Fox News guest who slams San Francisco’s crime and drug use is arrested for working as pimp
Ricci Wynne, 39, was detained alongside a 30-year-old woman, who is believed to be a sex worker, at
San Francisco International Airport on Saturday evening after flying in from Miami, police said.
According to a police report reviewed by
The San Francisco Standard, the alleged sex work mostly took place in Wynne’s luxury apartment on Fremont Street.
It sometimes also involved travel to Salt Lake City, Las Vegas and Hawaii, police said.
A search warrant executed at Wynne’s apartment allegedly found almost $80,000 in cash, according to
SF Gate, as well as evidence of sex work on three cellphones belonging to Wynne, including texts from clients.
Self-styled ‘video vigilante’ Ricci Wynne is known for his content recording homeless drug users in San Fransisco