UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster

Kevin Samuels was a content creator. He was the product which negates the need for a book.

I agree, I think the Tariq hate is unwarranted. He provides a product. People can choose to buy or not. However, it's difficult to understand why the people who do not buy his product get so upset at those who do buy his product and are happy with his or her purchase.

If I buy a hooptie from a car dealer and I love the car, why get mad at the car dealer for selling me the hooptie?
BGOL ask more from Tariq than they do of their favorite politicians..


Rising Star
Platinum Member

:roflmao: :lol: :roflmao: :lol:

SPOILER ALERT, well not really...

YT comments:

Hu Fair
10 days ago
He took the money and ran

Black Pill
3 weeks ago
9 months later.....and still no museum

1 month ago
I donated $1k to this scam. Where’s the museum Umar #2?

John Coast
2 months ago
The museum is truly hidden ️

Mike Green
2 months ago
LOL this dude is one of the most vicious liars ever he lied and said that the Neema Group sold this property to some whites for less money so they could open a weed dispensary. I'm on their website right now and that property is still active lol lying ass dude.

Nicky Apenahier
3 months ago
Clamoring African culture while saying he is red indian or something. Definition of confused clown
3 months ago
lmao all y'all got finessed by this clown, scammer, and grifter. aint no museum and never will be

4 months ago
Fraud he done ran away with the money y’all donated and feeding his white mother in law lol she run that house

James Gich
7 months ago
Y’all gave this fool 1 mill and he now talking about we got “outbid”

Ney CD
9 months ago
Tariq you are no community servent, you are a wolf, liar and opportunist taking advantage of some uneducated Africans in your channel.
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Truth Teller
Where in my statement did I say or imply he had spend the entire mil?

Even if you don't have to show anything to the public, you still have to file some paperwork that is accessible for someone to see.

If Tariq is on the up and up, he should have no issues with showing where some of the money is going.

You keep writing all this other bullshit, when we are discussing him specifically raising money for his museum. If he just said I need money to produce content or just to float his organization, we wouldn't be having this debate.
It seems he began soliciting funds in August of 2021. It hasn't even been a year, barely 10 months. Dudes on BGOL will wait longer for a Marvel movie than they will for a black man to rebuild the Giza Pyramids.
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gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
BGOL ask more from Tariq than they do of their favorite politicians..
Come on man. Tariq finessing the fuck out of folks, but his game ain't on what the politicians pulling off. The politicians make Tariq look like he just asking for a light for a square in comparison to the game they running on folks. :smh: The common theme is no one getting finessed wants to admit they getting worked over.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
i know right?
you can choose to buy his product or not
you can choose to listen to him or not
He literally is not making any one donate to him. And when he does he has always come through with his product.

The real reason Everyone in this thread that is upset with Tariq , is for the grave sin of making sure that Black people practice quid pro quo or are mad because he calls out their immigrant or homosexual status.

But these same people don't dare ask the politicians that beg and even shame them for votes to actually do shit once their vote gets them elected.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Come on man. Tariq finessing the fuck out of folks, but his game ain't on what the politicians pulling off. The politicians make Tariq look like he just asking for a light for a square in comparison to the game they running on folks. :smh: The common theme is no one getting finessed wants to admit they getting worked over.
You my homie Gene so I have to ask, what did Tariq finesse?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
You my homie Gene so I have to ask, what did Tariq finesse?
He is hustling the positive black space. Like someone said, he raises money then charges for the finished product. There are people producing fan films on similar budgets and putting them up free of charge. So it is what it is.

Tariq is a hustler first and foremost. That's how he gets to ride a bentley asking for donations. Game is cold, but it's fair.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No, I'm referring to the crowd sourcing project to nowhere hustle. Umar did that before Tariq.
Yeah, you're right.
Tariq always put out some bullshit & half truths with his "Hidden Colors" and "Mackin' Lessons" series.
As opposed to Umar, who ain't nothing but a social parasite who's been living off crowd funding and stoking race hatred as his sole means of income.
Sadly, both these clowns have been profiting off of Black people's struggles, pain, anger, fears and ignorance for well over a decade now... :hmm:


Truth Teller
He is hustling the positive black space. Like someone said, he raises money then charges for the finished product. There are people producing fan films on similar budgets and putting them up free of charge. So it is what it is.

