Trumper Blames L.A. FIRES On Black People And IT BACKFIRES


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fact that they keep having that dude on says so much. I’m not trying to debate a racist. “Absolutely slamming” is pointless. These gotcha points mean NOTHING. It’s just makes Crocket and others look like whiners.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fact that they keep having that dude on says so much. I’m not trying to debate a racist. “Absolutely slamming” is pointless. These gotcha points mean NOTHING. It’s just makes Crocket and others look like whiners.
I like crockett but this is just red meat for her base. Dude is a obvious troll, her response will not push her agenda forward.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I like crockett but this is just red meat for her base. Dude is an obvious troll, her response will not push her agenda forward.
It’s red meat for everyone. But then you realize everyone ain’t even watching like that. Everyone is less than a million viewers. Shit, mSNBC has even called back Maddow for everyday work. But it isn’t going to work.

The Atlantic just pushed out a story from John Chait about Biden in Ohio that black folks have been saying in Philadelphia since OJ stabbed that white bitches.
RIP The Press.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I like crockett but this is just red meat for her base. Dude is an obvious troll, her response will not push her agenda forward.
Exactly. They’re baiting her for sound bites to make her look combative or ghetto—anything to perpetuate stereotypes already permeating within the media.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Exactly. They’re baiting her for sound bites to make her look combative or ghetto—anything to perpetuate stereotypes already permeating within the media.
How she falls for the bait everytime it can be on TV or in congress. it like she is auditioning for something better or worse being a celeb

BGOL Investor
The fact that they keep having that dude on says so much. I’m not trying to debate a racist. “Absolutely slamming” is pointless. These gotcha points mean NOTHING. It’s just makes Crocket and others look like whiners.

I ain't watched CNN since the election ended. I'm not doing this bullshit for another 4 years (9 years actually).
They can carry on without me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How she falls for the bait everytime it can be on TV or in congress. it like she is auditioning for something better or worse being a celeb
She’s trying to top her “Bad built, bitch body..” comment. She’s looking foolish. Can’t convince someone who hates you to see the good in you. That goes for the entire racism shit, fuck these cacs, Asians, and Latinos.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
She’s trying to top her “Bad built, bitch body..” comment. She’s looking foolish. Can’t convince someone who hates you to see the good in you. That goes for the entire racism shit, fuck these cacs, Asians, and Latinos.
The long con is that TV pays well. It doesn’t. Inflation will always make selling your soul a money-loser. It makes it apparent to you that these folks never read Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.


Rising Star
OG Investor
She’s trying to top her “Bad built, bitch body..” comment. She’s looking foolish. Can’t convince someone who hates you to see the good in you. That goes for the entire racism shit, fuck these cacs, Asians, and Latinos.
even nariq tasheed doesn't use the white supremacy bit anymore. even he switched up and turned the focus onto a different demographic. that's how you keep the system "fresh"


Rising Star
Trump dick suckers
come a runnin in, lol.



Rising Star
How she falls for the bait everytime it can be on TV or in congress. it like she is auditioning for something better or worse being a celeb
cmon know the game

once she's out of politics....she'll be a pseudo-celeb....

she'll end up dating a retired athlete or entertainer and maybe there will be a reality


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Exactly. They’re baiting her for sound bites to make her look combative or ghetto—anything to perpetuate stereotypes already permeating within the media.

I'm glad she's passionate about calling these racist trolls on their bullshit. That hardly makes her look ghetto because she's anything but. I've seen her go at them in congressional hearings and she does so with irrefutable facts not hyperbole. I really take offense at your ghetto insinuation about her. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm glad she's passionate about calling these racist trolls on their bullshit. That hardly makes her look ghetto because she's anything but. I've seen her go at them in congressional hearings and she does so with irrefutable facts not hyperbole. I really take offense at your ghetto insinuation about her. :hmm:
By all means, feel that way. The stereotype of black women is loud, argumentative and finger-snapping; and they are baiting her to overreact over shit they know will trigger her. He says the shit and looks right at her as she “goes off” on him. He just folds his arms and lets her create the sound bite they’ll use later to paint her as irrationally, I’ll-temptered, etc. But, view it as you must.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
By all means, feel that way. The stereotype of black women is loud, argumentative and finger-snapping; and they are baiting her to overreact over shit they know will trigger her. He says the shit and looks right at her as she “goes off” on him. He just folds his arms and lets her create the sound bite they’ll use later to paint her as irrationally, I’ll-temptered, etc. But, view it as you must.

As I will view you. The stereotypes attributed to black women are only true to those who make and believe them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As I will view you. The stereotypes attributed to black women are only true to those who make and believe them.


Even the Obamas had that word thrown at them regularly and they rarely carried themselves in a way that would justify the use of that word when describing them or their behavior.

For a racist person black = ghetto, behavior or actions aren't a factor.

If that were the case Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green would regularly be labeled as ghetto.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As did everyone else who called you on your cac/coon anti-black sentiments huh Tim, or is it Byron? :rolleyes:
Yo, if reading and comprehension isn’t your thing, I get it. It’s cool. Not sweating what you or anyone on your reading level thinks of me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yo, if reading and comprehension isn’t your thing, I get it. It’s cool. Not sweating what you or anyone on your reading level thinks of me.

Seems like you're sweating it. Let it go man. You are who and what you are, and I on the other hand being lover and defender of black people am what I am.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Video has 3.5 minutes of meaningful content, but is over 7+ minutes in length. We need time stamps on videos narrated by sloth-mouthed people.