Trump plans to cut Social Security in latest budget proposal


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
Normally this would be political suicide. But these idiots (his base) lack of knowledge on how the government tit butters a lot of their bread, plus their blind loyalty to; dude could get away with it.

Of course, as soon as there’s outcry he’ll take it off the table, blame Democratics, and claim it was just a pump fake of an idea put in by a staffer.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Lets not put the blame on Trump here, The GOP have been trying to cut Social Security and Medicare for a long time now. That was Paul Ryan's goal when he was in office and he failed at it. Republicans know Trump is a fuck up and if they can gut Social Security under his watch and let him get the blame this is a win for the establishment.

I don't get how cats can come here everyday and talk shit about Democrats, yes they are not perfect but the only reason we have been getting better police reform, healthcare, education in the county has been because of the Democrats. Left to the republicans and they would stop teaching science in schools and make bible study mandatory.


Rising Star
Mueller taking too long.

*two cents*


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Chaos and Madness!!

The distraction & division agenda is being pushed on US from every angle imaginable!!! There doing everything in the book to keep 85% of the population of this colony, in a constant state of fear!!

If you can bend people towards believing certain precepts, you can get them to do anything!!


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
It is actually going to the rich 1%..Benny Sanders is the right politician to take this, the ending of student debt forgiveness, and the $845billion planned cuts to Medicare and frame them in the right context, even uf someone wins the nomination
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Because he has nothing

If he had nothing... He would have ended it a long time ago.

Coming from a lawyer... Believe me when I say....

We like to Close out a case as quick as we can. No lawyer wants to waste his time on a complicated case like this with everyone watching you. Especially when you aren't in the private sector.


I'll say what I've been saying all along...

Whatever he finds as to Collusion ... is not going to show a direct link to Trump the person.. but his organization. It doesn't seem like Trump made direct contacts to these people... He operated like a Mob boss by using lieutenants.

Trump's issue will come down to his post election shit.. and that's where his problems come from..

The Statement that he wrote for Don Jr on the Plane..

His contacts with the A.G...

Firing Comey..

.................... Those actions amount to a Conspiracy... I think his post election shit and the Bank and tax fraud will be his undoing...

WHich is fine with me..

I want his entire empire to Crumble before my eyes.... like Sodom.
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Rising Star
Because he has nothing
I think he has the goods on 45. When and if the full truth comes out, Mitch the Bitch and the majority of the Senate won't do anything with the heavily redacted Barr report. They will stay on code and not vote for impeachment no matter what.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shits a huge dud . Trump is going nowhere
I agree now. And if he did he does it’s gonna be so close to the end of his term that it won’t matter. I’m hoping for the field goal now: Muellee having enough to prevent him running again and he gets charged while out of office or has a debilitating stroke that has him parked in the corner of a nursing home with bed sores and no visitors

BGOL Investor
I'm pointing that a lot of people on the left think as soon as the Mueller report comes out then he'll be impeached. No way, not even close.

Of course he'll be in legal jeopardy once he steps down or loses the presidency but it ain't going to be slam dunk by Mueller.

If he had nothing... He would have ended it a long time ago.

Coming from a lawyer... Believe me when I say....

We like to Close out a case as quick as we can. No lawyer wants to waste his time on a complicated case like this with everyone watching you. Especially when you aren't in the private sector.


I'll say what I've been saying all along...

Whatever he finds as to Collusion ... is not going to show a direct link to Trump the person.. but his organization. It doesn't seem like Trump made direct contacts to these people... He operated like a Mob boss by using lieutenants.

Trump issue will come down to his post election shit.. and that's where his problems come from..

The Statement that he wrote for Don Jr on the Plane..

His contacts with the A.G...

Firing Comey..

.................... Those actions amount to a Conspiracy... I think his post election shit and the Bank and tax fraud will be his undoing...

WHich is fine with me..

I want his entire empire to Crumble before my eyes.... like Sodom.

BGOL Investor
Nothing??? How do you explain all the indictments and the number of people going to jail. You sound like a fuckin' Trump supporter. :smh:

Trump supporter? Man Fuck outa Here. Pointing out that Whatever they got gonna be soft as fuck ain't supporting him, it's the fucking truth. I swear some of you cats got all your hopes and dreams riding on this one cat Mueller. Like others have already said in this thread even if they catch him dead to rights ain't shit going to happen to him. Trump has the ultimate protection of white supremacy coating his ass.

Ain't nobody supporting that motherfucker just dropping shit you don't want to hear.

and he knows nothing will happen to trump anyway

It's like these cats are blind or some shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
None of that has to do with Russia

Where have you been living, under a rock??? Thirty-five people, including 26 Russian nationals, have been charged by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III in the ongoing probe of Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election and in other related cases. :hmm: