TV Show Discussion: The Boys by Garth Ennis on Amazon Prime (Fonz Approved!) Update: Season 5 FINAL SEASON!


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The Boys TV Show First Photo Recreates The Comic's First Cover

The first photo of Amazon's adaptation of Garth Ennis' The Boys is an homage to the comics' first cover. The series that's been in development for over eight years is finally slated to premiere on the streaming giant in early 2019.

The Boys marks Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg's second adaptation of Ennis' work after AMC's Preacher, which just finished its third season. Both comics were considered unadaptable given their twin penchants for hyper-violence, but Rogen and Goldberg credit the success of Preacher with paving the way for The Boys to get off the ground. The series takes place in a world where superheroes exist, but also one in which the power they wield has corrupted them and turned them into exceptionally twisted villains. In response, the CIA develops its own superpowered team dedicated to the task of keeping celebrity supes in line. People have been trying to adapt the series since 2010, with Goldberg and Rogen attached since 2015. They sought homes at Cinemax and FX before finally landing at Amazon and nabbing Timeless' Eric Kripke as creator and showrunner. It was ordered to series in 2017 and started production in May of 2018.

Related: Amazon Sets Main Cast For Graphic Novel Adaptation The Boys

Right on schedule for New York Comic Con, the series released its first photo today featuring the main cast closely mimicking the cover of the first issue of The Boys. Clockwise from top right are Laz Alonso (Detroit) as Mother's Milk, Karen Fukuhara (Suicide Squad) as The Female, Jack Quaid (The Hunger Games) as Hughie, Karl Urban (Star Trek) as Billy Butcher and Tomer Capon (When Heroes Fly) as Frenchie. See the poster and an image of The Boys' comic cover below.

The characters represent original members of the CIA team that uses its own blend of violence and morality to police wayward superheroes in conjunction with the American government as represented by Jennifer Esposito and Academy Award-winner Elizabeth Shue, neither of whom are pictured. Also not pictured are the superheroes The Boys will attempt to thwart who include Chase Crawford as Aquaman-esque The Deep, Antony Starr as patriotic sociopath The Homelander and Jessica Jones' Erin Moriarty as Annie January. If the above photo is any indication, we can expect them to somewhat resemble their characters' looks from the comics - a fact that perhaps has some Preacher and The Boys fans breathing a little easier.

This photo combined with the casting that's remained largely faithful to the source material would seem to indicate that Rogen and Goldberg's adaptation of The Boyswill stick closer to home than their adaptation of Preacher has. Despite creating something unique and still ultimately respectful of Ennis' work, Preacher took some serious liberties by creating an almost entirely original first season and using sparing elements of the comics in the second. The third season mirrored the comics' storyline far more closely and faithfully, but fans of Ennis' work have remained frustrated that the AMC adaptation isn't more familiar. While it's probably too early to speculate on what The Boys will look like under Kripke's stewardship, this first photo would seem to indicate a close relationship with the source material that would have been far easier to execute on a streaming service rather than cable.


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The show, which is based on the comic book by Garth Ennis and illustrated by Darick Robertson, comes from creator Eric Kripke (Supernatural) and producers Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. It stars Karl Urban, Chace Crawford, the recently announced Simon Pegg, Erin Moriarty, and more.


Rising Star
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Man if it's directed and edited like Preacher I already know I'm not going to like it.

With Preacher, another Ennis-based series executive produced by Rogen and Goldberg, the show was more of an “alt-reality,” as Goldberg put it at the Comic Con panel. With The Boys, they’re “making something based more in our reality and something is a little more easy to relate to.”


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Billy Zane also makes a surprise cameo in the series. Kripke called him up because there’s a “Lindsay Lohan-esque superhero named Pop Claw” who stars in a film called Terminal Beauty 3. “We called Billy Zane and were like, ‘Billy Zane, can you fly out and film a scene in Terminal Beauty 3?'” he says. “And to his credit, Billy Zane was like, ‘I’m totally gonna fly out and film a scene from Terminal Beauty 3.”


Rising Star
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Comic was pretty vulgar. Wonder how close they are trying to get.

In addition to the teaser, shown above, Amazon screened for Comic Con attendees a clip of Urban’s Billy Butcher, leader of The Boys, planning to have Hughie (Quaid) plant a bug in the headquarters of The Seven, in addition to a sizzle reel of footage to illustrate just how R-rated the show will be.

“This is like that scene in The Matrix,” Billy says in the footage. “Now, you could take the f—ing red pill, spend the rest of your life jacking off, crying into your chai tea green latte, what the f– or you could take the blue pill. Is it the blue pill? Anyway, take the other pill… just quit being a c— is what I’m saying.”

BGOL Investor
With Preacher, another Ennis-based series executive produced by Rogen and Goldberg, the show was more of an “alt-reality,” as Goldberg put it at the Comic Con panel. With The Boys, they’re “making something based more in our reality and something is a little more easy to relate to.”

The directing and writing was just horrible. Also the hack-knee was hard to enjoy.


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Simon Pegg Joins Amazon’s ‘The Boys’, Makes Surprise Panel Appearance – New York Comic Con

by Dominic Patten

October 5, 2018 12:23pm


Shutterstock/Dynamite Entertainment

A member of Comic Con royalty joined Amazon’s The Boys today onstage in New York as Simon Pegg made a surprise visit to announce he is joining the Amazon series.

'Walking Dead' EP Gale Anne Hurd On Andrew Lincoln Exit & 'Lore' Season 2 - New York Comic Con


Walking out with a “hello everybody,” the Shaun of the Dead, Star Trek and Mission: Impossible alum said he will play the father of Hughie, the character he inspired in the very dark and grit-filled Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson comics on which the TV series is based. In the show executive produced by Eric Kripke and Evan Goldberg, Jack Quaid portrays Hughie.

As Brett Kavanaugh and Marvel mockery flew fast and footage was shown to laughs and applause, Pegg joined Quaid, Timeless co-creator Kripke and Robertson onstage at the Hammerstein Ballroom for the New York Comic Con panel. Another Comic Con vet, Karl Urban, was also in attendance along with Laz Alonso, Karen Fukuhara, Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty and Chace Crawford.



“We have a competition to see who can be in the most franchises,” Pegg’s Star Trek co-star and now Boys cast mate Urban joked after the announcement was made. “We are a couple of franchise whores,” Pegg responded to big cheers from the crowd, who had been treated to a rather intentionally stilted family photo.

Set to debut in 2019, The Boys takes place in an America where morally corrupt and degenerate superheroes called the “Seven” take advantage of their powers as well as the celebrity and fame they enjoy. Urban’s Billy Butcher leads a group of vigilantes known informally as “the Boys” who take on the seemingly unbeatable so-called supes. Those not-so-heroic superheroes are managed by Vought, a giant conglomerate that was the basis of those Marvel jokes today — check out the Elizabeth Shue as VP of Hero Management Madelyn Stillwell in the Vought corporate video that was played in the room Friday:

“The world now reflects the world of The Boys way more than when Garth wrote it,” Kripke noted, calling the series the “most topical show on television.” Noting what happens to her Starlight character in the comics and the series, Moriarty also connected The Boys to “America today” and the success of those failing upwards. “It’s good to be human and kind,” Kripke added to applause from the ballroom.


The eight-episode Prime Original drama is co-produced with Sony Pictures Television Studios, with Kripke, Point Grey Pictures’ Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen and James Weaver serving as EPs. Original Film’s Neal H. Moritz,, Ori Marmur, Pavun Shetty, Jason Netter and Ken Levin also EP. Ennis, who also wrote the Preacher comics Goldberg and Rogen produce for AMC, and Robertson will serves co-executive producers.


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Simon Pegg Interview: The Boys


Amazon's upcoming comic book adaptation, The Boys, dropped some big news at New York Comic Con this week; not only did was the first clip from the show revealed, but so was the news that Simon Pegg would be appearing in it. The Boys is an adaptation of the Garth Ennis comic series of the same name, which satirizes the superhero world and imagines life in a universe where those with powers become corrupted by them - but maintain their public image.

The 'Boys' of the comic title are a group of vigilantes, mostly without superpowers, who take it upon themselves to keep tabs on the various 'supes' in this world - and occasionally, to take them down. The series follows Butcher (Karl Urban), his new protege Hughie (Jack Quaid), and the rest of their gang as they wreak havoc on the twisted supes that the world sees as heroes, and it promises to be violent, foul-mouthed, and hilariously dark. After the reveal that Pegg would be appearing in the show as Hughie's father, we sat down to talk about what fans can expect from his new character on the show.

Related: The Boys TV Show Casts Simon Pegg As Hughie's Father

SR: So, obviously this was a big reveal for The Boys today. Can we ask now how big your part in the show is?

Simon Pegg: I'm a guest role. I think I'm in a few episodes, and it was something that we really wanted to do from the off. When the show became a reality, they were very kind to get in contact when Jack was cast and say 'maybe you can be in the show'. And I think I suggested that maybe I could play Hughie's father or something.

SR: So it was your idea?

Simon Pegg: Well, I can't remember, but I feel like I did say that! Whether or not they had already had the character in mind I'm not sure, because he certainly... he serves a real purpose in the show. He's not in the comic book, but I think in the show he represents the possibility of Hughie not taking action. And the show begins with this terrible tragedy that happens to Hugie and he has two choices; he can stay on the sofa with Dad like every Campbell man has in the past, or he can actually change his life.

And so, as a sort of visual representation of Hughie's possible destiny, the Dad works really well as a character.


SR: And do we see any of Hughie's Mom?

Simon Pegg: No, she passed away, so it's just Hughie and Dad, and they have a very sweet relationship. That picture that you saw of us, the family shot, is very much prior to A-Train doing what he does. They have a very sweet little... you know they are just father and son, and he's still got his toys in his bedroom, and they live together, and Dad dotes on him. He's a nice guy, he's just very ineffectual.