Tariq is a hustler first and foremost. That's how he gets to ride a bentley asking for donations. Game is cold, but it's fair.
What? the movies?? This is not a new thing. This is why people have to research and understand how non-profits really work. Morgan Spurlock is one of the architects that perfected croud sourcing a product primarily from donations and then selling the product with no profit sharing.

So, why does it keep working? Because most people like to feel as though they belong to something. He's attempting to get on average 7000 people out of 7.7 billion to donate $1000. I'm not mad at the attempt.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I done forgot this nigga was collecting donations in the name of pan-africanism through melonoid nation :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tariq's new movie :lol:

@totto You donating?

Why would Black slaves be attacking Union soldiers? (Something that NEVER happened, by the way.)
Wouldn't it make more sense for them to be attacking Confederate soldiers?

By the looks of it, this shit should be titled: "American Moron".
- Because only a moron would believe it or support it. Let alone endorse it. :dunno:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yeah, you're right.
Tariq always put out some bullshit & half truths with his "Hidden Colors" and "Mackin' Lessons" series.
As opposed to Umar, who ain't nothing but a social parasite who's been living off crowd funding and stoking race hatred as his sole means of income.
Sadly, both these clowns have been profiting off of Black people's struggles, pain, anger, fears and ignorance for well over a decade now... :hmm:

All I'm saying is that before this Hidden Museum fiasco and other "projects", he at least provided an actual product (whether critiqued or praised) for the donations. This time around, he went the Umar style "splainin" route :lol:

I done forgot this nigga was collecting donations in the name of pan-africanism through melonoid nation :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

"We use the classification of Melanoid (aka Melanese and Melano) to eleiminate geographical boundaries when describing people of African descent who are in need of justice."

Yet, he shits on Black immigrants, unwarranted, when it's not profitable to advocate for them. :clown
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Truth Teller
Tariq's new movie :lol:

@totto You donating?

Eh....I'm not mad at this. Sometimes reenactments are necessary to tell a story. I'm hopeful that he will continue to increase the quality of the films so that they are on par with what the general public deems as quality or industry standards.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why would Black slaves be attacking Union soldiers? (Something that NEVER happened, by the way.)
Wouldn't it make more sense for them to be attacking Confederate soldiers?

By the looks of it, this shit should be titled: "American Moron".
- Because only a moron would believe it or support it. Let alone endorse it. :dunno:

There were black slaves that did fight on the side of the confederacy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And I like Tariq too but you f I see something that’s not right I gotta say something. I been praying that he and Umar are not frauds.

Technically ysriq isn't because he delivers on that product the problem is it will never meet the standards that people want. People want one youtube man to compete with CNN and that won't happen. I don't know how museams work but I will assume it's not cheap, licenses and regulations and all that plus yje fact it's real history not water down Democrat poc garbage I would guess he's gonna recieve kickback.

But IMO u feel it was a reach too. Clearly no need for a symbolic gesture as he put it from him, he's clearly hustling and I'm a fan.

But he's 50 plus with like 6 kids, a wife that's always popping out seeds and a high school diploma. So I understand.

But yeah he's more credible that bootlicks who grew up in the hood that now use poc term when they'd be underneath turning a wrench if a white liberal didn't give them a darn job in the 80s lol.

Old country ass niggas couldn't get a job in corporate America if they tried clearly they were out in that position to control the negras.


Truth Teller
Why would Black slaves be attacking Union soldiers? (Something that NEVER happened, by the way.)
Because there are detailed accounts of union soldiers shooting freed slaves as well disrespecting them. In addition before the Civil War, "union" soldiers helped to recapture runaway slaves.

