UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA supports Trump/Vance 2024


BGOL Investor
Every Wednesday comedy night LMFAO :roflmao:


Every Wednesday comedy night LMFAO :roflmao:

Ya'll gotta be kidding me....lmao...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This ninja is complete shameless. And it's $50 to get in :lol:
It's going to be filled with old, ugly, church-going fat broads. I'd rather pay $20 and go to a real club, ya dig?


The only critique I have is, why isn't the white fist black? Not on some; 'THAT'S A WHITE MANS FIST!!!" Type shyt, it just doesn't go with the color scheme of RBG (Red, Black and Green) You clearly have a green and red first, so throwing a white fist is odd.

A Juneteenth "party" isn't strange as actual museums will have some kind of "celebration"...granted theirs isn't gonna SEEM like it's sponsored by Hennessy.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
I wonder if the Met Gala got their funds from the poor and middle class to open a school?

You're comparing apples to a dumpster fire!
Also this is a good time to remind you that HHM is 100% funded by donations. No one was forced to donate. It's not government funded.

My gripe and probably my biggest pet peeve is people and things not receiving the same energy.
Y'all all turn into got damn forensic accountants when it comes TO A FUCKING MUSEUM, but won't question similar white institutions.

I brought up the Met because they are subsidized by huge corporate donors, sponsors,etc. But still have events. And not one of yall have a problem with it.

It is a museum at the end of day. And who fucking cares if Tariq runs a few events out of there at night?

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Most of the attendees don't pay that though. Large corporations buy tables and then invite celebrities to sit at their tables.
You missed my point. With all of these large corporations buying tables, why even have it right? Is the problem with Tariq is that he's having events or is it that he's charging $20 for 1 comedy show a night? Would yall give him a pass if a corporation funded the museum? Is that the issue?


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Should they be vetted? Yes or no. All this other is just moving the goalposts. How they got to the national spotlight is irrelevant. You know what... Don't even worried about it. You're just going to keep arguing in circles. I already got two post for a simple yes or not question. After I answered yours directly in a few sentences. With an explanation. Like I said previously. "We don't believe you, you need more people." Plus that great value MLK impersonation is suspect as hell.
Mayne shut the fuck up.

You ain't nobody.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Also this is a good time to remind you that HHM is 100% funded by donations. No one was forced to donate. It's not government funded.

My gripe and probably my biggest pet peeve is people and things not receiving the same energy.
Y'all all turn into got damn forensic accountants when it comes TO A FUCKING MUSEUM, but won't question similar white institutions.

I brought up the Met because they are subsidized by huge corporate donors, sponsors,etc. But still have events. And not one of yall have a problem with it.

It is a museum at the end of day. And who fucking cares if Tariq runs a few events out of there at night?

I get what you're trying to do and I appreciate you keeping folks honest. But this is a BLACK porn board. You're asking a black porn board to give the same energy as a fashion institute? This ain't THAT crowd! If this were Black FASHION On-Line then you would have a leg to stand on. Nobody here gives a shyt about the Met until Kim Kardashian is showing up half naked (I care when Janelle Monae is wearing a see through top)

You're putting yourself at a disadvantage here cause trying to compare this scenario on a BLACK Porn board to a WHITE institution makes it difficult cause you would have to find a person that funded their institution via crowd sourcing where a great number of those that did or didn't fund it felt that they were led astray. Then you have to find those that would care about this and the people that gave to that institution. I think Gary Owen is funny, I also think Kev on Stage is funny...one of these I would care to see. Here's a hint: IT'S THE BLACK ONE!!!! I am not worried about white people scamming white people, I don't have a dog in that fight.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
I get what you're trying to do and I appreciate you keeping folks honest. But this is a BLACK porn board. You're asking a black porn board to give the same energy as a fashion institute? This ain't THAT crowd! If this were Black FASHION On-Line then you would have a leg to stand on. Nobody here gives a shyt about the Met until Kim Kardashian is showing up half naked (I care when Janelle Monae is wearing a see through top)
Actually the Met, also known as The Metropolitan Museum of Art is literally a Musuem lol. It's not a fashion institute lol.
You're putting yourself at a disadvantage here cause trying to compare this scenario on a BLACK Porn board to a WHITE institution makes it difficult cause you would have to find a person that funded their institution via crowd sourcing where a great number of those that did or didn't fund it felt that they were led astray. Then you have to find those that would care about this and the people that gave to that institution. I think Gary Owen is funny, I also think Kev on Stage is funny...one of these I would care to see. Here's a hint: IT'S THE BLACK ONE!!!! I am not worried about white people scamming white people, I don't have a dog in that fight.
I don't believe that not one of yall donated not one cent lol. I donated to it and I have NO problem with it. He said he'd open a museum, and he did. Y'all make it seem as if the HHM is NOT opened up and that it's a comedy spot lol.
I only brought up the Met as an EXAMPLE of how OTHER museums hold events. Nothing more than that. Hell the African American museum in DC is having got damn block party this weekend lol.

I just want yall to be real and honest with yourselves and just say that you don't like him and will criticize Tariq not matter WHAT he does. This whole thread has evolved from he ain't gon get the donations, to he gonna trick off the donations, to the museum ain't big enough, to he ain't got parking, to he ain't open on the weekends, to this that and that..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I aint mad at Tariq for hosting a Comedy night,

thats what WE love to do, cacs like to have wine and cheese parties

and other weird shit at their museum events... we dont do wine and cheese parties..

We do Comedy clubs... comedy is an art form just like poetry.....

folks acting like it drag queen story hour or some shit....

I aint hatin on Tariq hustle at all.. I mean I never donated or even watched ONE hidden color yet...

but there is nothing wrong with what he is doing... he is raising money to keep the Museum open

and to keep his Bentley finely TUNED UP.. LOL...

But I do support us having our own institutions, and if I was in the area I would visit the museum,

and had time I would fuck with the comedy club....


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Actually the Met, also known as The Metropolitan Museum of Art is literally a Musuem lol. It's not a fashion institute lol.

I don't believe that not one of yall donated not one cent lol. I donated to it and I have NO problem with it. He said he'd open a museum, and he did. Y'all make it seem as if the HHM is NOT opened up and that it's a comedy spot lol.
I only brought up the Met as an EXAMPLE of how OTHER museums hold events. Nothing more than that. Hell the African American museum in DC is having got damn block party this weekend lol.

I just want yall to be real and honest with yourselves and just say that you don't like him and will criticize Tariq not matter WHAT he does. This whole thread has evolved from he ain't gon get the donations, to he gonna trick off the donations, to the museum ain't big enough, to he ain't got parking, to he ain't open on the weekends, to this that and that..
I see your point but perhaps you should hold on to it until the HHM actually functions as the museum that was advertised to the investors and visitors. The AA Museum in DC and The Met are actual functioning museums that can completely stand alone without all the galas and block parties. Its a little too early to label the HHM as the success that was advertised. Let's see what becomes of it. True success at Tariq's museum will be a direct reflection of his ability to convince people of his sincerity. Nope, I would not have sent that clown a cent because I see him for what he really is. But if he actually delivers what was promised in his solicitation of funds, then the next time I'm in LA I'll definitely stop in and check it out.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
I see your point but perhaps you should hold on to it until the HHM actually functions as the museum that was advertised to the investors and visitors. The AA Museum in DC and The Met are actual functioning museums that can completely stand alone without all the galas and block parties. Its a little too early to label the HHM as the success that was advertised. Let's see what becomes of it. True success at Tariq's museum will be a direct reflection of his ability to convince people of his sincerity. Nope, I would not have sent that clown a cent because I see him for what he really is. But if he actually delivers what was promised in his solicitation of funds, then the next time I'm in LA I'll definitely stop in and check it out.
Respectful comment. No problem there.
May I ask what does a successful Musuem experience looks like to you? And how has Tariq not fulfilled it?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Respectful comment. No problem there.
May I ask what does a successful Musuem experience looks like to you? And how has Tariq not fulfilled it?
I travel a lot for work and I make it a point to visit every black museum I can find. Usually large cities always have them. I'm talking Little Rock, Louisville, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Charleston, Montgomery ,etc. They're not always high end, high budget places but ALL of them are committed to the uplift of the black community and preserving history that we won't find in the mainstream. I usually learn something new and I meet people that I don't mind supporting with my money. It feels altruistic and not like a hustle. The focus at these places is not on entertainment or making a buck. That's how I define success at an institution dedicated to black history. Like I said before, its a little early to see what the HHM's focus is and how it will impact the community. The idea in the sales pitch is what I'm hoping for. If it turns out to be a kick it spot/comedy club/bar/soul food restaurant then I'll label it a complete failure.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Here's a handful of places I've visited and donated to. There are some places that are even smaller than the HHM but the people were serious so I had no problem supporting them. Tariq would have to make a similar impression on me before I ever put my hand in my pocket.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wonder if there's a thread on BGOL how the met gala charges $100k per ticket somewhere

