Update:Racist Woman Spits In Black Man's Face


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Update:Racist Woman Spits In Black Man's Face
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Watch Original Report: https://youtu.be/BiWSuvyvCS4
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BiWSuvyvCS4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
After being assaulted by a woman who had repeatedly called him the n word in South Carolina, Jermarro Dantzler, 22, was in handcuffs, on his way to jail on charges of strong-armed robbery.

That was, until he showed Myrtle Beach police his cellphone footage.

The cops then removed his handcuffs and arrested the woman instead.

The Wisconsin man was in town to enjoy Memorial Day weekend and happened to be at a Rent Me Scooter Store when he witnessed a store associate later identified as Tara Belcher, 28, in a heated exchange with a customer where she berated him with racial slurs.

Belcher was immediately fired over the incident and as she waited outside the store for her ride to pick her up, Dantzler, armed with a camera, decided to approach her about some of the things he overheard her say.