Read about how union soldiers marched all the way down to Central Florida to stop the largest slave rebellion in US history.

Please do not romanticized the Civil War. Union soldiers didn't give a damn about freeing slaves. These same CACs didn't even want blacks in the Army. And when we were dinally allowed, they separated us with black battalions with less pay, substandard living conditions, little no military issued items and still used the whip to punish us.

F both sides.

Yall gon learn that the Civil War wasn't what they taught yall in school.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
I done forgot this nigga was collecting donations in the name of pan-africanism through melonoid nation :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Bingo! Tariq was a hardcore Pan-Africanist until he saw how popular Ivette and Tony were getting with their "let's hate the black immigrants" retoric. What bigger sucker is there than the sucker who thinks you're going to get them reparations? I remember Tairq used to brag about how much love he got from black folks overseas. Nigga quickly switched his persona for profits and hasn't looked back.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Why would Black slaves be attacking Union soldiers? (Something that NEVER happened, by the way.)
Wouldn't it make more sense for them to be attacking Confederate soldiers?

By the looks of it, this shit should be titled: "American Moron".
- Because only a moron would believe it or support it. Let alone endorse it. :dunno:
Man this thread is pure comedy. Moron is right. Tariq followers don't know shit about history past or present.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There were black slaves that did fight on the side of the confederacy
This is complete and utter BULLSHIT!!!!!

There were NO Blacks who were armed and who fought side by side with White Confederate soldiers.
- The South refused to arm them.
- The Confederacy was fighting to continue to enslave them.
- They DID allow some slaves to act as provisional servants and caregivers for Confederate armies.

Please do your research...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is complete and utter BULLSHIT!!!!!

There were NO Blacks who were armed and who fought side by side with White Confederate soldiers.
- The South refused to arm them.
- The Confederacy was fighting to continue to enslave them.
- They DID allow some slaves to act as provisional servants and caregivers for Confederate armies.

Please do your research...

Nigga, do YOUR fucking research or at least stop being so definitive in your answers.

This is not to say that no black man ever fired a gun for the Confederacy. To be specific, in the “Official Records of the War of the Rebellion,” a collection of military records from both sides which spans more than 50 volumes and more than 50,000 pages, there are a total of seven Union eyewitness reports of black Confederates. Three of these reports mention black men shooting at Union soldiers, one report mentions capturing a handful of armed black men along with some soldiers, and the other three reports mention seeing unarmed black laborers. There is no record of Union soldiers encountering an all-black line of battle or anything close to it

In those same Official Records, no Confederate ever references having black soldiers under his command or in his unit, although references to black laborers are common. The non-existence of black combat units is further indicated by the records of debates in the Confederate Congress over the issue of black enlistment. The idea was repeatedly rejected until, on March 13, 1865, the Confederate Congress passed a law to allow black men to serve in combat roles, although with the provision “that nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize a change in the relation which the said slaves shall bear toward their owners,” i.e. that black soldiers would still be slaves.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because there are detailed accounts of union soldiers shooting freed slaves as well disrespecting them. In addition before the Civil War, "union" soldiers helped to recapture runaway slaves.

Read about how union soldiers marched all the way down to Central Florida to stop the largest slave rebellion in US history.

Please do not romanticized the Civil War. Union soldiers didn't give a damn about freeing slaves. These same CACs didn't even want blacks in the Army. And when we were dinally allowed, they separated us with black battalions with less pay, substandard living conditions, little no military issued items and still used the whip to punish us.

F both sides.

