Unleash Hell - Wrath of the Preacher Man. Do You Pay Your Tithes? Why or Why Not?


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Unleash Hell by Godofwine

‘Unleash hell,’ the Preacher Man had said.

Those were the last words Charlie remembered. Those words brought forth the demon and put Charlie Rosen to bed. Charlie slept through the whole process - never remembered a thing once the demon was summoned. Not bound by Charlie’s moral compass, the demon rose to eliminate non-believers at the behest of the Preacher Man.


Rain dripped from the demon’s long brown hair as Merritt Thompson crawled toward the large maple tree in his backyard. His ankle broken, Merritt knew he only had one chance to escape the wrath of the Preacher Man.

“You wouldn’t be looking for this, would you?” the demon asked.

Merritt looked over his shoulder; the demon held a .380 pistol in his large hands and Merritt turned a ghostly white.

“I knew you wouldn’t keep a gun in the house with your children.”

The mention of his children scared him more than not having his gun.

“Tell him I’ll pay,” Merritt begged. “Tell him I’ll pay him whatever he wants.”

“We are way past making deals here, Merritt,” the demon said, a sinister smile playing on his lips. He leaned in closer to man on the ground. “You said to the congregation – what was that again? That ‘paying tithes is for suckers.’ Did you say that?”

The demon wagged his finger and slowly walked forward.

Merritt, still crawling, cornered himself, pinned with his back against the tree.

“I was wrong, okay? I was wrong. I understand that, now. Just please don’t hurt my kids. My wife, and my kids. I don’t care what you do to me, but my wife, my wife and my kids. Leave them be.”

“Children always pay for the sins of the father. You know that, don’t you Merritt? ‘He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations’ - Exodus 34:7”

“No. No, please, no,” he said. Tears streamed down the man’s face mixing with the rain that fell from the dripping leaves. He clenched the dirt and grass in his hands.

“No. No, please, no,” the demon mocked. “I’m here because of you. ‘For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls,’ – Peter 2:25.

“Please,” Merritt begged again.

“Psalms 7:8 through 12, ‘The Lord shall judge the people: judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me. Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God tries the hearts and minds. My defense is of God, which saves the upright in heart. God judges the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.’

‘If a man does not repent, He will sharpen His sword; He has bent His bow and made it ready.”

Merritt cringed as seven-inch knives slid from holsters on either hip of his tormentor, the silver shimmering in the fading light. He lay helpless as the demon clinked the blades together. The demon continued toward the cowering man brandishing swords, his mission laid out by the Preacher Man and confirmed by scripture.

A bolt of lightning flashed showing the demon’s blood red eyes, followed by a crash of thunder. Thunder that shook the ground so hard leaves and raindrops fell from the tree.

The demon rushed forward; Merritt feebly held up his arms in self-defense. The blades sang as they sliced through the wind; thunder drowned out Merritt’s screams as his hands were severed at the wrist.

Lightning flashed.

Another crash of thunder smothered Merritt’s final cries as the knives formed a scissor removing the head from the body.

The demon stood without taking time to admire his work, and walked to the house to eliminate the wife and kids.


I don't go to church. The last church I enjoyed was Mount Caramel Baptist Church 1100 Church Street in Norfolk, VA, but even if I did I wouldn't pay tithes so preacher can drive a Jaguar


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Unleash Hell by Godofwine

I don't go to church. The last church I enjoyed was Mount Caramel Baptist Church 1100 Church Street in Norfolk, VA, but even if I did I wouldn't pay tithes so preacher can drive a Jaguar

Interesting. I didn't know you wrote short stories also.

Tithes are old covenant. We no longer have the tribes of Israel where the Levites, who were supposed to minister to God and care full the temple full time, where they were not to work so the other tribes had to support them. In the new testament we are commanded to give as we are led by the spirit. We are each a priest, we don't need to have priests to intercede on our behalf. You still get blessings for giving, but we are not mandated to tithe anymore.

g0nbad real bad

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Interesting. I didn't know you wrote short stories also.

Tithes are old covenant. We no longer have the tribes of Israel where the Levites, who were supposed to minister to God and care full the temple full time, where they were not to work so the other tribes had to support them. In the new testament we are commanded to give as we are led by the spirit. We are each a priest, we don't need to have priests to intercede on our behalf. You still get blessings for giving, but we are not mandated to tithe anymore.
You can't tell these prosperity Christians that.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
You can't tell these prosperity Christians that.

