Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor






Wo Fat is doing them a favor :roflmao2:


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Man, can we please halt the butter biscuits disrespect? It’s troubling how we associate that with coons and sambos. I had a butter biscuit this morning with grape jelly. Yall not going to make me feel ashamed. :lol:

It's not about loving butter biscuits.

It's about what you're WILLING TO DO for some goddamn butter biscuits.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
lemme ask you something
peep this - we all know this shit with rittenhouse

heres how the day started






how the day ended

now that said re- read Trumps post


something should leap out to you ....

who did Trump murder?

like seriously?/ im telling you this dude tells on himself ALL the time- - why would you say someone" murdered more people than you.." especially if you never murdered anybody??

who says such a thing

and why would you say that you supported a guy who you think murdered people ????


can someone PLEASE point this out to the media... an ask Trump

just how many more people did Rittenhouse murder)( ....than the one guy he killed) than you Donald Trump?

(cough )ex wife buried on the golf course ivanna ( cough )

That’s a fake Trump account, he didn’t say that


Rising Star
Platinum Member


ADOS Leadership, White Supremacists, and the Black Vote​

The ADOS movement was founded in 2016 by Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore. The pair have a thriving Youtube and Twitter following. Moore is a lawyer and Carnell served as a congressional aide before gaining popularity on Boyce Watkins’ YourBlackWorld.net. Antonio Moore authored several articles on NewsMax, a right-wing leaning news site.

Additionally, ADOS co-founder, Yvette Carnell served on the board of Progressives for Immigration Reform (PFIR), a fake progressive/front organization linked to white nativist, supremacist and eugenics supporter John Tanton, who sought to limit Black and Brown immigrants in the U.S. (Lee, 2014/SPLC, 2010)

A report by the Southern Poverty Law Center, titled “Greenwash: Nativists, Environmentalism and the Hypocrisy of Hate,” states:

A quarter of a century ago, John Tanton, a white nationalist who would go on to almost single-handedly construct the contemporary, hard-line anti-immigration movement, wrote about his secret desire to bring the Sierra Club, the nation’s largest environmental organization, into the nativist fold. He spelled out his motive clearly: Using an organization perceived by the public as part of the liberal left would insulate nativists from charges of racism — charges that, given the explicitly pro-“European-American” advocacy of Tanton and many of his allies over the years, would likely otherwise stick.

It continues:

Now, the greenwashers are back. In the last few years, right-wing groups have paid to run expensive advertisements in liberal publications that explicitly call on environmentalists and other “progressives” to join their anti-immigration cause. They’ve created an organization called Progressives for Immigration Reform that purports to represent liberals who believe immigration must be radically curtailed in order to preserve the American environment. They’ve constructed websites accusing immigrants of being responsible for urban sprawl, traffic congestion, overconsumption and a host of other environmental evils. Time and again, they have suggested that immigration is the most important issue for conservationists. (SPLC, 2010).

The ADOS movement appears to borrow from the strategy of Tanton’s covert white supremacist based initiatives. Through an identity-based framework, ADOS is trying to increase friction between African American and Black immigrant communities – thereby increasing support for anti-immigration initiatives that will largely affect Black immigrants. With fewer Black immigrants in America, their movement could stall a Black and Brown majority population in the U.S. for an additional few years – this is a major goal of white supremacists. And this goal is tied to how African Americans see themselves in terms of identity, which is why ADOS leaders try to get their followers to disconnect from Pan Africanism and African heritage.

Some ADOS members are even suggesting that we do away with the terms “Black American” or “African American” and use “ADOS” exclusively. This is just as dangerous as voter suppression and disinformation campaigns because language and ideology have a longer-lasting effect. If ADOS leaders can make Black Americans rethink their identity as people of African descent and ingrain ADOS’s American nativist sentiments in the national narrative, their ideology will still dictate African American sentiment towards Black immigrants and policies directed towards the Black community – beyond 2020.

A recent PFIR newsletter stated:

The ranks of the disfranchised are large and growing each year. In the last three years, the American Descendants of Slaves or ADOS movement, a movement that understands the impact unbridled immigration has had on our country’s most vulnerable workers, has grown to a size where it has real political clout. Given that if less than 90% of black voters who vote do not vote for a Democratic presidential candidate, the Republican candidate will win. Add to this the growth of black conservative groups such as Urban Game Changers that have coalesced around the topic of immigration, and it is conceivable the White House will be out of reach of any political party that does not prioritize restricting immigration. (PFIR, 2019).

PFIR believes that ADOS could help fulfill its mission and makes its intentions of fracturing the Black vote with their anti-immigrant campaign very clear. Thus, they celebrate ADOS’s contribution to their goals.



Rising Star
Platinum Member

No no no no she’s Indian!!!!!!

"But but but but but she's a Hindu Indian that likes samosa snacks!!!"

"I heard from Ray Skittles who heard from Jo-Jo who heard from his girl, bae-bae that Cop-mala arrested over 1M black people for weed!!"

This coon filmed Black people waiting in line for a driver’s license in Florida and called them illegals and blames it on Kamala lmao.

They are so desperate

This that airplane coon

Yep, the same one that almost got a pet on the head from an older White crowd boarding a plane, commending him for his Trump T-shirt. He's still struggling to find his manufactured viral moment.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member

If voting mattered, Andy would be by choice for VP. It wouldn't be the sadistic Jew with a sneaky hatred of public schools. Then again you have the democratic nominee trying to muster political support for republican immigration policies. American politics is depraved like in the scene in Scream where the killers took turns stabbing each other.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Sounds like a polished politician that knows exactly what to say and how to say it.

Btw, I don’t mean that in the most flattering way. Wouldn’t touch that snake oil salesmen with a pole.
Kentucky political royalty. Imagine Bob Casey but actually useful.

And his opponent was a black man.
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