I'm not using hustle in a bad way. Hustle just means selling product/services and getting your paper up.I can everything you said except the usage of hustle lol.
He is the ultimate hustler and he even said he was a hustler and a mack. Nothing wrong with getting your hustle on.
The thing I don't like is how he tries to divide black people based on where they are from. This benefits white supremacy because their goal is to keep us divided.
White people figured out long ago that strength is in numbers, that's why now they classify all different types of nationalities as white. Italians, Jews, Scottish, Germans, Irish etc. are all lumped into the white category to further white supremacy.
I understand he wants to differentiate lineage based on slave decendants for reparations, but he goes beyond that and is outright disrespectful to our foreign born brothers and sisters and is always at odds with them, falling for the divide an conquer bullshit.