Yall gon learn that the Civil War wasn't what they taught yall in school.
Did all American soldiers give a damn about liberating Jews in WWII...?
Did all American soldiers want to fight to liberate Kuwait during Desert Storm?
Did all American soldiers want to fight to on behalf of South Vietnam during the Vietnam War?
Were Japanese American citizens unfairly and unjustly accused of being "sympathizers" for Japan during WWII and illegally placed in detention camps?
Were thousands of American citizens (of all races) and immigrants viewed as "un-American" by the HUAC at the height of The Korean War and during "The Red Scare"?
Dude, horror, tragedy and atrocity are ALWAYS the results of war.
So I don't know where you got the idea that I'm "romanticizing" the Civil War from, but I can assure you, I'm not.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga, do YOUR fucking research or at least stop being so definitive in your answers.

This is not to say that no black man ever fired a gun for the Confederacy. To be specific, in the “Official Records of the War of the Rebellion,” a collection of military records from both sides which spans more than 50 volumes and more than 50,000 pages, there are a total of seven Union eyewitness reports of black Confederates. Three of these reports mention black men shooting at Union soldiers, one report mentions capturing a handful of armed black men along with some soldiers, and the other three reports mention seeing unarmed black laborers. There is no record of Union soldiers encountering an all-black line of battle or anything close to it

In those same Official Records, no Confederate ever references having black soldiers under his command or in his unit, although references to black laborers are common. The non-existence of black combat units is further indicated by the records of debates in the Confederate Congress over the issue of black enlistment. The idea was repeatedly rejected until, on March 13, 1865, the Confederate Congress passed a law to allow black men to serve in combat roles, although with the provision “that nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize a change in the relation which the said slaves shall bear toward their owners,” i.e. that black soldiers would still be slaves.
Dude, you literally just reiterated what I already stated earlier....:rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude, you literally just reiterated what I already stated earlier....:rolleyes:
Dude, you literally just said Black slaves NEVER attacked Union soliders. I post a link of multiple Union soldier accounts of Black confederates who opened fire at them. So I have no clue how that reiterated what you said.


Truth Teller
Did all American soldiers give a damn about liberating Jews in WWII...?
Did all American soldiers want to fight to liberate Kuwait during Desert Storm?
Did all American soldiers want to fight to on behalf of South Vietnam during the Vietnam War?
Were Japanese American citizens unfairly and unjustly accused of being "sympathizers" for Japan during WWII and illegally placed in detention camps?
Were thousands of American citizens (of all races) and immigrants viewed as "un-American" by the HUAC at the height of The Korean War and during "The Red Scare"?
Dude, horror, tragedy and atrocity are ALWAYS the results of war.
So I don't know where you got the idea that I'm "romanticizing" the Civil War from, but I can assure you, I'm not.
None of what you used as examples come close what the predicament of black Americans faced.

First, black folk were not welcomed on either side and most union CACs could give a dam about us being free. Second, there are numerous examples of the "union" army aka the US Army, bka the national guard, attacking black folk or allowing us to be harmed.

As I said previously, before the Civil War, the union army would hunt down escaped slaves and return them. The union army would be the force to squash many slave rebellions.

F all dem CACs.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
He is hustling the positive black space. Like someone said, he raises money then charges for the finished product. There are people producing fan films on similar budgets and putting them up free of charge. So it is what it is.

Tariq is a hustler first and foremost. That's how he gets to ride a bentley asking for donations. Game is cold, but it's fair.
No one said that he has to take a vow of poverty. Not even mad if he gets money outta anything. Especially when Spielberg and Scorsese don't have to put up their own money for films.⁰
Because there are detailed accounts of union soldiers shooting freed slaves as well disrespecting them. In addition before the Civil War, "union" soldiers helped to recapture runaway slaves.

Read about how union soldiers marched all the way down to Central Florida to stop the largest slave rebellion in US history.

Please do not romanticized the Civil War. Union soldiers didn't give a damn about freeing slaves. These same CACs didn't even want blacks in the Army. And when we were dinally allowed, they separated us with black battalions with less pay, substandard living conditions, little no military issued items and still used the whip to punish us.

F both sides.

Yall gon learn that the Civil War wasn't what they taught yall in school.
That poster you're educating is a cac fyi