Ukraine WhistleBlower Placed Under Federal Protection, Trump & His Goons Ain't Playing


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
Don't know how true it is but i think somebody online put out a 50,000 bounty on this person :puke:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I thought it was only alleged the person is CIA because of how detailed ( as in the way a CIA analyst would write) the report was. Has it been confirmed that it is a CIA agent?

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I thought it was only alleged the person is CIA because of how detailed ( as in the way a CIA analyst would write) the report was. Has it been confirmed that it is a CIA agent?
It’s confirmed, he was also working in the Whitehouse.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
they got some secret black ops crew chief going "wake everybody up!!!"



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Putting a bounty on an Alphabet . Good luck with that. This guy is in the CIA , people really think they tough guys trying to talk about killing CIA agents? Have fun when they show up at your house ready to water board the fuck out you.

I've been waterboarded before and that shit is scary, I don't think I've recovered from it.