UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
OG Investor
First you're made of those examples up out of thin air because never argue any such things. No the divion is Africans/Cartibeans as a whole not wanting to be associated with being black (even those who are born in the US). It's Africans and Carribeans forming insular communities. While FBA, ADOS, African American, Black, Negro, or whatever terms you want to use do the Pan African thing.

Ok fool I see you are actually slow. Insular as in being separate (not physically the dummy) and a part from the African American community. Letting it be known they aint a part of us. You're too obtuse for me to continue this discussion with you.

You lame bitch. Point me to those "communities". You typed it you retard, now stand by it.


BGOL Investor
First you're made of those examples up out of thin air because never argue any such things. No the divion is Africans/Cartibeans as a whole not wanting to be associated with being black (even those who are born in the US). It's Africans and Carribeans forming insular communities. While FBA, ADOS, African American, Black, Negro, or whatever terms you want to use do the Pan African thing.
What "insular communities" are they creating? Caribbean Carnaval parades? Caribbean and African restaurants? Give me an example...
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Triggered? GOOD.

Allow me to double-down. You MAGA-NEANDERTHALS are the fucking SCUM of the earth. Your kind will never be collectively accepted on here. You sound like a retarded bot with that "pro-MAGA / pro-white / so-called black people" meaningless word salad. I'm multigenerational AMERICAN-BORN. You are a useless, "Trump is the best President" MAGA head-pat that brings nothing of value on this bitch.

Where did I ever claim to be an "immigrant", Billy Bob?
You don’t have to claim it. Your posts show it.

You don’t trigger me, cave man. You are just as pathetic as the rest of the pro-whites. BLUE or RED hat, same shit. You both look for so-called white people to lead you because of what is in your DNA.

FBA / ADOS / Aboriginal Americans / so-called black people, we don’t have that problem.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
5200 posts of tethers

Shit crazy
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
You don’t have to claim it. Your posts show it.

You don’t trigger me, cave man. You are just as pathetic as the rest of the pro-whites. BLUE or RED hat, same shit. You both look for so-called white people to lead you because of what is in your DNA.

FBA / ADOS / Aboriginal Americans / so-called black people, we don’t have that problem.

That WEAK projection doesn't work on me, Billy Bob. Again, your kind will never be accepted here. There is a reason you are part of a tiny isolated group on here. It burns your pathetic soul no matter how much you try to save face with meaningless word salad. Now go run along to snoop on some Black neighbors, fucking DERP :lol::roflmao:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First link that pops up for a google search on "Mojaura"

Peep how it has ADOS tied to it. I know the founders of ADOS would not like that too much.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
FBA is lineage. The "Ya'll that you speak of is not Tariq and his cult members (those are individuals within the FBA community). Btw the issue was you and others making the claim that people identifying as FBA caused the divide between those who identify as Carribean/African. Simply because we now choose to do like the Carribean/Africans and make the distention clear.

Also did you know the term African American is trademarked? Does that mean taht those who identify with that term are followers/minions of the person or entity that owns the trademark?
u are free to identify however u want but u dont get to force ur online grifter trademarked "identity" on anyone

fba is not a lineage ,"The meaning of LINEAGE is descent in a line from a common progenitor.

a single ancestor ,slavery the act is not aN ANCESTOR or a lineage ,

also ,nobody is stopping u from delineating & making a separate category or defintion for urselves.(these are all the lies & scripted bs yall spew). but the act of manufacturing lies & false narratives about foreign black folks & Africa/ns to help y'all justify ur hate filled rehrotic is where we have issues.. yall stayed online for 7yrs+ scouring the internet for every and anything u could twist& use to spew white supremacist rheortic n lies about foreign black & Africans n particular (just like rightwing racist foxnews & rightwing media does! (no coincidence)

and NO..!! AFRICAN AMERICAN AINT TRADEMARKED .. yall like to spew that dumb shit in desire to sully the title becos yall hate the "African" in "African American"

AI Overview
Learn more

No, "African American" is not generally considered to be trademarked or copyrighted; it's a descriptive term referring to a racial identity, and such generic terms are not eligible for trademark protection.

Key points to remember:
  • Generic terms can't be trademarked:
    "African American" describes a group of people and is considered a generic term, meaning it can't be exclusively claimed by any single entity as a trademark.

  • Possible trademark exceptions:
    While "African American" itself is not trademarked, a specific company might trademark a logo or branding that incorporates the phrase "African American" for a particular product or service, but this would be subject to limitations and scrutiny.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok fool I see you are actually slow. Insular as in being separate (not physically the dummy) and a part from the African American community. Letting it be known they aint a part of us. You're too obtuse for me to continue this discussion with you.
so u thought u could push that bs fba scripted talkin point & it would get accepted as fact w/ no pushback?( yall really rely on ppl's ignorance)
so,,,, show us these "insular communities"


Transnational Member

Usage. "Oboronyi" is not a direct translation of "white." For most Ghanaians, an oborɔnyi refers to any person with lighter skin or straighter hair than a dark-skinned Ghanaian.

They delineate themselves in Africa with terms like this calling us white. We don't call Africans @mcguyver darkies for their hyper pigmented skin. The term FBA is really to label them darkies, while, we have lighter better hair.


President Obama would be called Oboronyi, white in their culture based on his lighter skin and straighter hair.
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Rising Star
OG Investor

Usage. "Oboronyi" is not a direct translation of "white." For most Ghanaians, an oborɔnyi refers to any person with lighter skin or straighter hair than a dark-skinned Ghanaian.

They delineate themselves in Africa with terms like this calling us white. We don't call Africans @mcguyver darkies for their hyper pigmented skin. The term FBA is really to label them darkies, while, we have lighter better hair.


President Obama would be called Oboronyi, white in their culture based on his lighter skin and straighter hair.

You are a crack addicted racist Mexican, fuck you and everything you type.


Transnational Member

Usage. "Oboronyi" is not a direct translation of "white." For most Ghanaians, an oborɔnyi refers to any person with lighter skin or straighter hair than a dark-skinned Ghanaian.

They delineate themselves in Africa with terms like this calling us white. We don't call Africans @mcguyver darkies for their hyper pigmented skin. The term FBA is really to label them darkies, while, we have lighter skin better hair.


President Obama would be called Oboronyi, white in their culture based on his lighter skin and straighter hair.


South Africa, they would classify us as Coloureds, while the indigenous population would be in a separate category.

Coloured was a legally defined racial classification during apartheid referring to anyone not white or of the black Bantu tribes, which effectively largely meant people of colour.

Why are people freaked out about terms like FBA when they do it to us.


BGOL Investor
Ok fool I see you are actually slow. Insular as in being separate (not physically the dummy) and a part from the African American community. Letting it be known they aint a part of us. You're too obtuse for me to continue this discussion with you.
we're among you nigga. Like ninjas we blend in. Stay mad. I've been celebrating Juneteenth in Texas for almost 30 years.

No separation at all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you have Twitter, this space was hilarious!!!!

Bitch talking about how good the food was, but mad they didn’t discuss reparations. You Big DUMMY!

She said she came back with a "WET ASS & EMPTY POCKETS" :roflmao: :roflmao: !
i commend her honesty but worried that she quit her "stockbroker" job to do this black maga thing!