Tyler Herro done messed up ( Katya Elise Henry )


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

He's a NBA player lol

I'll take his spot







Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Halle Berry is a prime example of, just because you look good, doesn't mean you're not going to get cheated on.

Young dog plays in Miami. He can throw a rock and hit 5 bitches that look just like her, or badder than she is.
Yeah I got Dwyane Wade in trouble and I think you got LeBron in a little trouble too……. If you want to stay faithful Miami is not the place to be.


Circle the wagons.
BGOL Investor
I’m already not feelin her cause she fucked with Tyler Herro in the first place. I had first seen her pics several years ago, before she fucked with him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
no man especially an nba player should be settled down at 20 years old....

dude makes millions/yr...is famous...and lives in MIami...of all places

and she thought he was going to be faithful?


now that this is over he should leave that relationship shit alone and just be a father for the next decade

she about to run his pockets though


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
she saw an inexperienced dude with money....and took advantage...

no woman in this day an age has a baby gets pregnant unless she WANTS to
So now he is a victim and this poor adult did not know about safe sex or that or that this chic who is hotter than any girl he has ever been with was with him for his money? :lol: