Turkey Leg Hut is being sued by US Foods Inc. for $1.3 million


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm a business owner here in Houston just like TLH owner(s) so I guess I can relate to them on some level.
I don't run my business the way they do and they've obviously made mistakes over the years, but that's the case with a lot of businesses.
A lot of business owners have no clue how to properly run a business since it's not something that's taught in school.

The $100 non-refundable deposit in hindsight was a mistake on their part, but it was clearly a reaction to to folks just hanging out and not buying food. That definitely could have been handled another way.
Maybe require a certain amount minimum (definitely less than $100) for folks dining in just like clubs/bars that require a 2 drink minimum to stay.

Ultimately, it looks like the in-fighting between the couple is what doomed the business which is a shame.
Divorced couples can still run a business together (look at the Rock and his ex-wife), but it looks like the wife especially got all in her feelings and is determined to just burn it all down.

Agree with most of what you have said. Most people learn on the go how to run a business. They had the luxury of a booming business, so when there is plenty of money....one doesn't have to learn so fast, which is good and bad......$100 non-refundable is ridiculous. That makes sense at Steak 48 because a meal is gonna be that anyway, but if I want a turkey leg and a beer...I ain't hitting 100 bucks.

But, I disagree about the wife. Husbands name was never on any of the documents...none of them. Everything was solely in her name. Also, it seems she has a consulting company and is making immediate and drastic moves to correct the sinking ship. I don't know if it will work....but at this point it is the right thing to do.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
To be clear I got no problem with stipulations for establishments
I got problems with ruining customer bases and causing negative controversy and being polarizing as a business all of which they managed to accomplish

Twerking on tables is extreme if people were twerking on tables I doubt anyone would have an issue with them saying don't twerk on tables let's be for real here.

Like I said. I don't know how much you get out or if you have visited some of the local establishments....but at 11 pm, with music blaring and folk drunk....this bishes don't give a damn....

Yet I can go to Ciel and the music is the same and the clientele is close to the same and niccas know how to act.....the want to do shit on Almeda they would never think of doing in Mastro's.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Agree with most of what you have said. Most people learn on the go how to run a business. They had the luxury of a booming business, so when there is plenty of money....one doesn't have to learn so fast, which is good and bad......$100 non-refundable is ridiculous. That makes sense at Steak 48 because a meal is gonna be that anyway, but if I want a turkey leg and a beer...I ain't hitting 100 bucks.

But, I disagree about the wife. Husbands name was never on any of the documents...none of them. Everything was solely in her name. Also, it seems she has a consulting company and is making immediate and drastic moves to correct the sinking ship. I don't know if it will work....but at this point it is the right thing to do.
The wife served him with divorce papers at the job and had him escorted off the premises right after.
To me, that's being dramatic on her part and could have been handled better.
Famous people get served with divorces all the time and we never heard about them because they don't make a public spectacle out of it.

And although he wasn't legally an owner (presumably because of his criminal record and TABC) he still contributed like an owner to the business.
Making a public spectacle out of your divorce and relationship drama is not a good step towards preventing a ship from sinking.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
The wife served him with divorce papers at the job and had him escorted off the premises right after.
To me, that's being dramatic on her part and could have been handled better.
Famous people get served with divorces all the time and we never heard about them because they don't make a public spectacle out of it.

And although he wasn't legally an owner (presumably because of his criminal record and TABC) he still contributed like an owner to the business.
Making a public spectacle out of your divorce and relationship drama is not a good step towards preventing a ship from sinking.
Legally, his name on papers or not, in a marriage, if he fights her in the divorce for half of the biz, she will either have to offer him a number and pay him off or sell the biz and divide the proceeds. That's if he contests for half. She can always dissolve it, reopen under a different name and say "formerly known as..." and I think still come out winning. Either way, everything is gonna be public and I'm sure black twitter will post it all


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You saying them H Tine niggaz gone be pullin' up like prime Harden shooting from anywhere :lol::lol::lol:

Literally everyone is going to be coming at her. Turkey Leg Hut holds a lot of real estate. The restaurant literally takes up a few blocks on Almeda which is prime real estate. The restaurant is near the medical center, downtown, 3rd ward, etc. Its literally a shame this is happening. At the minimum a developer would put some high rises on that property. Plus you can walk to the freeway from this spot.

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Literally everyone is going to be coming at her. Turkey Leg Hut holds a lot of real estate. The restaurant literally takes up a few blocks on Almeda which is prime real estate. The restaurant is near the medical center, downtown, 3rd ward, etc. Its literally a shame this is happening. At the minimum a developer would put some high rises on that property. Plus you can walk to the freeway from this spot.
they might have been renting it


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
The food was nothing to write home about and a bit overpriced... that is a spot you went to see and be seen...

I'll say this; I wanted them to succeed because I knew it was pissing them crackers off...

this "rebranding" of 3rd Ward to "the museum district" is serious... and that spot is prime location for a developer to come in, take over and throw up some 800k townhomes with easy access to major highways, downtown Houston, and almost any point of interest in the city within 20 minutes. I can't stress it enough, the TLH is sitting on prime real estate.

They tried to shut them down with the smoke stack shit, then the parking, but that didn't work. They then manufactured a story (and hate) from people THAT AREN'T EVEN RESIDENTS OF HOUSTON over the dress code and the non refundable deposit... but that didn't work either.