Actually the Met, also known as The Metropolitan Museum of Art is literally a Musuem lol. It's not a fashion institute lol.

I don't believe that not one of yall donated not one cent lol. I donated to it and I have NO problem with it. He said he'd open a museum, and he did. Y'all make it seem as if the HHM is NOT opened up and that it's a comedy spot lol.
I only brought up the Met as an EXAMPLE of how OTHER museums hold events. Nothing more than that. Hell the African American museum in DC is having got damn block party this weekend lol.

I just want yall to be real and honest with yourselves and just say that you don't like him and will criticize Tariq not matter WHAT he does. This whole thread has evolved from he ain't gon get the donations, to he gonna trick off the donations, to the museum ain't big enough, to he ain't got parking, to he ain't open on the weekends, to this that and that..

Met Gala

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Met_Gala
The Met Gala or Met Ball, formally called the Costume Institute Gala or the Costume Institute Benefit.
Costume, Fashion...meh. Sure the wording is off, but I find it funny that you chose to nitpick THAT aspect of what I said.

I don't think nobody here is more honest than me. I don't like Tariq! I have gone into detail about how and why I don't like him and I was a fan at one point, but multiple times throughout this thread I have defended him and the HHM. On MANY occasion called MYSELF out on MY bullshyt, if it is bullshyt I HAVE to call it. If it is good for all of us I HAVE to call it.

I have no problem talking about how butt hurt Tariq made me 10 or so years ago, are you willing to say that you'll support him no matter what he does? He promises to feed you caviar, but delivers pizza. You're just happy that he fed you even though you paid him caviar prices? The thing with honesty is that shyt goes both ways. Nobody likes being wrong more than me cause I usually predict and prepare for doom and gloom so if I am wrong that means shyt is gonna be sunshine, kittens and pussy (three nicknames for the same thing) I say all of this just to ask are YOU being honest?

Is the block party something the whole family can go to or is it just for adults in a niteclub atmosphere? It is one thing for a Black HISTORY museum to have a party for the community and a whole other thing that the HHM is doing (comedy shows, etc...) The Met Gala is going to be geared to adults and those in the fashion/costume design industry so yes they would charge 100k that's their audience. Coming there with your children that really isn't a place for them (outside of the people that use them as props) A block party for a black history museum would WANT your children to come to that. The HHM is having a Juneteenth party where is your disdain that you seem to have for the DC block party?
Last edited:

