hold firmly to their beliefs.