This US Foods shit though... mark my words... that will be their downfall... and the thought of this being a totally avoidable situation is what really just irks my soul.

So me personally, I'm not gonna dance on the grave and celebrate their demise, but I'm not going to go easy on them and refrain from talking shit just because they're black owned.

If this place doesn't survive it will be due to their own negligence and mismanagement, not anyone or anything else. No outside factors, no powers that be, no city ordinance or conspiracy amongst some greedy developers burying them in litigation up to their eyeballs... it will be their fault and their fault ALONE. That is why I'm angry with them and don't care what happens next.

(Side note that dress code shit was needed... people was dressing WRONG in that joint... I want food not the unsolicited ass cheeks of a chic built like a Texans linebacker and funky sit down air waiving about while I'm trying to enjoy my turkey leg)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Literally everyone is going to be coming at her. Turkey Leg Hut holds a lot of real estate. The restaurant literally takes up a few blocks on Almeda which is prime real estate. The restaurant is near the medical center, downtown, 3rd ward, etc. Its literally a shame this is happening. At the minimum a developer would put some high rises on that property. Plus you can walk to the freeway from this spot.

If I remember correctly they've been in a legal battle with the brother who owns 5015 across the street because he invested in the TLH. Maybe he can work out something with the wife to make sure TLH stays there.


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
If I remember correctly they've been in a legal battle with the brother who owns 5015 across the street because he invested in the TLH. Maybe he can work out something with the wife to make sure TLH stays there.
Wasn't the rumor that Lynn had something to do with that fire at 5015??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If I remember correctly they've been in a legal battle with the brother who owns 5015 across the street because he invested in the TLH. Maybe he can work out something with the wife to make sure TLH stays there.
Yep, I just looked up the court records and the brother is suing TLH for almost $1 million that he was supposed to get in a buyout agreement.
I know the lawyers working on the case. Looks like the next hearing in the case is next month.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Just want to say H Tine is a great city . We always get love there shout out Houston. It’s too hot in the summer though
I quit going to places in my hood, these mf ain’t buyin the land

I keep seein cac move in, we had two old couples pass and the properties were sold


Rising Star
Literally everyone is going to be coming at her. Turkey Leg Hut holds a lot of real estate. The restaurant literally takes up a few blocks on Almeda which is prime real estate. The restaurant is near the medical center, downtown, 3rd ward, etc. Its literally a shame this is happening. At the minimum a developer would put some high rises on that property. Plus you can walk to the freeway from this spot.
Damn, that is a goldmine for any real estate firm, especially the ones that are gentrifying our communities. It's between downtown, a freeway, the hood, and a medical center.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I quit going to places in my hood, these mf ain’t buyin the land

I keep seein cac move in, we had two old couples pass and the properties were sold
Unfortunately that’s everywhere. Here I seen a cracka walking a beagle through the Acorns. Just for perspective of the area



Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
Add in they built that HEB on the other side of the road
Forgot all about that... it's not the best HEB but it still has everything and like you said is about 5 minutes or less from the current TLH location


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
I quit going to places in my hood, these mf ain’t buyin the land

I keep seein cac move in, we had two old couples pass and the properties were sold
That shit happening in Independence Heights up here by me too...

For those that don't know, Independence Heights was the first black municipality in the state of Texas, being incorporated in 1915. There were over 40 black owned businesses there and every home built there was built by black contractors.

You look around that area now you see townhomes all over the place... the residents are dying off and the family members, instead of holding on to the land, are selling it and moving to other parts of the city and the suburbs. I went to look at a townhouse over there and was surprised to see every owned or rented home over there had a young-ish white couple in it...


BGOL Legend
The food was nothing to write home about and a bit overpriced... that is a spot you went to see and be seen...

I'll say this; I wanted them to succeed because I knew it was pissing them crackers off...

this "rebranding" of 3rd Ward to "the museum district" is serious... and that spot is prime location for a developer to come in, take over and throw up some 800k townhomes with easy access to major highways, downtown Houston, and almost any point of interest in the city within 20 minutes. I can't stress it enough, the TLH is sitting on prime real estate.

They tried to shut them down with the smoke stack shit, then the parking, but that didn't work. They then manufactured a story (and hate) from people THAT AREN'T EVEN RESIDENTS OF HOUSTON over the dress code and the non refundable deposit... but that didn't work either.

This US Foods shit though... mark my words... that will be their downfall... and the thought of this being a totally avoidable situation is what really just irks my soul.

So me personally, I'm not gonna dance on the grave and celebrate their demise, but I'm not going to go easy on them and refrain from talking shit just because they're black owned.

If this place doesn't survive it will be due to their own negligence and mismanagement, not anyone or anything else. No outside factors, no powers that be, no city ordinance or conspiracy amongst some greedy developers burying them in litigation up to their eyeballs... it will be their fault and their fault ALONE. That is why I'm angry with them and don't care what happens next.

(Side note that dress code shit was needed... people was dressing WRONG in that joint... I want food not the unsolicited ass cheeks of a chic built like a Texans linebacker and funky sit down air waiving about while I'm trying to enjoy my turkey leg)
Thank you

And with the dress code understand but also that was their fault too

Bring em in cause it was supposed to be a place to be seen make it a club atmosphere get club attire then switch it up that's all I've ever said about it. They attracted and wanted THAT and then tried to switch it to upscale after they told everyone club was open
Dance in line get drunk let the dj take you there