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster

Met Gala

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Met_Gala
The Met Gala or Met Ball, formally called the Costume Institute Gala or the Costume Institute Benefit.
Costume, Fashion...meh. Sure the wording is off, but I find it funny that you chose to nitpick THAT aspect of what I said.
I simply chose the Met Gala to highlight that other Musuems do things that are independent of what goes on in the Musuem. Same as why I highlighted the block party in DC.
I don't think nobody here is more honest than me. I don't like Tariq! I have gone into detail about how and why I don't like him and I was a fan at one point, but multiple times throughout this thread I have defended him and the HHM. On MANY occasion called MYSELF out on MY bullshyt, if it is bullshyt I HAVE to call it. If it is good for all of us I HAVE to call it.
I greatly appreciate your acknowledgement of your dislike of Tariq. I myself am not privy to any other points or occasions you have made against Tariq. In this particular beef with the musuem, I say that the hate is unwarranted.
I have no problem talking about how butt hurt Tariq made me 10 or so years ago, are you willing to say that you'll support him no matter what he does? He promises to feed you caviar, but delivers pizza. You're just happy that he fed you even though you paid him caviar prices? The thing with honesty is that shyt goes both ways. Nobody likes being wrong more than me cause I usually predict and prepare for doom and gloom so if I am wrong that means shyt is gonna be sunshine, kittens and pussy (three nicknames for the same thing) I say all of this just to ask are YOU being honest?
I do not feel that I "got served pizza". I believe you're maybe referring to the "concept" photos from the initial crowd funding video perhaps? I would counter that he would have maybe built something like that, had he got both the funds and land (that he lost out on btw). I'm not sure if you expected something to rival the DC musuem, but please keep in mind that he ONLY raised $1m. The DC and others have multinational corporations and donors and thusfore it shows. $1m dollars in CA+LA AINT SHIT in real estate lol.
Is the block party something the whole family can go to or is it just for adults in a niteclub atmosphere? It is one thing for a Black HISTORY museum to have a party for the community and a whole other thing that the HHM is doing (comedy shows, etc...) The Met Gala is going to be geared to adults and those in the fashion/costume design industry so yes they would charge 100k that's their audience. Coming there with your children that really isn't a place for them (outside of the people that use them as props) A block party for a black history museum would WANT your children to come to that. The HHM is having a Juneteenth party where is your disdain that you seem to have for the DC block party?
So I understand, even though it appears you've "moved the goal posts", the issue is not having events, but that you can't bring the kids to the adult only events? The Met is allowed to have their events, unquestioned, because it's "targeted towards their audience"? What events do you think the HHM should host then? And to be clear I have NO Problem with DC having a block party. I only mentioned it to show that OTHER musuems have OTHER EVENTS, just like the HHM.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I simply chose the Met Gala to highlight that other Musuems do things that are independent of what goes on in the Musuem. Same as why I highlighted the block party in DC.

I greatly appreciate your acknowledgement of your dislike of Tariq. I myself am not privy to any other points or occasions you have made against Tariq. In this particular beef with the musuem, I say that the hate is unwarranted.

I do not feel that I "got served pizza". I believe you're maybe referring to the "concept" photos from the initial crowd funding video perhaps? I would counter that he would have maybe built something like that, had he got both the funds and land (that he lost out on btw). I'm not sure if you expected something to rival the DC musuem, but please keep in mind that he ONLY raised $1m. The DC and others have multinational corporations and donors and thusfore it shows. $1m dollars in CA+LA AINT SHIT in real estate lol.

So I understand, even though it appears you've "moved the goal posts", the issue is not having events, but that you can't bring the kids to the adult only events? The Met is allowed to have their events, unquestioned, because it's "targeted towards their audience"? What events do you think the HHM should host then? And to be clear I have NO Problem with DC having a block party. I only mentioned it to show that OTHER musuems have OTHER EVENTS, just like the HHM.
I think a lot of people want to see Tariq fail because of his arrogant personality. He is self admittedly very petty and borderline juvenile.

However he is very entertaining and has a gift of gab. He is highly intelligent and knows how to monetize from his followers in which is also known as hustling.

I see nothing wrong with his hustle. Everytime he offers a product/service, he actually delivers. Some would argue he did not deliver what they were expecting, but that's debatable. He is not a thief or a criminal like some try to make him out to be. He just finds voids and fills them. Traditional capitalism.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
I think a lot of people want to see Tariq fail because of his arrogant personality. He is self admittedly very petty and borderline juvenile.

However he is very entertaining and has a gift of gab. He is highly intelligent and knows how to monetize from his followers in which is also known as hustling.

I see nothing wrong with his hustle. Everytime he offers a product/service, he actually delivers. Some would argue he did not deliver what they were expecting, but that's debatable. He is not a thief or a criminal like some try to make him out to be. He just finds voids and fills them. Traditional capitalism.
I can everything you said except the usage of hustle lol.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If any young men ask about Tariq Nasheed play this song in your head.

You just might save a life!



Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
Welcome to ignore faggot. You act like a fat ex girlfriend, all butt hurt and scorned. You and the other 2 stooges can eat a box of dicks. I'm done entertaining feminine energy. If you want more words we can have those face to face. You're soft ass ain't about nothing but words on a screen. Ol bonnet wearing ass. You and the Chanterelles can go go pop your necks and roll your eyes somewhere else. I'm not interested in homo relations. I smack sissies. This will be our last interaction. Unless you about some rec. Fuck you. Eat a dick. Forever until the heat death of the universe.