Trump Selects Herman Cain for Federal Reserve Board, Sources Say


Rising Star
Platinum Member
President Donald Trump intends to nominate Herman Cain, the former pizza company executive who ran for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Trump plans to announce his selection very soon, the people said.

During the presidential campaign, Cain became known for his so-called “9-9-9” tax plan, which would have replaced much of the U.S. tax code with a flat 9 percent tax on sales transactions as well as corporate and individual income.

Trump has repeatedly attacked U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell for raising interest rates, and Bloomberg News reported in December that the president had even discussed firing him. One way the president can directly influence monetary policy is through nominations to the Fed board, though anyone he picks must be confirmed by the Senate.



Beep beep. Who's got the keys to the Jeep? VROOM!
OG Investor
Cain in September co-founded a pro-Trump super-political action committee, America Fighting Back PAC, which features a photo of the president on its website and says: “We must protect Donald Trump and his agenda from impeachment.”
How many kids did Herman Cain have with that sugar baby he (allegedly) sponsored for THIRTEEN YEARS? :idea:


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Naturally, he's going to appoint anyone who will fall on their sword for him. He's stacking the deck to make it as difficult as possible to touch him. Now with that nuclear option bullshit, the Senate and that racist kkk fuck mcconnell will ram his shit through with the quickness.

Oh yeah, I forgot, voting doesn't matter.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What u talking about???

Holy shit. You know, it's getting much harder to root for the country to survive. Like, I want us to get past this and get better, and I certainly don't want to try to live through a (worse) depression or recession. But it almost feels like we have to crash and burn completely, or else this rogue element of idiocy will never understand how badly we've been fucked.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Holy shit. You know, it's getting much harder to root for the country to survive. Like, I want us to get past this and get better, and I certainly don't want to try to live through a (worse) depression or recession. But it almost feels like we have to crash and burn completely, or else this rogue element of idiocy will never understand how badly we've been fucked.

Russia by far nuke us through political means. They politcally cut off our head and now they watching our body spazzing out with fucked up picks such as Herman Cain, and bleeding out National Security secrets from people like Kushner.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
news reporter...

Mr Cain.. Mr Cain.. what are you going to do to ensure

we have a stable financial economy your first year on the board...

Herman Caine: Uh thats simple...


.next question....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This can't be true. Herman Cain thinks the Fed is a government agency. The current Board member would die from laughter at the mere thought. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This just tells me trump knows no one and the people around him are suppose to help him but he's just selecting people that think like him and his club members.

She's going to get bad,I can fill this fucker sinking,save ya money people and be prepare.