Well we are still supposed to engage in corporate worship, which I'm guilty of not doing, study and receive teachings, and not all of what the prosperity preachers say is wrong, but prosperity is supposed to be a by product of "living right" and obeying God, not the goal of it.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Interesting. I didn't know you wrote short stories also.
I'm writing a novel titled End of a Nightmare and I enter monthly 650 word contests on http://www.writingforums.com/forums/44-Literary-Maneuvers-Fiction-Competitions - they critique/score these stories and I find what areas I need to improve in the 'Art if Writing.'

End of a Nightmare has a female protagonist on a Revenge mission, and soon brings her up against some despicable people. I'm going to incorporate a black History lesson within the text. Each character will be named for a figure in Black History, first and surnames (Zora Jemison after Zora Neale Hurston and Astronaut Mae Jemison).

It's going to be badass. I just went over 20,000 words

Now I want a full story though. Freakin tease.

Sadly that's it for The demon. It's funny, though, because the situations and characters I create for these 650 word short stories could probably very easily be turned into full novel situations. I know that it's only 650 words, but I do my damnedest to create a world within my writing - something that reads far more than the 650 words that ends up on the page.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Dionysius (or Dionysus) Is the Greek God of Wine, hence my screen name, who was a singer, writer and poet. It is my middle name. It almost feels like I was destined for this path

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Rising Star
Platinum Member
I thought in a board full of blacks that educated, it was common knowledge that many of the stories in the bible are from other religious believes that predate the bible, from the virgin birth to the flood. Is that not common knowledge on this board?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm writing a novel titled End of a Nightmare and I enter monthly 650 word contests on http://www.writingforums.com/forums/44-Literary-Maneuvers-Fiction-Competitions - they critique/score these stories and I find what areas I need to improve in the 'Art if Writing.'

End of a Nightmare has a female protagonist on a Revenge mission, and soon brings her up against some despicable people. I'm going to incorporate a black History lesson within the text. Each character will be named for a figure in Black History, first and surnames (Zora Jemison after Zora Neale Hurston and Astronaut Mae Jemison).

It's going to be badass. I just went over 20,000 words

Sadly that's it for The demon. It's funny, though, because the situations and characters I create for these 650 word short stories could probably very easily be turned into full novel situations. I know that it's only 650 words, but I do my damnedest to create a world within my writing - something that reads far more than the 650 words that ends up on the page.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Dionysius (or Dionysus) Is the Greek God of Wine, hence my screen name, who was a singer, writer and poet. It is my middle name. It almost feels like I was destined for this path

The story is tight. I might post some of my shit. I appreciate the forum to get your work critiqued. I will used that. I have a short story, which is about 60 pages, that need to be expanded to a novella. So, I like to see the bruhs doing the damn thing. Keep up the good work bruh. I will see you over the top.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
The story is tight. I might post some of my shit. I appreciate the forum to get your work critiqued. I will used that. I have a short story, which is about 60 pages, that need to be expanded to a novella. So, I like to see the bruhs doing the damn thing. Keep up the good work bruh. I will see you over the top.
'preciate it. I've been working on my novel for a minute. I got up to 30,000 words and then started over.

As a new author, I'm not afforded a chance to let the story blossom, I've got to hit them hard and fast. This time, I began the story the day before her first kill, and her first true realization at the ending of her connection to humanity.

I understand that what buoys a novel is combination of a great story, great characters, an interesting interactions between the characters. But my girl is so brilliant, she even has a white Ford Bronco as a getaway vehicle at one point in the story

I've said before I want an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony). As soon as the novel is finished I'm going to start on the screenplay and I started on the theme song a few weeks ago.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
'preciate it. I've been working on my novel for a minute. I got up to 30,000 words and then started over.

As a new author, I'm not afforded a chance to let the story blossom, I've got to hit them hard and fast. This time, I began the story the day before her first kill, and her first true realization at the ending of her connection to humanity.

I understand that what buoys a novel is combination of a great story, great characters, an interesting interactions between the characters. But my girl is so brilliant, she even has a white Ford Bronco as a getaway vehicle at one point in the story

I've said before I want an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony). As soon as the novel is finished I'm going to start on the screenplay and I started on the theme song a few weeks ago.
Cool shit, chief. Keep the party going!


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
You done good there bro.

I may clown some of your post but I can never clown your singing. :cool:

Keep on doing your thing.
Lol, I appreciate it. $4000 the last 4 years (it woulda been $5000 but the business closed down before the contest started...and the competition was Turrible. I was gonna kill 'em). Shit, I need to find more karaoke shows with cash prizes.

But thanks for the props, man.