UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can everything you said except the usage of hustle lol.
I'm not using hustle in a bad way. Hustle just means selling product/services and getting your paper up.

He is the ultimate hustler and he even said he was a hustler and a mack. Nothing wrong with getting your hustle on.

The thing I don't like is how he tries to divide black people based on where they are from. This benefits white supremacy because their goal is to keep us divided.

White people figured out long ago that strength is in numbers, that's why now they classify all different types of nationalities as white. Italians, Jews, Scottish, Germans, Irish etc. are all lumped into the white category to further white supremacy.

I understand he wants to differentiate lineage based on slave decendants for reparations, but he goes beyond that and is outright disrespectful to our foreign born brothers and sisters and is always at odds with them, falling for the divide an conquer bullshit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here's a handful of places I've visited and donated to. There are some places that are even smaller than the HHM but the people were serious so I had no problem supporting them. Tariq would have to make a similar impression on me before I ever put my hand in my pocket.


but it will fight white supremacy if u add alcohol, comedy night, 'tether afrobeat nite" and a lounge club then u're really fighting white supremacy :giggle:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey Tariq just dedicated a new night at the museum for the tethers...

See, yall can come through too.

this is over a month old by now but yes the founder & trademark owner of FBA posted this on his twitter page but let it be told FBA isnt xenophobic clowns who mock africans

and they'll try to cleanup what they mean by "tether' but we all know by now


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@24:49 :smh:

funny thing is Boyce is a central figure to alot of this shit, he used to employ Yvette too ,& remember he was exposed for defrauding black folks thru his courses &that asian dude who was the the main character getting paid,

also last i checked the loudest voices against tariq's grifts arent blackimmigrants either, they are honorabe african americans who dont call themselves FBA or subscribe to his xenophobic fuckery


Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity
BGOL Investor
this is over a month old by now but yes the founder & trademark owner of FBA posted this on his twitter page but let it be told FBA isnt xenophobic clowns who mock africans

and they'll try to cleanup what they mean by "tether' but we all know by now
No, we don’t dislike and delineate from ALL Africans. Just the hateful agent FBI/democratic shill tethers like you…Carry on tether(or cac). You are failing on your assignment. You are making no impact on the grassroots by posting here lol.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No, we don’t hate and delineate from ALL Africans. Just the hateful agent FBI/democratic shill tethers like you…Carry on tether(or cac). You are failing on your assignment. You are making no impact on the grassroots by posting here lol.
:roflmao: :roflmao: HUGE FAIL!!! FBA is being exposed as the trademarked xenophobic hategroup pushed by rightwing , ur fba hategroup literally is on record saying they want to delinete from africans and im all for it , ur hategroup can go ahead & delineate while the rest of us who embrace our blackness& africanness can continue building & growing with one another..


Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity
BGOL Investor
ur hategroup can go ahead & delineate while the rest of us who embrace our blackness& africanness can continue building & growing with one another..
But you didn’t do that back home…so you fled your homeland and brought your defeated spirit to America. And now you’re mad because we don’t accept the tribal bs that you fled from. FBA don’t accept advice and guidance from “negus” that that gave up their birthright…your home. A homeland that you’re so ashamed of that you can’t even admit to .


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But you didn’t do that back home…so you fled your homeland and brought your defeated spirit to America. And now you’re mad because we don’t accept the tribal bs that you fled from. FBA don’t accept advice and guidance from “negus” that that gave up their birthright…your home. A homeland that you’re so ashamed of that you can’t even admit to .
i didnt "flee" anywhere bcos i was born on this soil just like u ,and have the same rights as u, no less no more, cry about that!
the defeated spirit is the one who joned a hatecult to punch down on africans & black immigrants becos theyve failed at life & need a confidence boost to feel better about their failure lives by dehumanizing africans & black immigrants.
!u'r mad bcos we dont accept the lies & manufactured narratives that ur hategroup tries to spread , u know nothing about birthright bcos if u did u wouldnt even utter that bs u just did ! damn fba is really a cult for losers who failed at life! so pls be quiet , there r ppl all over the world traveling & traversing the globe , its called humans & migratory patterns.. theres no shame in travelin the world & living anywhere u desire (ur white masters AMERICA did it ,all the other other immigrants to america did it too but yall have no beef with them) while enjoying the globe , funny coming from a loser who who is allied with no pussy getting losers who travel to other countries to fuck trannies cos they cant hack in their own countries ! :roflmao: only a fool who thinks his city is the center of the universe thinks otherwise , this is a porn board i dont owe u my identity, u're not that important , especially not someone who is a minion of a failed losers hatecult

