Update: Tyler Perry and Byron Allen in talks buy BET


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

A second source tells THR that Tyler Perry, a longtime partner of BET, is engaged in conversations to buy the stake. Perry’s deal with Paramount, which began in 2017, is said to be coming up, and the BET purchase, if it happens, would give him ownership of the brand that airs many of his shows.
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Tensei - Admin
Staff member
Paramount owns it all. They just don't want to sell it completely. They just want someone to be responsible for the programming and growing the brand while they focus on Paramount+. This would also include VH1 which was merged into the group last fall.


Rising Star
And my issue with that is BET is a pay channel on cable that's basically a glorified PlutoTV channel at this point.

And I don't mean any disrespect to PlutoTV by that.
I actually like the fact that he has shows on BET I just wish there was more variety or that he explored outside of the soap opera genre. Just happy to see black actors get more roles even if most can’t act.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cool, maybe I'd watch it again if it had something worth watching.

I figure him or Byron Allen (who's also in the running) will make a bunch of 10/90 shows which they both basically pioneered along with Debar-Mercury. That is 10 episodes and if there's a decent amount of viewers immediately turn out 90 more episodes, so it's guaranteed to turn a profit. It will be content, but it may not be good content.

I know it sounds like a swipe, but cable is basically dead. That's why Paramount have no problems with teaming up with someone else. By dead, I mean, it's something only older people still subscribe to. No one really wants to put money into it anymore. If it isn't cheap, or a way to nudge people into subscribing to streaming, most media companies aren't trying to fund it.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
I figure him or Byron Allen (who's also in the running) will make a bunch of 10/90 shows which they both basically pioneered along with Debar-Mercury. That is 10 episodes and if there's a decent amount of viewers immediately turn out 90 more episodes, so it's guaranteed to turn a profit. It will be content, but it may not be good content.

I know it sounds like a swipe, but cable is basically dead. That's why Paramount have no problems with teaming up with someone else. By dead, I mean, it's something only older people still subscribe to. No one really wants to put money into it anymore. If it isn't cheap, or a way to nudge people into subscribing to streaming, most media companies aren't trying to fund it.

BET is part of the Paramount Plus app too. So either way they get paid for content. The numbers look right to me.

Paramount Streaming (formerly Viacom CBS streaming services) including Paramount+ (also known as Paramount Plus), have 77 million global subscribers.

Paramount’s streaming services generated $1.4 billion in revenue during the fourth quarter of 2022.​
It’s estimated that the Paramount Plus app was downloaded 277,184 times in its first five days on the app store.​
Of those global downloads, roughly 241,140 came from the United States.​
2.7 million new subscribers signed up for Paramount Plus over Q3 of 2022.​
Paramount+ revenue grew by 81% between 2021 and 2022.​


Support BGOL
Why is Tyler such a unicorn?

I don't want any 'gay Illuminati' stories, because I'm sure there are legions of black homosexuals in the entertainment industry, yet NOBODY is doing what Tyler is, or anything close it seems. There were people who were stars, and making real money before Tyler started making plays, yet he's blown past them all.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Why is Tyler such a unicorn?

I don't want any 'gay Illuminati' stories, because I'm sure there are legions of black homosexuals in the entertainment industry, yet NOBODY is doing what Tyler is, or anything close it seems. There were people who were stars, and making real money before Tyler started making plays, yet he's blown past them all.
he got popular feminizing black men. you already get inside the house with that. and he's friends with Oprah


Support BGOL
he got popular feminizing black men. you already get inside the house with that. and he's friends with Oprah

Black men have been wearing dresses long before Tyler Perry. There are gay black men all through the entertainment industry, as I said before. Tyler didn't start out as friends with Oprah. He had to get to a certain level before Oprah would give a fuck about him.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor

The only time I watch BET is when they have an award show

It wouldn't matter to me


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why is Tyler such a unicorn?

I don't want any 'gay Illuminati' stories, because I'm sure there are legions of black homosexuals in the entertainment industry, yet NOBODY is doing what Tyler is, or anything close it seems. There were people who were stars, and making real money before Tyler started making plays, yet he's blown past them all.

Because he built his core audience, catered to them for years and they followed him and bought into his success with their money and support.

He used the money he made to build a better infrastructure to keep his machine moving and never stopped.

Instead of asking for Hollywood for help, he continued to work and grind and made his own Hollywood.

He studied the craft and business, used what he learned and implemented it in his business practices.

He's also very creative and has a great mind for creativity. That creativity and the means to create and actually produce a product will make you very successful.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because he built his core audience, catered to them for years and they followed him and bought into his success with their money and support.

He used the money he made to build a better infrastructure to keep his machine moving and never stopped.

Instead of asking for Hollywood for help, he continued to work and grind and made his own Hollywood.

He studied the craft and business, used what he learned and implemented it in his business practices.

He's also very creative and has a great mind for creativity. That creativity and the means to create and actually produce a product will make you very successful.
and instead of black hollywood TEAMING UP with him they'd rather make fun of him and play in the white man's yard because his grass is greener...:smh::smh: