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Quentin Tarantino has no interest in sex scenes: 'Sex is not part of my vision of cinema'​

Within stories of blood-shed, flying severed heads, and a murdered Hitler, there is something you don't find in a Quentin Tarantino film – sex scenes.
By Justine BrowningApril 13, 2023 at 07:53 PM EDT




You never know what's going to happen in a Quentin Tarantino film but there's pretty much one thing you know won't — sex scenes.
"Sex is not part of my vision of cinema," Tarantino said in an interview with the Catalan Spanish newspaper Diari ARA.
The auteur's films have featured some of the most memorable (and occasionally goriest) sequences in cinematic history. There's the "Stuck in the Middle With You" ear mutilation scene in Reservoir Dogs, the twist contest in Pulp Fiction, and subsequent drug overdose in need of a shot of adrenaline, the five-palm exploding heart death punch in Kill Bill Vol. 2. Then there's the opening interrogation scene from Inglourious Basterds or how about that Mason family massacre in reverse at the end of the history-bending Once Upon A Time In Hollywood?

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino hints at quitting movies after 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.'

With the exception of his (criminally underrated) 1997 release Jackie Brown, which featured an intimate moment with Robert De Niro and Bridget Fonda, the filmmaker reveals he has no interest in portraying sex in his productions.
He also noted the logistical challenges of tackling sensual scenes during filming: "And the truth is that, in real life, it's a pain to shoot sex scenes, everyone is very tense." Adding, "if it was already a bit problematic to do it before, now it is even more so. If there had ever been a sex scene that was essential to the story, I would have, but so far it hasn't been necessary."

In the wake of stars coming forward with instances in which they felt exploited during intimate moments, there have been measures taken to ensure sex scenes are approached sensitively. EW explored such in a piece on 2020's Normal People. Some, particularly men in Hollywood, have expressed disdain over the new practices.
Tarantino is set to release his 10th (and purportedly final) film The Movie Critic next and while film journalism is an understatedly sexy profession, we're guessing he won't be breaking his no sex scene streak with that one.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Sex scenes are 99% of the time filler waste of times in shows and non porn movies
Good deal
I been saying this for the longest. Shit just isn't needed. I skip through that shit. Just show them going into a room or whatever. We get the picture.

Now when I was a kid, different take on that shit. :eek:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I been saying this for the longest. Shit just isn't needed. I skip through that shit. Just show them going into a room or whatever. We get the picture.

Now when I was a kid, different take on that shit. :eek:

Is THAT really the reason?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Is THAT really the reason?
Man, I'm from the scrambled Spice network era. Waiting for after 11pm for Cinemax/showtime era. I'm from the Sears catalog, women model era. Pausing the VCR era. Piling up to a friends house because their pops got the newest adult mag era. Yeah, as a kid, I wanted all the love scenes.

Even sneaky kids like I was don't need love scenes no more. Man, now If I were a kid I'd have all these tube sites, instagram, twitter, etc. Hell, your 'bookshelf booty' and 'definiton of a BGOL donk' threads update more in one day than all the porn I had access to in '86. :smh:

It's love scene overload thanks to the Internet.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Man, I'm from the scrambled Spice network era. Waiting for after 11pm for Cinemax/showtime era. I'm from the Sears catalog, women model era. Pausing the VCR era. Piling up to a friends house because their pops got the newest adult mag era. Yeah, as a kid, I wanted all the love scenes.

Even sneaky kids like I was don't need love scenes no more. Man, now If I were a kid I'd have all these tube sites, instagram, twitter, etc. Hell, your 'bookshelf booty' and 'definiton of a BGOL donk' threads update more in one day than all the porn I had access to in '86. :smh:

It's love scene overload thanks to the Internet.


I need to marinate on that


Rising Star
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