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
The thing I don't like is how he tries to divide black people based on where they are from. This benefits white supremacy because their goal is to keep us divided.

White people figured out long ago that strength is in numbers, that's why now they classify all different types of nationalities as white. Italians, Jews, Scottish, Germans, Irish etc. are all lumped into the white category to further white supremacy.

I understand he wants to differentiate lineage based on slave decendants for reparations, but he goes beyond that and is outright disrespectful to our foreign born brothers and sisters and is always at odds with them, falling for the divide an conquer bullshit.
Thats a false narrative that the Tethers use bro. To be clear, a Tether is a Black person, from a foreign background, who uses their Blackness to cosplay Blackness but does the will of white people rather knowingly or unknowns. They'll be "Black" when convenient, but are often the Black face of white supremacy.
Tariq, as well as I, have no absolutely NO love for such individuals.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor

YVETTE IS THEIR MOTHER! IT WAS ALL GOOD JUST A YEAR AGO !! :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

She’s going in on him, but she has to accept her responsibility in this. They allowed him in because they thought he’d bring in a hip, younger audience and they got shitted on like everyone else.


Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not using hustle in a bad way. Hustle just means selling product/services and getting your paper up.

He is the ultimate hustler and he even said he was a hustler and a mack. Nothing wrong with getting your hustle on.

The thing I don't like is how he tries to divide black people based on where they are from. This benefits white supremacy because their goal is to keep us divided.

White people figured out long ago that strength is in numbers, that's why now they classify all different types of nationalities as white. Italians, Jews, Scottish, Germans, Irish etc. are all lumped into the white category to further white supremacy.

I understand he wants to differentiate lineage based on slave decendants for reparations, but he goes beyond that and is outright disrespectful to our foreign born brothers and sisters and is always at odds with them, falling for the divide an conquer bullshit.
dont let anyone attempt to fool u about what tariq fba & ados have wrought, they now slowly wanna clean up their images & reputation & clean up the word "tether' but its too late they use the word "tether" for anything african or carribean , they use the word TETHER on africans in africa ! how does that track ? africans in africa living their lives unaware & uninvolved with anything in america reparations fight and they'll use reparations as an excuse to say the vilest most dehumanizing things about africans u can only see on a stormfront website all in the name of reparations, now they wanna act coy !

again dont let them try to whitewash the use of the hateful genocidal term "tether' that they use for anyone not descended from america's enslaved africans

even Yvette the OG xenophobe knows that

" but it comes days after Tariq Nasheed (who popularized calling Black immigrants tethers) almost getting into a physical fight at the most recent task force meeting. "
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
this hoe copping pleas now !
we were all here when she started the attacks on black immigrants, her & Tone , Tariq just turned it up 10X and now that its unravelling she wanna cop pleas! no maam! we have receipts goin back 6yrs + when i get with knowledgeable folks , they;ll release the trove and i will inturn put ya on to it ! let these balk nazis keep talkin! i
ts all archived including that thread if yall remember where a bgol memebr posted almost 20pages deep of the vilest most dehumanizing posts about Africans &black immmigrants in the name of reparations.. @HNIC & another bgol member th OP of the thread had to revoke the thread and talke it down becos it was too vile for any black person to see! and the usuals were all in there keekeeing it up! we have the archives!
this is just the beginning , the ancestors will not be mocked !! the tree that curses its roots will bare a bitter fruit

i have that video & couple others of tariq & yvette , yvette wasnt as vile but she was plainly hateful & xenophobic daily for 3 years attacking any black immigrant & desparaging Aricans in Africa! she think we forgot!