SR: How do you feel about the fact that in the comics, obviously Hughie is Scottish and now we're coming over to the US for this series? Are you going to be an English Dad or are you going to do the American accent?


Simon Pegg: Well, we talked about this, and I think what happened was initially I was going to play Hughie's Dad as Scottish in reference to the comic book, but then we decided in a way that if Hughie was used to a British accent of any kind, it would make Butcher less alien to him, in a way. Because Butcher's got to feel like he's from a completely different world, you know, and so he has this rough Cockney accent, and so we thought ok, let's make them American. So I play Hughie's father as American.

SR: Which other character are you most excited about? Which one is your favorite, either in the comics or the show... is it the same one?

Simon Pegg: I was just really happy to see the Supes, you know! When I did my first scene it was quite early on in the shoot and not all of the Boys had actually arrived. I hadn't met Karen [Fukahara] or anybody and I was kind of like, really wanting to see some superheroes. And then when I came back to shoot some more scenes later on I got to see A-Train, and pictures of the other ones, and it was just really great to see them in 3D! But the one that I saw that was a full on 'there he is, right in front of me' superhero was a real treat.

SR: Do you think that this show is going to be particularly appealing to people who are maybe getting a little of that so-called 'superhero fatigue'?


Simon Pegg: Yeah, I think that in a weird way, as a satire on superheroism, that's kind of the least of what this show is, in a way. It's a broader satire about the notion of power and celebrity, and it just so happens that the subjects of that particular analysis are superheroes in this show. We do, obviously, satirize superhero culture a little bit, and people might enjoy the parallels to other known superheroes that The Boys delights in. But at the same time, you know, it's still a superhero show, I think it's just a welcome change of tone, for sure. But it's not like, I don't think it's sneering at its roots in any way. In the great tradition of comics like The Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, it's kind of a slightly skewed version of that world, no less reverent.

SR: And other than yourself, because obviously your character doesn't exist in the comics, were there any other major changes that surprised you, going in as a fan? At least, I am assuming you are a fan!

Simon Pegg: I am, yes! Everything that I saw, I really really liked, and I appreciate the importance, when making an adaptation, of not being too slavish. You can tie yourself in knots by being desperate to please, and I think that the best thing you can do with a story that first appeared in 2008 sis to make sure that it feels relevant in 2018. So they've done everything they can to do that. So the changes that I saw felt completely in keeping with the spirit of the comic book, and I know that's what Garth Ennis really wanted as well, and Darick Robertson (the artist). And so as long as they maintain the kind of mission statement of it I'm happy to see it change. It must change, in the same way that The Walking Dead as a comic book is very different to the series, but it still has its own personality. TV is a different medium, you know, and it should have its own identity.


SR: And finally, I think we have time for one more, so given that you know the works of Garth Ennis, would you think that The Pro would be an interesting thing to be adapted next? And would you like to appear in that one, if it did?

Simon Pegg: [LAUGHS] I think anything he does is always... I think Garth kind of writes specifically to try and challenge people not to adapt... as if to say 'alright, adapt that then!'. You know, things that just seem completely unadaptable. So, yes, I would always be happy to be involved in anything that Garth does, I've been a fan a long time, so yeah.

And, now they've done Preacher and now this, I think it's paved the way for pretty much anything he does to appear in some form, you know, however mental. I shouldn't say that, it's the wrong word to say.


SR: Well, it's a very British word.

Simon Pegg: [CHUCKLES] Yeah. So - who knows, you might have started a rumor - this is how these things start!


Rising Star
Damn hé died how old was he?
Yeah it could have been better needed more budget
But it was cool

Artist Steve dillion was 54 when he died..dude wasn't my fav artist but I'm convinced noone could have done preacher like him.he captured the characters perfectly.

The boys shits on superheroes big time.garth ennis has always shown a disdain for them.hitman..the boys etc..
Can't wait for this shiiiiit! The grimeyness
Of gov and corp controlled supes is just too good not to portray in this era of the mcu and dcu.

Now if only we could get a crossed movie done right.that shit will make the walking dead look like a carnival.


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PLOT: In a world where superheroes embrace the darker side of their massive celebrity and fame, The Boys centers on a group of vigilantes known informally as “The Boys,” who set out to take down corrupt superheroes with no more than their blue-collar grit and a willingness to fight dirty.

Teaser Number 2

Still waiting for the Full Complete trailer...

but this should be good... I loved this Comic book. It's hella violent.

Full Trailer
Last edited:


Rising Star
Dam this might be the 2nd Amazon series I watch ever besides The Tick, i heard amazon is no longer doing the Conan series that I was waiting on. I guess i'm waiting for them to do the LOTR series

PLOT: In a world where superheroes embrace the darker side of their massive celebrity and fame, The Boys centers on a group of vigilantes known informally as “The Boys,” who set out to take down corrupt superheroes with no more than their blue-collar grit and a willingness to fight dirty.

Teaser Number 2

Still waiting for the Full Complete trailer...

but this should be good... I loved this Comic book. It's hella violent.